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Getting Started
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(Brought to you by my currently staring at the Teams waiting room screen wondering if this meeting is happening today.) Also, we’re in the end stages of the deliverables. As in, we’re in the implementation phase and we’re doing migration starting on Monday. Go-live is the Monday after that.
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I’m working on a project with a scheduled weekly check in. It’s a recurring appointment set by the designer. The designer routinely doesn’t show for this meeting, with no warning or communication. And because they set it up with a waiting room, no one else can use the meeting either.
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I want to play! I don’t have your PayPal but I do have hers. can I send some money to you pass on to Tessa?
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Yes. My accrued PTO pays out at 100% and my accrued sick leave pays out at 90%. I think it’s rare to have separate sick leave, especially that pays out.
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Ah, local government in action. Or rather, local government inaction.
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So I called them today to find out what’s going on, and it turns out, they’re just THAT behind on approvals.
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It’s nice to have some context (limited though it may be) for some of the pedagogy and educational theory being used on the instructional side (I work on the business side).
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I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after leaving my first major so I took a smattering of classes, including some low-level education ones. I went on to get a totally unrelated degree, but now I use that degree and subsequent career training in my job for…a school district.
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90’s and early 00’s band names are so confusing! My sister and I just had a whole conversation about how many of them are number names.
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I thought it was by Everlast, which is a different band entirely.
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Wow. I’ve said it before, but I just love your dahlia pictures so much. I don’t have a garden but I get so much joy out of yours.
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This is the way.
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This is incredible and I’m so happy for you. You continue to defy odds and I’m so glad you’re still here. I hope this next year is a quieter year than the last one has been.
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I’m so excited for your new chapter! It sounds like a really healthy move and I’m thrilled you’ll get more time with the boys. ❤️
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The second time, I had only mild symptoms and decided to test just to be sure. That sucker was positive before the liquid was even all the way up the test strip. The third time (just this week, dang it all), I took multiple rapids, all faintly positive.
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The first time I had it, I tested negative on a PCR *THREE TIMES* despite active symptoms. Finally tested positive the morning after I got together with family (predicated on the multiple negative tests) when I spiked a fever. I was lucky I only gave it to one of them.
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I might need to go for a drive just to get some fresh air.
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Phenomenal as always.
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I like No Such Thing As A Fish. It’s British, with the QI “elves” bringing facts of the week and then they bounce additional facts and discussions off of there. There are a ton of episodes. Also, Sawbones, a medical history podcast about all of the crazy medical treatments we used to do.
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Well played.
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I’m sure he’s just BESIDE himself these days.
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I had an English teacher in HS who consistently marked me down for using a singular “they” in my writing instead of “him or her” (though I’m sure he would have been fine with just “him”). He marked all of the instances with “Subject/pronoun antecedent agreement!!!” and insisted “they” was plural.
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I love him.
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It’s also nice to know you all get to be warmer than I usually am when I see them. It’s only dark enough in the winter, and it’s only clear enough if it’s REALLY COLD (often below 0° F).
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GORGEOUS. I love them so much.
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This is a situation where I would lie with impunity. Breezily, “Oh, I have one, I’m just not using it today!” Or, maybe better, “Oh, I have one, but it’s maxed out!”
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It’s so infuriating. Stimulants are the reason I’m functioning somewhat like a “normal” adult (and not killing myself with stress trying to hold my life together with chicken wire and duct tape) for the first time EVER. They’re a miracle.
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This is such a sweet, simple thing. I feel like there is so much affection in that little ritual even if they are Not Dating. I think you’re right - if this were me, I think I would think back on it with fondness for years to come, no matter the outcome of the relationship.
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Also, I don’t see any spots on here for “Hit the snooze six or seven times” and “lay on your bed with your hair wrapped in a towel poking at your phone until you accidentally fall asleep again.”
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I love that he’s in a place where you feel comfortable introducing them. I know it’s been difficult over the years. ❤️
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Well, holy crap, I had no idea. I literally did not sleep last Wednesday night. Started on Friday. This is not reassuring, but it would explain it.
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I feel like I should, but then my brain can’t place it, so no.
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My vet has a lovely side room with a separate exterior door out to the parking lot so you don’t have to go back through the lobby. It’s a simple thing but it makes such a difference.
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The technician is here fixing it now, so I should be back to good soon.
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I was supposed to fly one in a week (for one leg out of two). It’ll be interesting to see what this does to schedules as it unfolds but I’m very glad they’re taking alllllllll the precautions. It could have been so much worse than it was.
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He also, the night before, had had a very earnest conversation with my dad at the dinner table. “Papa. I fink we need a plan for gettin’ to da beach.” Beach plans are all he could talk about all night. We live very far away from traditional beaches so I’m not sure what spurred it but I love it.
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My four-year-old nephew noticed rings on my sister’s hands the other day and asked if she was “married with” me. (We’re both single so he doesn’t see us with husbands ever.) I love watching them make sense of the world at this age.
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I second this. The first one took me a minute to get into but they’re charming.
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And as a side-sleeper, I can arrange the cells so that the “blank” space is on the side and there’s not a lump sitting under my ear.
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I’m not sure what she’s using but I love the NodPod for an eye mask you can also put in the freezer. It doesn’t get ice-pack cold (because of the material inside) but cools nicely. I also find relief from tightening it to put pressure on my head.
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Five years ago, this was the road outside my neighborhood.