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... disliking the rule books that people that break the rules use to try to get away with breaking the rules. ... following ...'s own
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Trump is one vote away from being impeached.

Trump is now so unpopular that he's afraid he'll be impeached.

Dan Patrick is getting money from a cryptocurrency PAC. Unregulated money coming from drugs, prostitution and gambling. What do they want? To outlaw THC. A total ban. So they can have a monopoly.

If they're this careless with their own personally identifiable information, imagine how careless they are being with yours.

Trump will ultimately choose suicide. Thats what narcissism leads to.

You can't buy a dollar with cryptocurrency. You can't use it because cryptocurrency is illegal on many grounds already on the books. That is my goal!

Of course they are.

Grandpa Sawyer can dish it up but when hit with accurate criticism about His antiwokism and reverse freedom rides, he unleashes on the same day he dise franchises over a million Texas residents.

Crockett demonstrated their hypocrisy by showing they can dish it out but they cant take it.

The best thing about America is that you get to leave religion behind the doors of your church and then you can be free to do what you want without being judged by a petty group of theocrats. That's why we made this country and I do mean we because it's undergoing a restoration.

People who support Trump are morally and mentally ill! They definitely need a lot of re-education! I mean how stupid do you have to be to not know that you shouldn't use people's backgrounds or race in looking at their ability to do a basic job? But because of redlining, we have to make amends.

Deploreable Oligarchs' Greedy Elitism

Trump is a suicide by cop psychopath.

Donald Trump is an admitted wife beater. He shouldn't be allowed to own a gun let alone the world's largest nuclear arsenal.

Donald Trump will wake up one morning suffering from mania and shoot himself in the head. It's only a matter of time because he's insane and he has access to firearms even though he's admitted violent wife beater and currently a convicted felon.

Donald Trump will awake with mania and blow up the whole world and you're fine with that because you want carnage.

Stop calling them electric cars and start calling them coal cars.

Hakeem Jeffries will become president some time after August 2025. It's going to happen!

If you have to think about what you say because it might displease your leader and force you to stay permanently in jail without a trial, you're in a fascist dictatorship with an authoritarian ruler! You have to fight this quick or lose everything! Trump must be overthrown.

Greg Abbott is supporting this illegal regime.

By April 1st, we can be within striking distance of control of the house. Greg Abbott is trying to give Trump one less vote against him by denying over a million citizens of representation in a district that is 75 percent democratic.

Abbott knows his party is losing so he's refusing to call a special election disenfranchising over a million voting and nonvoting Texans.

Just waiting for someone to get busted flushing apples and oranges down Trump Tower toilets lol 😂😆😂😆😂

Too bad Keith Moon isn't around to tear up rooms in Trump Tower or his stupid casino in Las Vegas. 1000 copycats to put him out of business!!!!