Old “REDACTED* here. They know that, they just don’t care.
If I left a SCIF after a briefing with a yellow sticky note stuck to the sole of my shoe by accident, I’d be up in front of the old man. These people? MAX slap on the wrist. They are political appointees protected by the POTUS.
The why is nothing being done? Then why is lying under oath not punishable? This appears to be exactly what we’ve always been-the dictator of the world. We only pretended with these “free and fair” elections. This is who America has always been. Always. Since inception. A scam. A lie.
We cannot normalize the evil deeds of the enemy within, including lying under oath, stealing or buying votes, gaslighting, chaos sorcery and threatening its own citizens and other countries, including our allies. This is not normal. It's up to us to stop this nonsense.
But, but Karoline said otherwise. And Karoline is a White MAGA who wears a cross. Besides Trans Gender wrestlers are trying to take away my freedom, guns, and my ACA (not Obamacare) so this is all a Woke Witch Hunt.
Not anymore they aren't. At least according to this administration and their loose understanding of classifications.
This is what you get when a guy who thinks storing boxes of classified documents in a toilet is the height of security gets voted into the office of the presidency.
Absolutely DISGUSTED with the way Felon47 and his top echelon Cabinet members are minimizing, obfuscating, and bold face lying about this gargantuan breach of security. The literal criminals are in charge, and Congressional Republicans MUST hold them accountable or our republic is doomed.🤯🤬🤯
I am upset that you lost to Hawley. I am so glad to see you here on blue sky. Although, I have left MO and moved home to MN, I will, and have, always admire you.
Also..side note it was a great pleasure to have met you at WEGAP when you attended a show at STLAS. I was the House Manager there.
There must be a written policy on these matters. You don’t just send fighter planes to bomb something and fucking broadcast it. There are legitimate reasons to do so. Reasons as obvious as the endless lies to cover it up. The journalist has zero culpability here also. Shameful and cowardly
Amazing and depressing that you have to argue that point.
How'bout you suggest SecDef Strap an F18 to his ass and we will tell the bad guys his launch and on target times. They'd never figure out the target location. He'd go down as a Wild Weasle hero. Win/win
Launch times on a specific mission are the very definition of SCI.
SCI is specifically for time sensitive information where if the enemy knew, they could take concrete and immediate actions to place our country in danger.
Everyone in that thread needs to be immediately arrested and sent for El Salvador to await trial. We'll take the immigrants back & reinstate DEI hires! These DUI Whiskeyleaks tools are less useful than a lead magnet.
Wait, so you’re telling us that literally everybody in this pathetic excuse of an administration is a treasonous pile of dog shit (with apologies to piles of dog shit everywhere)?
The fact that there were (so far) no negative results apparently due to the release of this information, save for the fact of the release, will be used as the reason they need not be considered sensitive or classified. They've got a problem with established chronology, and like to move things about.
This #Bondi person-Is Clearly 'Out Of Her Lane'!
There's No Possible Way She Could Know.
The Classification Manual clearly states (for Target Packages), that the types of data and plans texted in that Signal Chat, are Routinely Classified "SECRET//REL" or "SECRET//NOFORN".
Look they started a Chat group in a 3rd party app while conducting government business, right then and there the illegality started
They don’t care
They are above the law
They are unfit to serve America
I am agreeing with Claire and Amy. The unserious Trump regime rolls on and the pilots were lucky. What about the assets that were on the ground. Were they lucky because now the enemy knows that we had help!
But...but...the guy some Senate Republicans said they were 'concerned about' but voted to confirm anyway said they're not. Any feedback from any of those. uh, esteemed senators, some of whom are damned-well-knew-better veterans?
We live in a post-truth society, where facts take a back seat to narrative. Unfortunately, whether the information was classified is beside the point - what matters is the story the GOP can sell to their base by relentlessly flooding the airwaves with misinformation and lies.
We knew they were classified, no lie is going to tell most of us what this was!
Incompetence, perjury and breaking rules put in place for security of classified attack plans meetings = fire all their asses!
According to the required annual security training, willful disregard of security procedures is a SERIOUS OFFENSE, with SERIOUS PENALTIES: Firing, Fines, Jail Time!
I was a Crew Chief in AF at Danang, Vietnam and I can certainly tell you about the ABSOLUTE NECESSITY of secrecy of ALL SORTIES. OUR LIVES DEPENDED ON THAT.
I would be surprised if anyone thought they were not, but then I remembered the target audience for this lie is the average T***p supporter, and those people will clearly believe anything.
Feinberg is the Deputy Director of Defense, and he wasn't on the Signal text chain. He was just recently confirmed too. It's not a slam dunk, but it's certainly a reasonable guess as to what happened.
If someone knew the flight time, type of plane, and time over target, they could presumably draw a circle on a map and know the plane was taking off within it. Then by process of elimination, they could probably figure likely travel paths and approach vectors. Good deal for the AA crews.
And they know it! But they continue to lie & disrespectfully gaslight us by trying to convince us that we didn’t know what they did was irresponsible dangerous behavior!
Tell all Democratic politicians to post on BlueSky!! It undercuts their own argument by giving money to the person they say is incompetently ruining America
They clearly can’t tell their asses from a hole in the ground, let alone keep us safe. But then again, I don’t believe they were ever supposed to keep us safe. Who are we fooling here?
Where does SHE say she is a trump supporter
I've seen a couple of her videos, because she is
calling them several times
I don't like seeing people saying these people
deserve this. I hate trump. but anyone in the military
deserves to be protected. He could be sitting beside
a Democrat you know
And? We saw how last couple of days have gone. More lies..... and walking to nowhere.
Give Trump a minute to distract everyone again
That's why the majority gives up. Those in the media are just ambulance drivers. Those in Congress are pathetically incompetent. We see and I'm part the majority.
Old gamer here...never done anything dangerous like that other than drinking tea around my computer and almost spilling it. Even I know that shit SHOULD be and probably is classified. What a dishonor to an entire profession that swears an oath to defend this nation.
What won't they lie about? They don't even realize what they did was illegal, regardless of whether it was classified or not. They should have been in a skiff, not private cell phones. They deny, blame others and deflect from their crimes. How do they keep getting away with it?
I cannot understand why more vets aren’t coming out to educate the public on how egregious Signalgate is. My husband is a retired Air Force JAG and he’s absolutely appalled at the lack of response from the military community.
When Joe murdered women and children, he did it with class. Now it’s just a circus gang bang. F-18 pilot. ‘Which hospital do I bomb? I can’t make out the map on this Facebook cartoon’
Why don’t Mark Warner and others on the panel highlight 2 or 3 senators who voted to confirm, call them out by name and question their judgement and their courage upon voting for co formation of these apprentices?
Maybe they used to be under different leaders. There's a new SecDef that doesn't care and he doesn't care who's lives are at risk. Remember that Drunken Pete Hegseth is a TV personality that couldn't lead a boy scout troop. How can he possibly lead the defense department?
If I left a SCIF after a briefing with a yellow sticky note stuck to the sole of my shoe by accident, I’d be up in front of the old man. These people? MAX slap on the wrist. They are political appointees protected by the POTUS.
Ask why haven’t Republicans demanded the resignations of every single one of these incompetent, unqualified bastards
They put ALL our soldiers at risk
The violated the Espionage Act
Is there even one GOP still loyal to US?
https://www.dni.gov (703-275-1217)
If it was secret or top secret
If it was confidential, but now it's public, IT'S NOT CONFIDENTIAL
If it was confidential, but Trump just walked his magic wand. IT'S CONFIDENTIAL.
OR. Full of shit
This is what you get when a guy who thinks storing boxes of classified documents in a toilet is the height of security gets voted into the office of the presidency.
Vote for Josh Weil and Gay Valimont!!
Also..side note it was a great pleasure to have met you at WEGAP when you attended a show at STLAS. I was the House Manager there.
How'bout you suggest SecDef Strap an F18 to his ass and we will tell the bad guys his launch and on target times. They'd never figure out the target location. He'd go down as a Wild Weasle hero. Win/win
SCI is specifically for time sensitive information where if the enemy knew, they could take concrete and immediate actions to place our country in danger.
There's No Possible Way She Could Know.
The Classification Manual clearly states (for Target Packages), that the types of data and plans texted in that Signal Chat, are Routinely Classified "SECRET//REL" or "SECRET//NOFORN".
Other Participants Knew!
They don’t care
They are above the law
They are unfit to serve America
Truly appreciate this being shared here…
Now can you stand up and shout it on FOX, on the steps of the Capital, in a case of need be in front of the courts?!
This would be the best vulnerable
time for Russia or China
to make a “nuclear first strike”
upon America with the most
incompetent, inexperienced
national security & fbi & cia people
at top of the government.
To say nothing of Elon musk’s
deconstruction of
the federal government.
It's got a touch of the Four Seasons Total Landscaping quality of funny.
Incompetence, perjury and breaking rules put in place for security of classified attack plans meetings = fire all their asses!
Since the personnel of the trump admin do not observe basic security protocols, security failures SHOULD BE EXPECTED!
From the very start, there are no classification markers on work product!
These people are untrained and incompetent!
This shit show has far-reaching implications. Giving intelligence to us would be like handing a loaded gun to a 4-year-old child.
And why isn’t the protocol for classifying communications or actions the same across the board, department to department?
Even McDonald’s employees understand consistency.
Yes it’s highly classified information.
Sounds like the incompetent are in charge of our country.
like my Dad's evasion from Nazis when he got shot down over Belgium in 1944.
I'm going with Waltz accidentally added the wrong Jewish guy.
My paranoia has me considering other explanations, but none worth mention really. It's hard to guess motive.
But it feels like a guessing game still. That's all.
Like when you appear days later you can say it was not classified, technically true. But misses the point of it being classified hours before launch
We are just disposable pawns
For example this
To replace deported migrant workers the elite plan to scrap child labour laws and allow 14 year olds to work
America back to where it was before the law banned child labour in the 1930s
Military wife is so pissed in this video
Seriously. Fuck her. And her spouse.
I've seen a couple of her videos, because she is
calling them several times
I don't like seeing people saying these people
deserve this. I hate trump. but anyone in the military
deserves to be protected. He could be sitting beside
a Democrat you know
- Claire McCaskill
Investigative reporters, take heed.
It's still dying, with each new person who is arrested just for being the American they are...
Give Trump a minute to distract everyone again
That's why the majority gives up. Those in the media are just ambulance drivers. Those in Congress are pathetically incompetent. We see and I'm part the majority.
Danke for the update
What could possibly go wrong?
Another merit based pick.👍🤡
No idea just trying to make sense of it
Anyone else? They see as a threat.
We are seeing this play out in real time.
Episode 68: Hegseth Says Revealing Military Attack Plans on Signal Was Safe—and Fun!
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Skimpify, the new platform for cheapskates.
#Hegseth #Signal
I am sure that is obvious to every service member.
Each of them should tell their Senators and Congressman, because they are still locked on to the President's vanity.
There's precedent now.
Arrest #trElump
The tЯ☭mpublican Traitors supporting Traitor tЯ☭mp & P☭tin! Remove THEM ALL!