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Copenhagen, Denmark. He/him. I'm a guy and I reply. Yeah, I know... [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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The more infectious and deadly SUV-strain has taken over and is now spreading rapidly in Europe. (h/t @sorenhave )

What I find annoying reading sth like this is that it feels like this person started thinking about these issues yesterday. The open questions he identifies aren’t open. And “Europe should have looked for a peace deal with China” - did you pay ANY attention the last years?

When Ukrainians refuse to surrender, the next step Trump is likely to take is accuse Europeans as a whole of intransigence and order full US withdrawal from Europe without understanding that such a move would paralyse the ability of the US to project power in key global regions.

I think the word cryptosocialist just got a new meaning.

PSA: Europe PMC exists: "Europe PMC provides comprehensive access to life sciences literature from trusted sources. It's available to anyone, anywhere for free. With Europe PMC you can search and read 45.6 million publications, preprints and other documents enriched with links to supporting […]

Bror har Tesla og angrer bittert. Som bot har han satt opp (lett å endre på Tesla biler med en tusj) til å referere til en ukrainastøtteside. Lik og del.

Indlæg i dagens Politiken. Jeg kan ærlig talt godt frygte at Bluesky vil vise sig at blive et problematisk socialt netværk. Det eneste sikre at Mastodon. Det kan ingen købe sig til. #dkpol #teknologiforståelse

I think what makes this moment feel so big and groundbreaking is that even those among us who have been talking about the need/danger of a Europe without the US for a long time, were usually in the mindset of a US disinterested in Europe. But not a US actively hostile to Europe& European interests.

Thinking of a bot that adds random legit-sounding meetings to your calendar over the course of the year but then sends you an email 30 minutes before saying sorry it's had to cancel. Kind of an Oh-Thank-Fuck-As-A-Service.

I'm incensed by this. Steve Herman @w7voa has been a great news source here. Now he's "placed on an extended 'excused absence' pending a human resources investigation" by #VoiceOfAmerica #VOANews. Kari Lake should be ashamed of herself, though she's clearly […] [Original post on]

As it is becoming increasingly clear that the United States is at best erratic and at worst has effectively joined forces with Russia, let’s get serious about a joint nuclear weapons R&D program for small states. Share costs and risks, get capabilities _you_ control.

How much more proof do we need that this administration is completely compromised? There is zero reason for the US to relax any offensive digital actions against Russia. If anything, we should be applying more. Martin Matishak over at The Record writes that the former Fox news host turned […]

Trump always intended to capitulate to Putin--that was probably baked in by AT LEAST September 2024, if not September 2016. So to assess what happened today, you need to assess whether this strengthens Zelenskyy's hand w/Europe and Trump's w/the US.

The complete meltdown in the Oval Office was absurd, but not entirely surprising. Trump tried to hoist the white flag on behalf of Ukraine and was rebuffed by Zelensky. Regardless of all the rhetoric in between, Trump always ends up on Putin’s side of the fence 1/3

Trump has just put the US arms industry into decline. You would no longer choose arms that come with a ‘yoink!’.

The guy who asked Zelensky if he owned a suit, Brian Glenn, is a reporter for the pro-Trump media network Real America’s Voice and also Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's boyfriend. He got one of the rare Oval Office interviewer spots only after the White House blocked the Associated Press.

This Looting Index put together by is useful. BTC not in it but does include: TSLA FNMA (privatization grift) UMAC (drones) PLTR (Teil) CXW (private prisons) AXON (cop tech) CLBR (gun retail SPAC) JEMA (lol - EM ETF) MSTR (leveraged bitcoin) ROIV (Vivek's co)

Good news for Americans seeking places to emigrate to. Finnish government is planning to eliminate employment protections, move to at-will contracts as well as turn education to a paid system, so it will feel much more familiar here soon. Oh, is that not good news?

A quotation from **Franklin Roosevelt** > We will not be intimidated by the threats of dictators that they will regard as a breach of international law or as an act of war our aid to the democracies which dare to resist their aggression. Such aid is not an act of war, even if a dictator should […]

Nu används AI för att bekämpa det danska språket. ❤️

A French #nuclear umbrella would be a nice stopgap. But it wouldn’t solve the problem. The pro-Kremlin far right could well be in power by 2027 already. And I doubt any French leader would ever trade Paris for Helsinki. No. We need our own capabilities.

Europe can’t accept any demilitarisation of Ukraine. For the simple fact that Ukraine’s army is the only one who can teach our own armies the new methods of fighting #dronewarfare If we let Russia get it’s way, only it will know the secret of this new way of fighting. Ukraine is our only […]

This false romantic idea is broadly shared within the degrowth scene prevalent among the (far) left. It's highly problematic as it actually means that we put a ban on the Global South to develop its material wealth. "A washing machine? Sorry, that's too […] [Original post on]

One of these days I'd really like to see (do?) a graph propagation analysis of how a toot gets to 99 boosts without trying. One thing is absolutely clear without even analyzing, as it was on all the commercial networks too: if you want distribution, include a picture.

I will literally only ever drive to a #Tesla charger if there is no other marginally useful charger in range of my EV. There are always other chargers in range. I have not driven to a Tesla charger yet. We have dropped his car sales like a brick. We can do the same with his Nazi Chargers […]

Europæerne skulle have leveret flere våben tidligere, men det skulle USA også. Nordkorea og Iran har været markant mere pålidelige partnere for Rusland, end NATO har været for Ukraine.

NATO can't protect Europe from Russia because the US has defected. The EU can't because UK is no longer a member. The UN can't because of Russia & US. We need a body with Europe + UK but not Russia + US, with existing admin infrastructure. What I'm saying is: arm the Eurovision Song Contest.

"Psykolog har i ti år talt med forældre om børns digitale adfærd: Èn ting overrasker ham gang på gang" Klikmadding i overskriften. Men værd at læse efter: "- Det, der overrasker mig gang på gang, er, at uanset hvor jeg er i landet, så forstår forældrene ikke, at det her ikke er sociale medier […]

What I hear from my kids indicates the same in Denmark 😔

One of the reasons billionaires are billionaires is that they're leveraged. That means they fund everything from acquisitions to their daily life by loans with their assets as collateral. For tech billionaires, that collateral is often just one company's stock. 1/7

We now see the wisdom of Europe having its own satellite positioning system as well as an independent launch capability. #Galileo #Ariane6

I wish I could stop endlessly posting about war and military technology, go back to posting about bicycling and software. But as long as my continent is embroiled in a war, even if its kinetic effect is far from me, it's never far from my thoughts.

I saw someone expressing very understandable frustration this morning about not seeing any headlines about a Trump admin EO (executive order) that was posted late last night, and I think this is maybe a good way to explain in real time how an EO becomes A News here. I’m not going to get into […]

Många hade glömt vem Trump är. Så här sade han två dagar före Rysslands fullskaliga anfall: “I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful"

Today marks my 100th day of messing around with a period-tracking app. I’m a uterus-less cis man, but I’ve been pressing random buttons on this app because I want to add just a tiny bit of noise to their data signal, in case they ever get corralled by this […] [Original post on]

Denmark MP Rasmus Jarlov: "[US] has taken no casualties in Ukraine ... paid 4% of US defence budget for one year and that was too much for them ... they will surrender to Russia. We can not trust such spineless people ... If Russia invaded Poland tomorrow, they would make excuses and do nothing."

"In this new world where the foreign policy of the most powerful country on Earth has been rapidly reorganised around the fragile ego of a sullen and resentful old man, you might as well launch missiles at America’s eastern seaboard as utter a few words of rebuke." […]

This is a coup: The chief information officers of at least three major US government agencies have been replaced by Silicon Valley executives, including from Palantir and Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

Some in my replies have been Doomers about protests, saying that they’re worthless, essentially, saying that nothing comes of them. Wrong. For example: An activist I know made a great point recently. Protests provide an opportunity to build long-lasting, local organizations that go beyond a […]