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Retuiteando cosas de todo pelo, subiendo alguna foto de mi perra y en general intentando disfrutar de esta red social nueva
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My latest cartoon for #science #mathematics

Thrilled to be able to share, "Tragedy in Rock Springs," in this week's issue of It's an account of one of the most horrific episodes of racial terror in our nation's history and the effort today to uncover its full story.

from Tofino

Las herencias, en las que recibes un importe sólo por haber nacido, están fenomenal. La Renta Básica, en la que recibes un importe sólo por haber nacido, son un criadero de vagos, sin embargo. La diferencia es sutil pero esencial.

bathroom bills were considered a hugely bigoted overreach a decade ago and the backsliding on trans rights is the result of a sustained propaganda campaign by elites the pendulum can swing back the other way if you try, and anyone who is not willing to do so is showcasing their own bigotry

Hace medio siglo que empezamos a conseguir derechos básicos para la igualdad. La defensa de los derechos es una carrera que nunca termina, no olvidemos eso.

Signed ! France & Finland already passed the threshold of signatures, so if you are from an other EU country your participation is really valuable.

Una buenísima medida. Veremos si el PSOE no la frena, como sigue haciendo con la limitación de la publicidad de comida insana dirigida a los menores.

good answer, but my god what an insane question

The lawsuit about this is going to be real fun, especially considering the tweets Musk is posting where he straight up brags about his no-bid corruption being a direct result of his role in the government

Aprovecho el Oscar de «Flow» para compartir la monísima ilustración que le dedicó Olly Gibbs.

how large

VAAAAI, BRASIL! Ainda Estou Aqui vence Melhor Filme Internacional no #Oscars 🏆 É o PRIMEIRO Oscar do Brasil! Todo mundo comemorando até a Quarta-feira de Cinzas!

No Other Land just won an Oscar without US distribution. Absolutely legendary for them, this film and its message. The most important award of this year, hands down.

Best Documentary goes to No Other Land!! #oscars I’m crying, I’m so happy this important film won. ❤️

"Flow" won the Oscar for Best Animated Film ♡

In boardrooms around the world, airline executives are discussing what will be more harmful to their share prices: sounding the alarm on this, or the inevitable plane crashes

Me he pasado años pidiendo más noticias científicas. Viendo la cantidad de hype y visiones gilipollas es para repensárselo. Tanto curar el cáncer, lunas como no volverás a ver en tu vida, materiales que revolucionarán tu vida... para que luego nada se cumpla resulta muy contraproducente

Hoy toca reto de parpadeos.

En el pueblo en el que crecí siguen celebrando en carnaval la conmemoración del ajusticiamiento de un procurador del año mil trescientos y pico que fue enviado para ocuparse de temas administrativos. Pero como era un abusón de mierda se montó una acusación popular contra él y lo ahorcaron.

Hola, muy buenas tardes, por si os queréis olvidar durante un ratillo del mundo de mierda en el que vivimos, aquí os dejo un enlace al Internet Archive con todas las tiras de Calvin y Hobbes en buena calidad. 3160 tiras en 1350 páginas. Que lo disfrutéis.

NEW: Voice of America is in upheaval. Journalists are facing HR investigations for comments critical of Trump. One of VOA's highest-profile journalists was put on leave today after a Trump aide called him a traitor. And the White House bureau chief was reassigned.

Esto es vergonzoso.

I wrote about the people who regret voting for Trump, from whether they're morally redeemable to what they can tell us about Trump's fascist coalition.

There has been a lot of chatter today about Zelenskyy's meeting with Trump, some regarding this moment when White House correspondent Brian Glenn asked if the Ukrainian president plans to wear a suit. I want to address idea in this thread. 🧵


“A person familiar with the matter… said analysts were verbally informed that they were not to follow or report on Russian threats, even though this had previously been a main focus for the agency. “The person said work that was being done on something “Russia-related” was in effect “nixed””

I don't know how to feel about, like... I remember when we didn't have these kinds of protections, and I never expected to get them. But actively taking them away is like, it feels like a new level

No sé si estamos preparados para un mes que tiene 31 días, cinco fines de semana, un cambio de estación, un cambio de hora, un cambio de papa, una guerra interna dentro de la OTAN, una conmemoración del 11M, otra del covid y una semana de carnaval. Y todo con una sola nómina.

Escena insólita en el despacho oval de la Casa Blanca. Discusión, a veces a gritos, entre Trump, Vance y Zelenski. Vance dice al ucraniano que es una falta de respeto plantear esa discusión frente a los medios. Diplomacia a pedradas contra Ucrania para que se rinda.

The attack on DEI shows why liberals should stop arguing about "strategic" use of language forever. DEI stands for three uncontroversial virtues that most every American accepts, and the right still turned it into a vile slur. It doesn't matter what you say - they will poison it because YOU said it.

Terrible news for so many in Iowa (and from Iowa). If Reynolds signs, it would be the first state to remove a group of people from status as a protected class.

EEUU corta la financiación a los programas de polio, HIV, malaria y nutrición en el mundo. Así se mata a personas simplemente con unos emails.

Capítulo 1: “A mí esta dieta me ha funcionado. Tú pruébala, que total, mal no te va a hacer”. Capítulo 2: Estás ingresada en un hospital porque padeces una enfermedad medieval.

Humpty Dumpty

Los pangolines preparando una querella por difamación.

El velatorio de Kim Pérez será en el Tanatorio Metropolitano de Granada y la ceremonia tendrá lugar este viernes a las 16:30 horas en capilla del mismo. Asociación Arcoíris propone al Ayto de Granada que Kim Pérez repose para siempre en el Panteón de Personas Ilustres de la Ciudad de Granada #AsíSea

trump is cutting social security, something mainstream media has claimed for years that republicans would never actually do, and now that it's happening, it's being framed as a debate over "data" if it's being covered at all. I'm losing my mind over here.

Every news outlet reporting Elon Musk's comment about accidentally canceling Ebola prevention efforts and quickly restoring them should also say they haven't been restored, they're still canceled, the outbreak-fighting teams are dismantled, the money is gone

People tell me to be safe while biking, and while I appreciate it, what I'd really appreciate is people going a step further and pondering *why* they think biking is unsafe. Because then they'd have to grapple with the fact that we've designed our society to make biking "dangerous" for many people.

Sinceramente, creo que sobrevivo a la barbarie solo gracias a stickers de Whatsapp.

El precio del café está en máximos en los mercados de materias primas. Y lo peor es que los productores, casi tan preocupados como los clientes, creen que seguirá subiendo.

He buscado el documento y efectivamente, está en el anexo adjunto al final.