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México - 22 y/o
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Interest. Meā quidem in rē, in tabernā labōrō, et ūnus mihi diēs līber est: diēs Veneris. Meā quidem in rē, prō dolōre, nōn tempus habuī ad Latīnum studendum, sed cōnābor tempus invenīre. Nunc autem laetus sum, quod dīmidiās partēs textūs tuī sine auxiliō additiō intellegere potuī! :D
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Salvē! Ego valeō. Paululum occupātus fuī cum multis rēbus. Quid agis tū?
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Salve. Quid agitur?
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Salvē, Ricarde! Ita, meminī tē mihi dīxisse tē in Australiā habitāre... Ego tempus relaxāns agō, quid tū?
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Salve! Rectēne valuistī?
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Bene prōcessit. Grātiās.
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Grātiās tibi agō.
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Grātiās maximās tibi agō! Pelliculam vidēbō cum tempus habēbō.