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México - 22 y/o
27 posts 20 followers 9 following
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Putō linguam Nōrvegicam valdē pulchram sonāre, est in meō ēlencō linguārum quibus studēre volō!

Quid vōs putātis dē virīs comam longam habentibus? Ego putō id satis iucundum esse. Ad id tendō!

Vērum est, hōrārium meum vērē corrigere dēbeō...

Why hello there! Salve iterum!

Lætus Annus Novus! Sorry I can't stop by here more often; I've been quite busy. I hope I can catch up with you guys this year! Have a great one!

Hīs diēbus satis occupātus fuī. Idcūr nōn multum hīc activus fuī.

Quid novī?

Salvēte, populī BlueSkyæ!

Nubilosum est foris!

Promptus! There you go!

¡Hola! - Hello! - Ciao! - Salve! This is my personal BlueSky account, in which I'll watch stuff about: space, languages and among other things!

Videtur mē ultimum salūtem (quod Latīnē scripsī) male scrīpsisse, :(, propter aliquam causam, nescio cūr, accentum orthographicum cūiusmodī, quem ibi nōn esse dēbuit, addidī. Id iterum scrībam et corrigam!

Salve iterum!

The Heart Nebula

Hanc cāntīcam mihi placuit!

¡Hola! - Hello! - Ciao! - Salvē! This is my personal BlueSky account, in which I'll watch stuff about: space, languages and among other things!

Salvēn nōn dixī... Permittite mihi id facere...

Exāmen hodiē habeō, et valdē sollicitus sum!

Conabor hīc Latīnē scrībere! Monitio vōbīs!

It’s giving rainbows and unicorns, like a middle school binder 🦄🌈 Meet NGC 602, a young star cluster in the Small Magellanic Cloud, where astronomers using @NASAWebb have found candidates for the first brown dwarfs outside of our galaxy.