Tech attorney in practice for 40+ years. Pilot. Author.
Philosophy of Science fan: Karl Popper.
Religion is irrational and dangerous.
Crypto is much worse than tulipmania.
Political power based on lies (GOP, Russia, etc.) must be stopped.
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ok, fair enough.
Anyway, good that he did the right thing.
At least for now....
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Yep. Trump as been a KGB/SVR "useful idiot" for decades.
Craig Unger's book "American Kompromat" also describes how the KGB lured the clueless Trump into its fold years ago, and how Trump became Putin's asset.
The Trump presidency is by far the most successful covert Russian covert op in history.
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He didn't terminate the case.
Before issuing his ruling appointing Paul Clement, Judge Ho had not released any public information about what he would do. You couldn't have knowledgeably posted anything about what Judge Ho did without first reading that ruling.
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Arlington National Cemetery and many others are full of heroes who gave their lives defending our country. I'm a veteran and I too am prepared to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and (now) DOMESTIC, no matter the cost.
The Second Amendment doesn't apply only to right-wing gun nuts.
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Trump has been a Putin admirer & KGB/SVR useful idiot for 35 years. Putin wants Trump to do everything possible to destroy the U.S. Government, as well as American power and respect worldwide.
EVERYTHING Trump does is consistent with that goal (including using Musk, a Putin admirer/sociopath).
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Adam, that's extremely misleading. Look at all the misinformed (and thus outraged) responses.
Judge Ho did the RIGHT thing: he appointed an attorney to file an independent amicus brief, since both the government and Adams are taking the same side. The adjournment "sine die" is just temporary.
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Nonsense. He appointed an attorney to file an amicus brief since both the government and Adams were taking the same side.
That's the OPPOSITE of judicial misconduct.
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It's ok. It gets easier (and more successful) the more you plug away at it :)
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So put together a fundraiser!
You can't win if you give up before the game even starts.
Everyday people run for office all the time. It's amazingly rewarding even if you lose. (And if you lose you don't give up. You try again.)
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You don't allow DMs
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Next week:
Why the nation needs an all-Catholic Supreme Court.
by Samuel Alito
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Hope you're right.
Another difference from 1970: This time the militia will have the benefit of being better informed via social media -- but also will be subject to fascist propaganda.
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Thanks. I needed that.
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That would be a form of obeying in advance.
Arlington National Cemetery and many others are full of heroes who gave their LIVES for our country. I'm a veteran and I'm prepared to do the same if necessary.
One must be FEARLESS, not cowering, when facing fascism. I WANT them to see my posts.
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If brainless national guardsmen were willing to kill unarmed students at Kent State in 1970, there are MAGA national guard who are stupid enough to carry out martial law orders and shoot Trump coup protesters.
The difference beween 1970 and now? Now the protesters will be armed and organized.
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Gabbard will find out that the Russia is not our friend.
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Yep. Trump as been a KGB/SVR "useful idiot" for decades.
Craig Unger's book "American Kompromat" also describes how the KGB lured the clueless Trump into its fold years ago, and how Trump became Putin's asset.
The Trump presidency is by far the most successful covert Russian covert op in history.
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Individuals who act in defiance of the injunction.
Plaintiffs would draw the court's attention to the defiance, and the individuals would be ordered to appear, probably within 24 hours. Whether or not they appear, if the defiance continues, the court would impose immediate sanctions.
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Courts have the authority to impose sanctions for civil contempt (not pardonable by Trump), in amounts sufficient to compel compliance, e.g. $1 million for every hour a defendant defies an injunction or TRO.
The court can appoint receivers to start attaching assets until there is compliance.
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This, plus Judge Vargas's temporary injunction prohibiting DOGE access to Treasury data, means that thus far the courts are holding.
I think we'll see more injunctions, and in all likelihood the Trump lunatics will ultimately lose on the merits.
Otherwise, we're going to see Civil War II.
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No question.
He was just citing her as an example of a third party candidate.
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Good point! (But I was at the character limit.)
The REPUBLICAN party should have imploded long ago, but since it instead has become full-on fascist, the Democrats have GOT to come out of hibernation, ditch the focus groups, and make like Popeye with the spinach.
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Trump has been a KGB/SVR useful idiot for decades, totally under Putin's control. The SVR now effectively controls the CIA and NSA.
Now Trump is letting Musk, another Putin admirer, help destroy the government, probably for payment.
Next item on Putin's list: A major purge of the U.S. military.
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NO. Never say "third party." We don't have a parliamentary system. Third parties have no chance, and at most can act as spoilers. Third parties always make the (perceived) perfect the enemy of the good.
- John Anderson
- Ross Perot
- Ralph Nader
- Bernie (for all practical purposes a third party)
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I don't give them that much credit.
They're just (non-pilot, inexperienced) idiots who think anything governmental is bad.
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"America would never elect a Black president. As much as I'd like to see Obama in charge, I just don't see it happening. Racism is at sky-high levels."
Said lots of people.
Kamala came close to winning despite having almost no time to organize. In 2028 the Trump disaster will be obvious to all.
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She has more intelligence, integrity, insight, inspiration, leadership capability, and ability to GOTV than anyone else in the Democratic Party.
She also has an excellent command of substantive issues. She does her homework.
No one else even comes close.
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Trump's discussions with Russia aren't "talks."
They aren't "diplomacy."
They are collaboration.
Our so-called "president" is a Russian asset, and has been for decades.
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I'm a pilot. The FAA's safety practices are superb, the result of decades of cooperation w/the aviation community.
Musk's idiots don't realize that government isn’t a business. By indiscriminately slashing the FAA's staff, they aren't going to make it more efficient. They are going to kill people.
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THAT is how to deal with a country whose head of state works for Vladimir Putin.
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THAT is how to deal with a bully.
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You have no idea what you're talking about.
Inform yourself before posting.
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Oh yeah. And I love how FIRE's counsel refers to the infamouous Louisiana governor Huey Long as "another" demagogue- without having previously referred to anyone. (They don't need to!)
Trump's counsel, Paltzik and Ostergren, should be sanctioned under Rule 11 and disciplined under RPC 3.1.
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Good luck with that.
It's like urging Sean Hannity to stand firm against Rupert Murdoch.
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China knows it merely needs to do something that benefits Trump personally, and Trump will repudiate the U.S. obligation to protect Taiwan. China will occupy Taiwan within days.
Same thing for the South China Sea. China will declare itself sovereign and Trump will order the U.S. Navy to stand down.
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The FBI won't take this lying down.
Patel, like all the other Trump cabinet cranks, quacks, and misfits, has no idea what he is doing, what he's getting himself into.
FAFO applies to him too.
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Thanks Malcolm! If your readers aren't familiar with Craig Unger's "American Kompromat," it's one of the best unclassified descriptions I've seen of how the KGB was able to lure the clueless Trump into its fold years ago, and how, through the SVR, Trump became Putin's most important foreign asset.
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The FBI won't take this lying down.
Patel, like all the other Trump cabinet cranks, quacks, and misfits, has no idea what he is doing, what he's getting himself into.
FAFO applies to him too.
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(That's basically what I said in the Russian part of my post: Russia's hybrid warfare of today makes those "active measures" of the 20s seem like campfire songs.)
Trump's presidency is the most spectacular covert op in history.
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Да, точно. только: сегодняшние активные мероприятия заставляют те, что были в 1920-х, выглядеть как песни, которые пели в пионерском лагере.
(I've been to Russia many times, speak the language, and know the mentality. I feel sorry for everyday Russians, who are generally nice people).
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Actually, someone IS attacking the U.S. at this very moment.
Russia. Has used hybrid warfae against us for years. Its disinformation and sabotage campaign has worked, thanks to Murdoch and Citizens United.
Trump has long been a Russian asset/useful idiot.
Putin admirer Musk is now one as well.
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Well then, no leopards will eat their faces, right?
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U.S.-Russia meetings are no longer "diplomacy." They're collaboration.
Now that Musk has purchased the presidency, Trump is subservient to TWO corrupt autocrats who hate the U.S. His meek behavior with both says it all.
NEXT: A complete purge of the military.
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The FBI won't take this lying down.
Patel, like all the other Trump cabinet cranks, quacks, and misfits, has no idea what he is doing, what he's getting himself into.
FAFO applies to him too.
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I too am an atheist liberal who's ok with abortion rights, taxing churches etc.
I'm also a veteran. The Second Amendment doesn't just apply to right-wing gun nuts. I'm prepared to defend my country against all enemies, foreign and (this time) DOMESTIC.
The criminals in the White House qualify.
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Marc, your letter is far more civil and professional than anything I could have said to that arrogant asshole.
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"Horrific" accurately describes it.
U.S.-Russia meetings are no longer "diplomacy." They're collaboration.
Now that Musk has purchased the presidency, Trump is subservient to TWO corrupt autocrats who hate the U.S. His meek behavior with both says it all.
NEXT: A complete purge of the military.
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Trump has been a KGB/SVR useful idiot for decades, totally under Putin's control.
Now Trump is letting Musk, another Putin admirer, help destroy the government, probably for payment.
Next item on Putin's list: A major purge of the U.S. military.
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What else can one expect?