Just as Putin paid to put Russian loyalists in key political offices in Ukraine - Just how Trump helped them by removing the ethical US Ambassador to Ukraine because she was in “getting in the way.” The plan has been in place for decades.
Funny but it misses the point entirely. Trump was the mere puppet. The evil puppetmaster sat next to him. And even Vance is but a puppet of Thiel, the man setting out to destroy democracy worldwide and replace it with a coalition of dictators and likeminded billionairs
For all the world to see. As Zelensky personified the ideals we like to think of as American, he exposed for all the world to see: the treasonous cowardly groveling to Russia by Trump, Vance and Rubio. The US must rid itself of these fascists.
He got clowned and thrown out begging for help. Embarrassing lmfao 😂. Now he's getting impeached this is hilarious. His own people think he's an embarrassment. Hopefully he calms down and decides he wants peace instead of whining the free checks aren't coming anymore!
Reminds me of a sentiment of my youth: “he looked so small that he could sit on a sheet of paper and dangle his legs.” A petty and vindictive man who has to have been born of the devil.
If Trump was the president of Ukraine, Ukraine would have long been annexed by Russia, because on the first day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Trump would have fled into exile, or surrendered to Putin and ceded territory.
Trump, Vance and a bunch of sycophants are so shameless. They mocked a hero. Trump also said that Zelensky became a hero because of him. The aid to Ukraine was provided by the Biden administration. What does it have to do with you, Trump?
Zelensky owned dRump! Stared evil straight in the eye, and shrunk him in size. Zelensky showed extreme composure, restraint as dRump tried to school him. Zelensky is a hero. dRump's a ZERO!
I stand with Zelensky and Ukraine.
I’m pretty sure they had the Felon and his mini-me’s mics turned up louder than Zelensky’s too just so they could act self righteous and pompous and talk over him.
Notice that dump repeats every statement. He has to say it twice because he thinks ….. very …..slowly.
That meeting was sickening. Absolutely the worst. That shitstain usa president just outright misbehaved as if this was a family dinner at his own home. By historical standard, noone in the future will need to google worst usa president of all time anymore. Not a president with that kind of behavior.
The dinner from hell ( had a few with my stepmother, whose own birth family didn’t like her) where others join the main attacker/critic or stay quiet. Zelenskyy was not talking in his native tongue but Trump and the atrocious Vance piled on like school bullies whilst Rubio sat like a prize idiot.
It is unutterably disgusting 🤮 how the TYRANT TRUMP treated President Zelenskyy today. Tyrant Trump will burn in the fires of HELL along with his yapping dog Jack Daniels VANCE.
Time for Europe to hand over the frozen Russian billions to Ukraine. So they can purchase arms from Canada, Australia, South Korea, Europe, Japan. Not one bullet from US defense companies that worked hard to put Trump in office. NOT ONE BULLET! 🇺🇦💪🏻🇺🇦💙🇺🇦
He tried and made himself look like a complete asshole. Basis of communication issues one person speaks and the other listens. Then the other speaks, and the first person listens. You do not as a grown up with even a hint of emotional intelligence shout over the person speaking.
Ohhh this is hilarious! Hahahah! President Zelenskyy, please come home to Europe where you belong. This fool only wants to betray you and plunder your country! Follow me, everyone, so the world hears the truth!
That’s right Zelenskyy is a real stand up guy a great man trump is a small petty little boy bent on retribution over his impeachment of which he has his own corruption to blame
Exactly. I have no words except today made me sick to my stomach and humiliated to be part of this country. This pea brained orange m0r0n with the vocabulary of a 3 year old threatening WW3 and "this will make good tv" is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
Exactly! I was appalled, I wanted to run in there and tell him to shut up. I felt humiliated for our country and sad that he treated Zelensky the way he did. There was no reason for it. Lump acted like a rabid dog.
He would never act like that with his dear leader, Putin. Dumpy is too afraid. He has never ever said a bad word about Putin. This so-called POTUS is a Putin Obsessed Traitor to the United States! Disgusting!
I was embarrassed. I swear if that would have been me getting ambushed like that I swear I would have taken him as a threat. Throw the first punch. Don’t wait until you get your teeth knocked out.
And Trump should no longer have his freedom, but somehow he was voted into office instead tossed into a jail cell. What a danger and embarrassment he is.
I couldn’t watch it at a certain point…and now I want to either cry or apologize to the world, and say this isn’t how a lot of us feel. He doesn’t speak for all of us.
It can end in ww3 and that comment was to deescalate. Most you left wingers depressed long covid weak and unemployed and dare judge real men. Ha ha. Back to your pegging. MAGA
You calling out grammar with your texts? Typical left wing hypocrite. She/her/twat. Let’s just finish this. Job and income. Let’s see if you have any right to communicate with me ?
we are finished! Russian assets through and through! The set up today was obvious! Double teaming Zelensky.attacking his wardrobe; abeit Musks! Rubio sitting on his hands! They planned this! It was disrespectful, belligerent, classless, shameful! And an enormous embarrassment!
Unbelievable that so many republicans place the blame on President Zelensky, when Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed territory of a sovereign state, Ukraine. Plus Trump and Vance treated Zelensky abominably.
The Orange-One and his Igor-Vance are trash! They do not deserve to share a room with a real hero like Zelensky! It was an utterly disgusting performance!! 🤬
All wars end in diplomacy. Trump is right to try rather than the weak democrats. You allowed an insane president and incompetent vice president to rule open borders. You mugs
As I’m sure you know that’s just not true. The last time a fascist power tried to take over Europe the war ended with total victory for democracy. No diplomacy was involved.
PROVES VOTING ANOMALIES (tampering) in 2024 Presidential Election Pattern discovered across several states. #USA
SEE👇 GO to 39:33 min.s in video w/ reputable Nathan Taylor @ Election Truth Alliance. Algorithm interference. DEMAND INVENTIGATION! https://www.youtube.com/live/fTlpxsT3vW0?si=hTAB2I0LthJNAsn4
He is out of touch. Trump has very little understanding of his surroundings. He is tuned out. Like grandpa who fades in and out of the conversation, barely coherent.
Splitting hairs but the whole alpha thing is bunk.
A woman author, the best part, realized with entry level writing, tops, and lots of fawning over tender widdle "alpha" egos she wouldn't need to use or do any research to make a mint on a book as long as the book was a class in pandering.
Jus sayin
People are being killed, maimed, raped, kidnapped, tortured in his country & he has to sit there & listen to an filthy old man, a piece of low class trash, a toxic controlling spoiled narcissist bully berate him because the baby's feelings are hurt that he's not being adored. FU Trump!
Get out & March. Your country is undergoing a coup by a Russian sympathizer bent on destroying your country. A flag won’t get the traitor out. You all need to March.
During the Arab Spring, people marched every night. Everyone hit the streets every night after work. Not for just one day. It was every day until the regime stepped down. Everyone who was against the dictator marched every night in every city until everything shut down. That’s the way to force 🦧out
Not for Ukraine. For the USA. That is, if you’re not happy with the orange Don in charge. The Ukrainians have a wonderful leader who everyone can admire & respect.
It will grow. A trickle will become a River and then a flood. It must happen in Washington DC & New York City & busy urban centres of capitalism. The people of America run the country, not the politicians. Those fat cats have to be reminded of that.
Because t's thugs aren't going to let them be free of violence, and short sighted politicians, who want nothing more than to be reelected, don't want to be questioned as to them being part of a violent movement.
He is not one of the manchild’s groveling cabinet lemmings.
He is a true “warfighter”.
The two Russian assets tried to show dominance, make him grovel and thought they could take advantage, showing greed vs empathy. The world saw how weak and disgusting they are as the Kremlin smiled.
Exactly! For all of Trump's posturing, leaning over, pointing at Zelensky, and talking AT him not TO him, Zelensky remained unflappable and resolute. Allowing the toddler to get his tantrum out of his system. No one on Trump's team would have stood as firm as Zelensky
This military household is absolutely appalled. My Marine says Vance is not a real Marine, and never will be. Despite our tax dollars sending him to all the fancy schools. Yeah, he's pissed.
When someone has beady, deep set, narrowly spaced eyes like that, don't you suppose that their view of the world is skewed? Limited? Abnormal?And that it affects their brain? Their perception is off? Making them paranoid? Or it could just be he's so ugly he reacts by hating the world.
My Grandfather served in the Battle of the Bulge. A prisoner of war, he lived through unspoken atrocities and barely weighed 85 lbs upon return. Today, I watched horrified, as a band of Russian assets tossed decades worth of diplomacy and my Grandfathers respect from the world away. Shameful.
How are we going to deal with this Adam? Are groups/states/leaders consulting about how we are going to go around or hamstring or destroy this before it literally destroys the world??
He’s always the bigger man! OMG watching that—I just couldn’t! It just shows us the bald truth that Trump and Vance are nothing but lying bullies. It was SO FUCKING gross. When Vance was all like, “Have you even said Thank You?!?
I can't bring myself to support betraying Ukraine, siding with Russia and North Korea, abandoning leadership of the free world...I oppose the United States? How the fuck did that happen?
Trump showed how weak he is. He was losing his temper and angry that President Zelensky didn’t grovel at his feet. It is disgusting how trump treated him. Zelensky was definitely showing strength and was the adult in the room.
I’ve thought on this. It comes back to the very beginning. Putin has a Pee-Pee tape and such on the Goon Trump. The Goon only thinks of that embarrassing thing. The one of a million things that prove, HE’s A TRUE GOON.
Hmm... I believe democratic US citizens need to stand up for themselves now.
The more they allow the dictator in Kremlin to run the white house, the less they'll be able to fight back later.
This is it.
Ukraine need to keep trump and his band of MAGTARD idiots away from ANY negotiations.The EU will help Ukraine take this thing across the finish line...PUTIN IS TERRIFIED AND TRUMP IS SHITTING HIS PANTS .. AGAIN
Trump once said he couldnt understand why soldiers signed up to die for their country. He again brought up WWIII - clearly, he'd rather split the world up in 'spheres on influence' than confront the likes of China & Russia. Taiwanese must'av taken note today, as did China,
of All his tough posturing
Trump assumed his role in THE APPRENTICE: Either you give in to what I expect you to do or you are out! Shameful and not befitting an American president! He didn‘t expect Selenskyy to make his rightful cause!
Today Lockeed Martin’s F35 factories inTexas and Florida lost billions of dollars in future NATO member orders. For those who understand defence economics, it’s well known that the producer country derives benefits from exports that lower the per unit cost for their own military. So winning and…
Defence procurement is deeply dependent on TRUST and reliability of both the manufacturer AND the nation that has control over end use certificates etc. The current US regime has broken the following international agreements in the 1st month:
- USMCA - Canada & Mexico
- Budapest Agreement -Ukraine
The presidential signature on any congressionally approved legal agreement is no longer trusted by the rest of the industrialized world. MAGA just shit the bed for huge parts of the American economy for decades - assuming the US doesn’t join the USSR as an extinct county.
A reporter asked why he didn't wear a suit to respect the office. Why not ask Musk the same thing who never wears one when, he's at the WH high on Ketamine.
It's time for the military to arrest Trump. There's ample evidence that he's violated his oath of office. Trump will not be constrained by Republicans or the courts. All enemies foreign or domestic. The military is the last back stop. U.S. military must step in. It's time.
MAGA is right about one thing: Tmp is a businessman. He sold America to Elon Mk and wants to give visas to rich criminals from around the world. Now, he's selling Gaza, Ukraine, and possibly Europe.
I suppose, out of trillions, there's maybe one universe where Trump's actually a cool guy who gives money to schools & research, is good friends w/Zelenskyy, NATO bitch slaps Russia, economy/social programs soaring and he's a YUGE hero with a 2.8 handicap.
As soon as the intelligence say we may be hit he gone, he's not waiting for the attack.
That's if there's any intelligence left after muskrat finishes firing everybody.
Why the fuck is wearing eyeliner an insult you threw in there? So fucking stupid. People can wear what they fucking want. Amazing men with incredible morals wear eyeliner regularly. It has jack shit to do with anything. I think less of people who post shit like this.
That was hard to watch. What a total shit show this administration is. Any respect the rest of the world has for America is going away, and rightfully so.
It's all gone.
If we get to have another election, the new administration won't be able to get that trust back. Not for years and probably not for decades.
The USA are the baddies now. We're the baddies.
If u can watch🤢🤮 the DEBACLE of Trump & Vance’s 👺☠️🇷🇺Putin-scripted🤥☄️AMBUSH of Ukraine’s HEROIC leader Zalenskyy, keep in mind their Russian-style PROJECTIONS:
🤥”You disrespected America…never thanked us.”
🤥”You’re down to conscripts…your front lines are weakening!”
🤥”You want to start World War III‼️”
I cannot believe a "journalist" thought a good question to ask was why Zelinsky didn't wear a suit. What an asinine question. Something a child would ask.
Trump told him to ask that, I’m sure, to immediately humiliate him! In one of many Trump bios I read, Trump was in his limo and stopped to pick up Eric for an outing. Eric came out casually dressed, & got in. Trump made him go back & change to a suit. Although he was an adult, he cowered & did it!
Whole thing was a set up. Trump wanted to cosplay at being a tough guy. That flaccid, amorphous blob recognises Zelenskyy's alpha credentials so thought it would make him look tough to patronise and insult him to try and assert dominance. His knuckle-dragging neanderthal supporters love this shit.
It was set up. The tame journo was told to ask that question, it was only ever about humiliating Zeliinsky in front of the Russian tv cameras. It failed. The whole thing was a set up, the idiot president and his attack dog ambushed and mugged Zelinsky. It will come back to haunt them.
It certainly was childish & the moment the bald man with the sky blue suit asks Zelensskyy why doesn't he wear a suit and Vance is grinning from ear to ear & nodding.
What a setup that was attacking Zelensskyy for their personal gain.
Vance saying Zelensskyy runs propoganda tours in Ukraine.
They fight dirty, thru organized crime tactics and violence. We must see the big picture, what their end game is, and how to get ahead of it.
None of this'll end peacefully, and it will get Nazi.
Prepare you & yours.
He and Trump disagree but stay cool.
Then Vance pounces and accuses Zelenskyy of not saying thank you and disrespecting the president.
What? When? Never happened.
Vance pounced, and Trump never let up after that. It was over.
I stand with Zelensky and Ukraine.
Notice that dump repeats every statement. He has to say it twice because he thinks ….. very …..slowly.
Russia has already attacked UK with a chemical weapon (Salisbury). Putin's assassins are roaming Europe freely. Sabotage in Baltic Sea and Germany.
Let's get those assets in Ukraine's hands now!
Stand With Ukraine.
Slava Ukraini.🇺🇦🔱
80 years of American geopolitical effort abandoned.
a people fighting for their freedom, abandoned by the people who take their own freedom for granted.
God help us all.
pants pissing coward.
and the other kisses Putin's behind every day
Nice attempt though.
& friends..
Lil levity...?
SEE👇 GO to 39:33 min.s in video w/ reputable Nathan Taylor @ Election Truth Alliance. Algorithm interference. DEMAND INVENTIGATION!
A woman author, the best part, realized with entry level writing, tops, and lots of fawning over tender widdle "alpha" egos she wouldn't need to use or do any research to make a mint on a book as long as the book was a class in pandering.
Jus sayin
Slava Ukraini.
A Hero
and a
We are in a de facto state of war with Russia.
As brazen and outlandish as it may seem, Putin has installed Trump, the asset, into our highest office.
There can be no delusion about this. It is happening now.
Once this is realized everything makes sense.
Wake up!
Trump demanded the same level of bowing, snivelling, & scraping from Zelensky that TRUMP shows towards Putin.
And it didn't happen because Zelenskyy is not a coward like Trump is. Putin will NEVER own Z like he owns Trump & he knows it
He is a true “warfighter”.
The two Russian assets tried to show dominance, make him grovel and thought they could take advantage, showing greed vs empathy. The world saw how weak and disgusting they are as the Kremlin smiled.
(Return if Possible) and rid the Nazi’s from America!!
My Dad and Uncle’s and Cousins were in WW2. ❤️🙏
a disgrace for the people of the usa
This isn’t right. I fucking HATE this.
The more they allow the dictator in Kremlin to run the white house, the less they'll be able to fight back later.
This is it.
For a decent person.
He has shown the world he is Putin’s puppet.
When will the MAGAt cult see him for the vile excuse for a human being he is.
He has no honour among men.
of All his tough posturing
Aren't the American people tired of this toddler running our country yet?!
- USMCA - Canada & Mexico
- Budapest Agreement -Ukraine
Donald Trump has been working for Putin as soon as he became President.
Trump has been on the phone planning this for the last four years with Putin.
This was ALWAYS the plan. This has been decades in the making.
"Huh? How?"
"No class."
"Huh? How?"
"No glass."
I suppose, out of trillions, there's maybe one universe where Trump's actually a cool guy who gives money to schools & research, is good friends w/Zelenskyy, NATO bitch slaps Russia, economy/social programs soaring and he's a YUGE hero with a 2.8 handicap.
Which is most of the time.
It was on full view today at his meeting with Zelenskyy.
That's if there's any intelligence left after muskrat finishes firing everybody.
Doral still has bedbugs
If we get to have another election, the new administration won't be able to get that trust back. Not for years and probably not for decades.
The USA are the baddies now. We're the baddies.
🤥”You disrespected America…never thanked us.”
🤥”You’re down to conscripts…your front lines are weakening!”
🤥”You want to start World War III‼️”
What a setup that was attacking Zelensskyy for their personal gain.
Vance saying Zelensskyy runs propoganda tours in Ukraine.