The Trump regime's repeated attacks on "DEI," "wokeness," and the trans community have one clear purpose:
If we are angry at each other, we don't look up to see how big corporations and billionaires have rigged markets and siphoned off most of the economy's gains.
If we are angry at each other, we don't look up to see how big corporations and billionaires have rigged markets and siphoned off most of the economy's gains.
White supremacists have been trying to resurrect Jim Crow ever since the civil rights movement of the 1960s.
No surprise that Nazis based their ideology on what they observed in the US.
Eat just three billionaires.
The rest will fall in line if they want to remain undigested. They might even apologize to all of us by paying triple taxes here on out without complaints. Freeloading cowards.
Nothing brings people together like BBQ.
It ain’t the people without power causing your suffering…it’s the powerful.
It’s not minorities cutting your SS, or Medicare or Medicaid etc.
it’s Muskrat & trump.
The donors are now the cabinet!!
Plan policies that benefit them & get paid for doing so! 🙄
Unfit for office.
It's just an op. This is the shotgun approach to fascist takeover
I get that I’m just a simple Canadian.. but seriously… what is happening??!
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
would you say that ❤️ your messages would risk foreigners not be allowed to enter the USA for vacation or work?
1) establish Justice
2) insure domestic Tranquility
3) provide for the common defence
4) promote the general Welfare
5) secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
He is keeping you
If you are fighting for your life, you can’t fight them.
Wake up America
It's really that simple.
The “us against the them”
(the vermins, the radical left, the trans, the gay, the blacks, Europe, the communists, the bolsheviks, the Jews, the press…..) has unfortunately worked many times in the past and it is on page one in “The dictators play book)
^ what is the actual plan?
^ who are our leaders?
^ how do we organize while we still have freedoms?
we need concrete ideas.
Remember; every SINGLE day that #schumer “leads” is a day that tRump and Musk WIN!!
Elon is trying to buy trust even as he hurts the most vulnerable people.
No, unless you embezzled money the government shouldn’t be spying on our bank accounts.
It’s criminal
Stay strong. Talk with your neighbors. Help your neighbors. There is more good in the world than they want us to believe
In the meantime they keep flooding the zone.
The divide and defeat in detail strategy is working very, very well.
It’s not a distraction from something else.
They are hateful, racist, transphobic bigots and they want to hurt people.
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
With the trump regime, it's always the 'others' that are the problem, and that too can be adjusted upward to include more whenever desired!
You just need to convince the pitchfork people that the torch people want to take away their pitchforks.
But they are hiding what he is actually doing to democracy in the States.
On the contrary, it makes me feel protective over them.
Dems need to wake the fuck up before the mid terms.
Make sure people know who exactly they are.
I'll point out the first easy example:
1. Elon Musk.
Please continue the list.