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Reasoned discussion is critical; exchange of ideas is essential — concerned for our future as the worst impulses are validated & become “acceptable”.
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Agreed✔️ But neither does Ford speak for CDN — the Fed gov’t speaks for CDN. Smith/Ford are racing to the mic to show “leadership”; should be working with Fed’s to present a united front. They’re fracturing our response & doing the “divide” in divide & conquer for Trump. Meanwhile, Trump laughs.
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I don’t know🤦🏻‍♂️ I honestly don’t know! I appreciate that the “wheels of justice” grind slowly, & yes, this case is unprecedented so it needed to be flawless. But… 4 years!! FOUR years??😵‍💫
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No, not at all! Not required to do anything more than think… & show some “empathy” for yourself — how do you respond to being called names & sworn at? How does pouring fuel on a fire put it out? Good job contributing to the partisan divide where we cannot disagree without invectives✔️
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Stalking and shooting someone in the back!? No problem!✔️🙃😵‍💫
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Grievance identified! Grievance responded to! & they cheer for murder, justifying it in the name of those who died because they were denied benefits. In no way do I support the scam that private insurance can be, but that IS privatization! That’s America. Can’t make $ giving $ away!
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🤪 I grew up on a farm, hand-picking tomatoes!😵‍💫 My father constantly advertised for workers. Who responded? …well, let’s just say it was only the immigrants who stayed the day & came back the next. Someone said he’s willing to pay 5c more for lettuce🤦🏻‍♂️ — good luck finding lettuce at any price!
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Ok. Deporting the Undocumented — don’t agree, but see the short-sighted “logic” of being in the US illegally. Cannot grasp the point of revoking birth-right citizenship, guaranteed by 14-A! Only guess is that it’s a bargaining chip he’s willing to cede to make other deportations less draconian.
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Leaving Syria without an airforce — and Russia without those Mig’s to ship back to RUS for the UKR war. …also, a lot of $$$$ tied-up and lost in those MiG squadrons — not easily replaced with RUS’s economy the way it is.
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2/3 of CA farm workers are undocumented, doing the “menial” work “real Americans” shun for min/less than min wage. 5% of US workforce is undocumented. Unemployment ~4%. WHO is going to do the work?! Repubs! Emotion-based policy determined by decibels of applause by those who can’t think ahead🤷🏻‍♂️