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Says a man with fake unrecognized elections. ruzzia is illegitimate on all levels because people from Crimea and now occupied territories participate in ruzzian elections. So, starting in 2014, they illegitimate on all levels and have international unrecognized borders)
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100% who cares ) they on purpose amplify this. Who cares about the opinion of the country leader with economy size of the shopping mall in Ukrainian village
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They are nobodies in their own country. Nobodies in the west. They are against taking ruzzia to account for all the crimes it commited. Because they have a dream to return to ruzzia and be ellected. And right now trying to exploit war for their own benefits with views.
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They are not experts. They are ruzzianz. Just another side of the same genocidal, inhumane, murderous medal. Same ruzzianz, started wars in Transistria, Chechnya, etc. There is only one good form of good ruzzianz
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Literally we on the front door care. Minerals, or whatever they want. We need constant stable predictable flow of ammunition and equipment. So whatever it takes
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Or maybe because "poor" people are robbing with guns), why hate someone? It's just safety. That is why more than 3M people in SA in such gated communities
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Certain group which starting to build and hide inside gated communities from the late 80s through the 90s) why did they do that?
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South Africa Space & Missle programs were abandoned in the 90s. Nuclear weapons were dismantled in 1991, and a bunch of other scientific programs were abandoned or scaled down. Gated communities start to emerge in the late 80s and through 90s) people are beautiful))
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From country with space, missle, and nuclear programs to gated communities, great)
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Unfortunately, Chinese and russians have done this a lot of times in the past and will do in the future. Especially when they still have relatives inside these countries, risks are skyrocketing
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So it's safe for a certain group of people to live in Sounth Africa, run business? They don't need to live in communities surrounded by big fences with additional guard? Everyone from a certain group can come and feel safe in Johannesburg?)
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ruzzia will never ever agree to this, unfortunately wishful thinking which started from Macrons idea. Give us our nukes back, and f**k off with all the talking. We will finish with ruzzianz by ourselves
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Yep) if there will be pipelines))) But anyway, Europe lost moral values. I personally, as ukrainian, don't want to be a part of it anymore. Can't imagine Ukraine part of the union with Hungary and Slovakia, for example) I will kill someone amd be in jail)
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They simply want Ukrainians not to feel safe nowhere in the country. It's a terror when you can die in bed in your house, like 10 people in Poltava, or in a shopping mall, or in the hotel. They think that we will be more ready for capitulation because of this. Also, they will not face responsibility
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So Europeans must obey to them and have a responsibility for violations, and everyone else and ruzzianz especially do whatever they want. Without ruzzia, military defeat, and occupation, you will not be able to force responsibility for their violation. Without responsibility, they continue
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It was very long ago) in ww2 whole Europe basically fell in hands of Nazis, except England and Ukraine) Right now, surveys show that a tiny fraction of the population is willing to fight if the war begins. Life is too valuable in modern societies and ruzzianz exploiting this vulnerability
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100%. they have guilt complex for ruzzianz because of WW2. They destroyed Ukraine on the way to ruzzia for the first time and the second time when they fell back. But somehow, they have guilt complex because they were in 30km from Moscow, touching the ruzzia mainland a little bit. Clowns
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This conversation is irrelevant) not very long for all of us to wait, how this will end. I'm at war starting from 2017, so many deaths, so many ruins. You will not understand me, I will not understand you. And I'm a bot, Trump supporter, ungrateful Ukrainian.
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That's why you deleting the messages) poor thing... ungrateful ukrainian military, how it can be)))))
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We need to appreciate it?) retard I'm very sorry that probably I will be in the coffin by that time when we fall, ruzzianz will invade Czechia again, will loot your home and fuck every single female from your family. You must be thankful to silly Ukrainians who fight this war in these circumstances
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Too late, too little, with all the restrictions in place) Forcing us to fight with one hand behind our back, because if we stop, fight will be endless Mariupol. Man, really)
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They don't care about this population centers and how much people will die in this event. And I personally believe that without us, they didn't have many operating nukes) anyway, this will not deter them from attacking Estonia, for example, and while bureaucracy will decide what to do, maybe Poland
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I can't distinguish Europeans and Americans in terms of basic values. ruzzianz just obey and try to dominate, killing millions on the way. China lost all wars, but we will see what will happen in the future. Hopefully, they see that with enough will, results can be not as expected)
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Hope you are right. We thought in the beginning that secretly you rearming and rebuilding, maybe you are doing this hiding this from us and not sending us enough amount even old equipment. There are no questions to Denmark, but nations with big industrial capacity. Anyway, see you on the other side
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Hope you are right about this. In Afganistan at peak levels US was around 100,000 and Europe combined 30,000. You really didn't have enough capacity even in 2020, and the peak was in the 2010s. France doesn't have enough warheads to deter ruzzia, without US it's irrelevant for them
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I know men. I know. We can thank only ourselves. For giving away even tactical nukes in exchange for toilet paper. For disarming ourselves during 30 years, for corruption, for cheap ruzzian gas. War is just consequences of these actions. Even if they nuke us, we still kill as much as we can.
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If you are from Denmark. We are very much appreciated for your help and support. You gave us all you have in the military. And bought a tremendous amount of new equipment. But overall, Europe is a mess, and probably you need Trump to shake you a little bit. If ruzzianz are not enough for you)))
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And tremendous cost for us. We are doing too much with too little, like in the beginning of 2022. Western equipment in tiny quantities starts to deliver only in June 2022. And you get used to it. But all this looks not so funny with an underequipped unit with 100 men against 3000
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And you continue to assess ruzzianz using logic. They don't give a f**k. They continue to attack Afganistan after they retreat from it until 1992) even after the ussr collapse. They attacked Transistria, Chechnya, having huge economic problems. They are animals, which you still don't understand
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You really want to know how underequipped my unit?) And really want to start a discussion about man power and how to fight against the nation that doesn't give a f**k about casualties?) We don't have a choice, freedom or die, like in Mariupol. But you have, you can help us enough or not.
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We here in Ukraine are sick and tired of this hypocrisy. We know that there will be no increase in help, and when we will simply die, and ruzzianz will be on your doorstep again, you will remember how you didn't help Ukrainians enough while you could. Want to know how underequipped my unit?)
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Which Europe? With Poles who are after opening the borders for our refugees initially. Then, blocked the borders. Or with Germans who send us bulletproof vests in the beginning and blocked every possible weapon in 22-23-24? Or maybe Hungarians and Slovaks?
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Again) I'm on the front line) ruzzianz positions in front of me) they are advancing and we are retreating. Equipment lost in our sector 1 to 20, in our favor. All this news is really great in front of a computer in Europe.
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Babe, I'm on the front line) in Ukraine) we retreated from the original position during last year on 10km. They are not advancing fast enough, but we are retreating. They lost 20,000+ in military equipment, but still, you too afraid of them to give us proper help in needed quantities
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Very convenient, label me as a bot) I'm ukrainian and a 100% right tell you from the front line what I'm thinking about this crap. Because I see the results with my own eyes
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Again, logic) they as nation don't give a f**k) like soldiers on wheel chairs shooting videos that they are send to frontline without recovery, and still going there. Or soldiers in handcuffs. Until they will literally have no food like before ussr collapse, they will continue)
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US can't force free nations with strongest armies do shit) you were happy to do this and funel money to social and infrastructure. People in the 70-80s didn't have anything near you have now) it was very convenient, ussr collapse, nothing to worry about)
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You were totally happy with this, funneling money from security to social and infrastructure programs) your money your choice.
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famous European rearment) can't reopen storm shadow production for 3 years, etc. It's your money and your choice) the results will be on your doorstep when we fall. You will have the ability to test your will to fight. Sorry, I will not see how many Europeans will fight for Riga and Talin)))
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You continue to think about ruzzian using logic) ruzzianz don't give a f**k) They will cut out medicine, education, and every single social program, but for war, they will deliver money. All they can do obey to superior and spread chaos)
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After 10 years of war on the European continent. Very wise thought) you are not capable in this, competence is lost, hopefully bot forever. Social heaven, which you build after collapse, was only because you didn't spend on the military)
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When all the burden for security lies on the US, which gives the ability for European countries to develop social heaven. In this particular, he is right. This must be done since 2014. Less refugees payments, a little bit less comfort, but better security.
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Nahh, you afraid ruzzian nukes) unfortunately we will never be in NATO) you simply tricked us to gave away our nukes, tactical and strategic ones, so you can feel comfort) and now in comfort you are watching how we die everyday. The most fun part for you will begin after we fall.
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You Europeans are too afraid of ruzzia. Have too many refugees from different shitholes like syria and africa. And too get used to comfort life, with social benefits, achieved by completely giving away your security to the US. When we fall, your life will be full of surprises from ruzzianz)
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For us, it's not even frustrating anymore) will see you on the opposite side....
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Here in Ukraine. Especially on the front lines, we don't give a tiny f**k anymore) we will hold the line as long as we can. The rest will be written in the books. No money on NATO will save you in the future because in the comfort of modern Europe, you've lost your will to fight
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They are not even animals. We will kill as much as we can. The rest on you guys, the winter is coming
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Will be fun to watch when ruzzianz will f**k their wife's and loot their homes
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Honor. Respect.
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Like someone give a fk about Slovakia and what pm thinks. He didn't decide anything, and still didn't realize that the music was over and nobody was dancing last month )