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I'm the problem 🎁 Always worried. 🇩🇰
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I love London even more now… When the world’s richest man flirts with Nazis, Londoners make sure his brand wears it. No hiding from this.


Correction "Burn in fucking hell"

Die AFD RĂśsrath kommentiert auf Facebook diesen Cartoon als "etwas geschmacklos". Ein Grund, ihn zu teilen.

Carney: „Die alten Beziehungen, die wir mit den Vereinigten Staaten hatten und die auf einer vertieften Integration unserer Volkswirtschaften und einer engen sicherheitspolitischen und militärischen Zusammenarbeit beruhten, sind vorbei.“ Das gilt nicht nur für Kanada. 😕

Wie wurde Amthors unseriÜse Lobbytätigkeit aufgedeckt? Oder der Scheuer-Maut-Skandal? Mithilfe staatlicher Transparenz: dem #Informationsfreiheitsgesetz Und jetzt ratet mal, wer und welche Partei das Gesetz abschaffen will #Amthor

Was ist Realsatire? Wenn sich Mr. Dobrindt-Kupferkabel in einer Talkshow ßber den Rßckstand bei der Digitalisierung beschwert und empÜrt. Warumnsind Wähler nur so vergesslich und naiv?

Ich weiß nicht, was an der AfD so spannend ist, dass man ihre Vertreter ständig irgendwo sprechen lässt. Ich interessiere mich absolut null für diese Mischung aus Lügen und Ausreden, mit denen diese Faschisten die deutsche Öffentlichkeit an der Nase herumführen wollen. wo

Where my folks live in southwest Florida, I would estimate 10-15% of long-stay winter residents are from Canada. Very common to see Ontario or Quebec license plates, and many are home/condo owners. This is not going to be good for Florida.

Pete Hegseth allegedly having a Russian email address is the least surprising thing I’ve read today.

Et strejf sociopati.

I'm still so provoked I need to spell this to get it out of my system You know it, we know it. Among the best in the world. Wouldn't even have to bring anything, just laying around up there. Upgraded Security to fit the person, it's not gonna help in that landscape. Stick to the marked areas.

Vi kan producere bedre end fortiden. Pü grund af nuvÌrende økonomisk system gør vi det ikke. Sü vi kan sÌlge mere og mere hver eneste gang I er nødt til at skifte crappy shit ud. Selv tak

"Enhver borger, som lever i EU bliver påvirket af marketing og sociale medier til at købe flere ting" 👆 Der mangler dårlig kvaliteter uanset pris + indfarvninger som begge er ødelagt efter få vask. Og en hurtigere udskiftning af tøjet så vi kan tjene flere penge i branchen

There's always been sick and twisted people. And sick twisted people have always hated humans. There's nothing new. What is new. Is the excuse that these are sick and twisted people because they are tired of humans being free humans.

He have had the extra time. From the day he went home to now.

Never Forget Who financed Trump. Down to the Cent

The Trump regime's repeated attacks on "DEI," "wokeness," and the trans community have one clear purpose: If we are angry at each other, we don't look up to see how big corporations and billionaires have rigged markets and siphoned off most of the economy's gains.

Anyway. Greenland is an insignificant part of the bigger damage Trump his sicko sugar daddies is doing the United States and the world.

As glaciers melt, the risk of catastrophic flash floods threatens millions. A study found 10 million people at risk from glacial lake outburst floods. An Earth scientist explains the impact of this ice loss: 🌎#WorldWaterDay

I don't have words enough for my resentment


I have supported Team fuck themself in a Bubble most of My Life. Did my dues. I'm still pissed off by the disrespect to our country, Grønland and Commonwealth.

Håber satme at Grønlænderne stepper op her og stabler store protest-demo’er på benene. #dkpol #grlpol 🇬🇱 published a really important piece about Peter Thiel that everyone should read. He’s a billionaire nutcase, hates our country, wants to own #Greenland (sound familiar?) and he OWNS JD Vance!! He wants to destroy democracy. He and Curtis Yarvin who Vance & Musk idolize are NUT

We might not have a giant army. But we have excellent snipers.

We need rules on goods to last. Like your Nylons shouldn'rip, your printer should last for 40 years, your dishwasher for 30. And your lightbulbs for 500 years. Overshoot day

Okay, this is my newest very very favorite meme.

Check out all the things I was wrong about.

US now says he had confident material on his phone that he admitted to. As far as I could get from our news - France is denying that.

I was a subscriber to a lot of things before I forgot the alphabet

No you're right. Ekstra Bladet It's among the worst. With Berlingske Tidende and racist jyllands-posten

Israels knÌgtelse af international ret og basale menneskerettigheder samt ligegyldighed overfor FN er ikke lÌngere slet skjult. Det sker meget tydeligt. Det bør føre til üben og meget klar fordømmelse fra dansk side. #dkpol #dkmedier

Chefracist Tesfayes løsning pü vold er mere vold! Først nür vi har tÌvet børnenes vilje ud af dem, kan de blive voldtaget af en minister, uden at efterlade spor. Hvis #dkpol vil hjÌlpe børn, kan de offentliggøre listen over folketingsmedlemmer som er nÌgtet adgang i partiernes ungdomsorganisationer.

"Adm. Mike Studeman, former commander of the Office of Naval Intelligence, claiming Musk is "compromised and co-opted by the Chinese.. a Chinese sympathizer of high order,"