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Meanwhile, her equally extremist buddy No-show Shower is promoting automatic voter registration for hunters on Twitter. The deep, corrupt, self-serving hypocrisy on the far right is vile.
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This is what standing up to wrong-minded governance looks like.
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McCabe is a disgrace. It is shameful that he'd choose to run interference for a dishonest, untransparent governor instead of defending the people's right to know.
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McCabe would not be McCabe without racism and pomposity.
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Kelly Nash is a hyperpartisan pig. A couple years ago, during a local election season in which I was a vocal social media presence, she asked in a far-right Facebook forum if anyone knew if I had kids and what school they attend. She is the last person in AK who can whine about alleged "threats".
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What a good MAGA sheep McCabe is.
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These people are spineless idiots. What an embarrassment.
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The as-always tragically clueless #akleg Rep. Kevin J. McCabe of Big Lake could easily be the poster child for white entitlement.
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Thank you for posting this.
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Good thread. Any idea why McCabe and Tilton didn’t attend?
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Ivan deserves to be called out because for years he was critical of Ds and Is who voted strategically for Eastman without being supportive of his policies, insisting that they were really Nazi supporters. Total hypocrisy.
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Personally, I would write someone in. But I totally agree it is up to individual voters to decide what’s most important to them.
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Thanks for making it clear that taking responsibility for yourself is not part of your skill set. Please run along now and pester someone else, okay?
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Or Hillary Clinton.
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Here's an idea that a more honest, less asshole-ish person might latch on to: Try taking a little responsibility for yourself instead of making childish demands of others. If my posts are so troubling to you, use your block function.
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The only asshole in this exchange is the guy who obsessively and despicably tries to play the victim because he's incapable of honest discussion.
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Sure, Ivan. Get back to me when I support a book-banner then try to squirm out of it by claiming I don't really support her.
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Pretty sure I requested the same from your dishonest ass a couple dozen of your truth-avoiding posts ago.
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Okay, thanks. I figured most of this was simple attention-seeking. I appreciate you confirming it.
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Try a little honesty first. It would reflect better on your character. Once again, for the 5th time, what part of "I don't support Nazis or book-banners" is so fucking difficult for you to grasp? Must be your own moral ambiguity that makes you choose endless desperate verbal gymnastics instead.
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So you're saying it's possible to support a person without supporting their policies. Have I got that right? If that's the case, then do you think you owe an apology to Dave Musgrave and other Ds who pushed Eastman's candidacy for reasons that had nothing to do with supporting a Nazi?
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Once again, as you know, that is not the point. But I get that you need to keep erecting your dishonest strawmen because you have nothing else to lean on. Serious question: Are you not getting enough attention at home?
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Great. More semantic smokescreens. This is just more proof of your BS moral inconsistency. If you don't want to be thought of as supporting book-banning, it's probably better to not support someone who is a book-banner.
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Pretending to be dense does nothing to bolster your credibility. Neither does continuing to ask an obviously idiotic question. What part of "I do not support book-banning or Nazis" is so fucking difficult for you to understand?
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You realize that's just another way of stating my original point, right? Only one of us supported a book-banner, and it wasn't me. Why would you waste so much time trying to argue otherwise?
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More projection. Pointing out the truth - that you supported a book-banner - does not make me a half-cocked asshole. A half-cocked asshole would be if I kept throwing strawman arguments at you, or kept trying to dishonestly mischaracterize your position. You know, like you keep doing.
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For someone who claims to not be a "big fan", you sure sound like one. What's also a fact - a fact that I can't stomach but you can - is that she's a book-banner whose reckless school board governance led directly to four expensive lawsuits that people like me - not you - now have to pay for.
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I don't believe you're really this dense, Ivan.
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The only liar here is you. As I pointed out earlier, you actively touted her candidacy and gushed about her accessibility. You even encouraged others to call her. Pretty sure you even provided her phone number. But sure, you weren't a "big fan". Do you feel better now? Can you get on with your day?
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Once again, Ivan, that is your obviously dishonest spin. Also once again, for the fourth time, I was unwilling to support a Nazi AND a book-banner in the last election. You were not. I know that simple truth hurts your fragile feelings. But it doesn't change that it's still the truth.
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I have no interest in your ridiculous strawman arguments and baseless ad hominem nonsense. None of it changes that you supported a book-banner. But hey, you opposed a Nazi! Woohoo!! What a brave and righteous man you are. Are we good now? Or do you have more self-serving, truth-avoiding BS to spew?
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That may be what it means to some, Ivan. But opposing bad behavior in general is not an either-or proposition. Sorry this toddler-level lesson in moral consistency goes over your head.
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Deep breaths, Ivan. No one is asking you to back down from anything. The bottom line, for the 3d time, is that only one of us - me - did not support a Nazi or a book-banner in the last election. Not sure why someone who appears to be as bright as you could be so persistently dense about it.
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Correction. You're the one talking shit and dishonestly playing the race card. I'm the one pointing out truths that you don't like, which is why you revert like a scolded child to ad hominem nonsense. Good job. Maybe no one else will notice.
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Right. Because that's exactly, literally, what I've been doing, right? Your dishonesty and inability to own your position is pathetic, Hodes. Truly. Please, please run along now and go cry somewhere else.
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No, Ivan, it's not. It's the very definition of moral consistency. But I totally get your need to spin, however desperately. Your obsessive need for approval is really sad. Perhaps you should learn when it's better to just say nothing.
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Okay. I can tell my lack of approval of your moral ambiguity is bothersome. Maybe you should take a break and a deep breath and not worry so much what others think of you. If all you've got is repetition of playing the race card and dishonestly mischaracterizing my position, I'm not interested.
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No, Ivan. It could be that I have a life that entails more than humoring the self-obsessed ramblings of someone who supported a book-banner.
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Once more: I was clear in disapproving of Nazis AND book-banners. You only disapproved of the Nazi. That's the bottom line. The rest of it is your diversionary BS hot air trying to spin your role into something noble while dishonestly painting me as immoral. Is that more clear for you?
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You accusing someone else of being “too self-righteous” is obvious projection, Ivan. Do better, okay?
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You enthusiastically supported an extremist book-banner, but somehow I’m the right-winger? Why do you lack the integrity to own what you support? Between the two of us, I’m the only one who has an honest claim to supporting neither a Nazi nor an extremist book-banner. It’s clear that stings.
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Sure, Ivan. Nothing creepy — or dishonest — at all about how quickly you play the race card from the bottom of the deck, though, right.
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I agree. It is easy to imagine she is disgusted with them all in the same way Karen Pence was/is.
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Usha Vance is a first-generation American. She was raised Hindu by parents who immigrated from India. She is a smart accomplished woman. So I assumed the bishop's plea on behalf of immigrants was personal for her in a way the others are clueless are about.
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Sure is. Look at the #akleg delegation. Not a single person willing to work w/others for solutions that bring sustainability for AK families and businesses. They'd all rather sit in the minority, clutch their transphobic pearls, and blame others for anything they don't like. People deserve better.
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Yep. One of the favorite recurring whines of #akleg Sen. No-show Shower is about alleged censorship of far-right posters on social media. This is what arrogant, entitled hypocrisy looks like.
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Shower is a joke. It is shameful that a blatant election-denier and conspiracy theorist like him would raise his right hand and swear to uphold a Constitution he doesn't believe in. His legislative Facebook is a hate-filled grievance mill that oozes contempt for anyone who doesn't "think" like him.