People tell me to be safe while biking, and while I appreciate it, what I'd really appreciate is people going a step further and pondering *why* they think biking is unsafe. Because then they'd have to grapple with the fact that we've designed our society to make biking "dangerous" for many people.
maybe their high visibility colors stand out more brightly or something
"...because she has a gun?" was the answer I got
Some lady still turned left in front of me and almost hit me. 😵💫
I think back to my times doing this and I just can't imagine doing that anymore.
Especially towards dusk.
*Also a law I can confirm most Idaho cops refuse to acknowledge as real, despite it originating here…
Me: “and that fact doesn’t fill you with rage that this is the world they think is ok for us to live (and die horrifically*) in?
I might be feeling grumpy today lol
I get that it comes from a good place, but the risk is not me.
I tried cycling in North America once and was terrified. Bikes aren’t unsafe. Car centric cities are!!
It’s what all women feel when we are told how to be safe from predators while no one tells men ‘hey maybe don’t rape anyone when you go out tonight’.
The onus shouldn’t be on the potential victim.
More bike lanes in cities! More green belts!!!!
Our society is slow to change our ‘default’ viewpoints.