Litigation Paralegal and social anarchist. Semi proficient cross-fitter. Former antagonist of MAGA from Twitter.
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So you want a party to buy you flowers and take you to dinner before you'll vote against a fascist with 34 felony convictions who is an adjudicated rapist? Seems like a weird flex but cool.
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Seems like she'll be sitting at home with a glass of wine and saying "I tried to help you idiots." And all y'all non voters and protest voters can enjoy watching Trump annex Palestine and build his shitty golf motels. We tried to warn everyone.
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I do. I hope they enjoy every bit of the next 4 years. They deserve all of it.
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Eat shit nazi.
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Lmao with your two followers
Keep voting for pedophile rapists. We see you.
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No, they're still there. I just reported and blocked them.
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In theory, great. In practice, not so much. Tax evasion and fraud are still crimes, and they seem to only want to prosecute non rich people.
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Hate to break it to you, but the US will always support Israel. We need them more than they need us,for intelligence and an ally in the middle east. That is never going to change.
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I mean, now they have someone that will not only kill their friends and family, but will push the rest of them out into the desert to starve. Trump and friends dont acknowledge Palestine even exists.
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He wasn't worried. It's the rest of us that were. Maybe the people that stayed home in.protest should have made decisions based on reality.
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Well, now it's going to hurt them. Seems like maybe they should have voted for the person that doesn't want to build hotels where Gaza used to be.
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You mean Trump lied? How could this happen?
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It's hilarious. Gross, but also hilarious.
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Why did you vote yes on HR495? You weren't elected to take our right to free speech and protest away.
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Bottom second from the left.
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Endowment of the arts.
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What is wrong with his face??
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Who didnt see that coming?
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Isn't she the secretary of education? Or is that Lauren Boebert?
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You mean the one where he is air dicking? Lol okay.
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Then why aren't they happy? They should be throwing a party in the streets & instead I see people being upset and wanting Biden to save them. The margin of loss is small enough that if even a fraction of people that stayed home had voted, she would have won. As long as they got what they wanted tho.
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They still are. They're also mad when you point out they got what they wanted in punishing Harris and they should be happy. What did they think would happen?
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And yet here you are, crying on the internet like a little bitch. I'm not the one that let the guy who wants to wipe out the entire populace of Palestine get elected because I'm too fucking stupid to understand how elections work. I'm happy for you that you got what you wanted.
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She did. Repeatedly. While also calling for a cease fire.
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Still trying to figure out why you all are so unhappy. Why are you not celebrating? You wanted to punish Harris. You didn't want her to win. She didn't win. This is what you wanted. Why are you mad about it?
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Did you vote for her? Did you do anything to get her elected? I mean, you knew there were two choices. It was going to be one of them no matter what. So if you weren't working to get her elected, then you must have been fine with a Trump presidency. Did you think you could sit out & she'd still win?
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You didn't vote for Harris, right? Your whole thing was punishing her for not doing what you wanted. Then who tf did you think would be elected when she lost? There's only two choices.
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But it's a binary choice. Either Trump or Harris. If you don't pick Harris, you get Trump. You all wanted Harris to lose, right? That means that Trump wins. So you punished Harris and she lost. There is no other possible outcome if she loses than Trump wins. Did you not know that?
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Nope. I voted for the person who repeatedly called for a ceasefire. Meanwhile you all sat and did nothing while an actual fascist dictator was elected. Seems like you all would be the ones watching the people being dragged away in Germany and wouldn't help because you were protesting Hitler.
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Yep, it was. But at least I didn't sit around doing nothing and let an actual fascist dictator get elected. I did everything I could to prevent what's coming. What did you do?
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How am I the nazi when you dipshits wanted Trump elected? And why are you all so mad? You got what you wanted. Harris lost. Why aren't you celebrating?
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Agreed. But Harris isn't Biden. And Trump will be worse for Palestine and for marginalized people here. So instead of someone that maybe we could have pushed, we got someone we can't push whose goal is the destruction of them and us. I guess the white men will be safe tho so there's that. I guess.
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I'm not the one that let Trump get elected. And I don't know why you're mad. This is what you wanted. You wanted Harris to lose. She lost. Now we all get to lose. I voted for Harris to protect marginalized people here because i know what's coming. None of this is on me.
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On the other hand, it's not like we didn't all know what Trump would do if he was elected. Some of us decided that protecting as many marginalized people here was worth the risk. Other people decided ... I don't know actually. To risk a Trump presidency, I guess.
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Why are you mad? You got what you wanted. You wanted Harris to lose. She lost. And really, y'all are the Republicans, you wanted Trump to get elected. This was your choice. Stop being upset, you should celebrate the win.
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Lol. I'm not the one that let the guy building g the camps get elected. That's you guys. I'm going to be over here volunteering and helping with the LGBTQIA programs in my state to help as much as I can.
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You're right, we all got it anyway. Harris wasn't perfect but she was better than Trump. Now we all get to pay.
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Speaking of racist, dipshit, interesting that you felt the need to point out that Harris is half Indian. I thought only the MAGA racists did that.
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Omg. You called me a name on the internet? How will I ever survive the horror? What are you, 5? Come on, I've seen actual kids do better than that.
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I'm not the one that sat around and let Trump be elected. Seems like you were the one supporting fascism. Eat a dick.
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Why are you fucks so stupid? Harris isn't the president dipshit. Go take a fucking civics class.
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Cool. Enjoy Trump then.
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Well now you have Trump. I am sure he's a better choice.
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That would be Biden. Not Harris. Weirdly, they are not the same person. And I just responded to your racism statement. Now you can go fuck off. You're boring and I am tired of you.
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And yes. I said they don't give a fuck about the country in which they live. What part of that is racist? Seriously y'all are just fucking ridiculous. No wonder nobody in power listened to you. Jfc.
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Omg please take a civics class. The VP has 3 jobs: tie breaker in the Senate; takes over as president if he becomes incapacitated; and certifies the election. They dont control money, that's the House. They dont set policy, that's the president. They don't serve in the UN or introduce legislation.
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I get it. Nothing would ever have been good enough. It doesn't matter now anyway, we got what we got. When it all goes to shit, just don't cry about it.