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Talent Publicist #Writing #Film #Author #Movies #Hollywood #WritingCommunity #NFTFam #NFTArtist Leonardo Di Aetherhart
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“Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the #truth” ― Albert Camus #writing #LeonardoDiAetherhart

Happy Valentine's Day! #writing #writerslife #editing

An #author's life is different, complex, and ongoing, while a #character's life remains frozen Lorrie Moore #writing #LeonardoDiAetherhart

Good morning BlueSky hope you have a wonderful Saturday Art by Adam Michael Smith 2019

The #library -where we aspire to blur reality and fiction. #art- unknown #booksky #books #writingcommunity

#Beauty is not caused. It is. Emily Dickinson #writing #beauty #Art Leonardo Di Aetherhart #LeonardoDiAetherhart

Not voting in the Oscars this year. IMHO they should cancel them. No glitz with Los Angeles on fire.

Sorry to hear about David Lynch. I worked beside him (same studio) while he was making BLUE VELVET. He answered my questions about his work with grace and honesty. I especially enjoyed his deeply existential comic strip, The Angriest Dog in the World.”

“#Perfection is less #interesting.” —Anne Carson #writing Art by Leonardo Di Aetherhart #Artistr

If there was a #reading club near you, would you go? #booksky #writingcommunity

The universe is made of #stories, not of atoms. MURIEL RUKEYSER #storytelling #writing #reading #bookslover #writers Art by Leonardo Di Aetherhart

Happy New Year and Keep Writing, Everyone! Let those stories come alive in 2025! Live one day at a time... And make it a masterpiece. Dalai Lama #writing #acting #film Aetherhart

Today we celebrate Boxing Day in the UK, so named because cats spend the day exploring empty boxes discarded from Christmas Day* *This may not be true

Wolf pack love. 🐺 Cr: unkown

Wishing you all a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! "Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love ❤️." ~Hamilton Wright Mabie #writing #love #writerslife #film #screenwriting #filmmaking #actor #Hollywood #Art Aetherhart

Have enough courage to trust #love one more time and always one more time. Maya #Angelou #writing #film #writerslife #books Art Leonardo Di Aetherhart

“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” ~ Jacques Cousteau #writing #art Aetherhart

Bibliomania- the intense compulsion to prioritize #reading over everything else. #art-Aizel #books #library #writingcommunity

“She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.” ― Annie Dillard #writing Aetherhart

Someone put some effort into this #book #tree. #writingcommunity #Christmas

If you write to impress it will always be bad, but if you write to express it will be good. THORNTON WILDER #film Aetherhart

"I have dreamed much and have done very little." Gustave Flaubert (12 December 1821- 8 May 1880)

It's a delicious thing to write. To be no longer yourself but to move in an entire universe of your own creating. Gustave Flaubert

I buy a book the same way I buy a bottle of wine: do I like the little picture on the front, do I like the little blurb on the back, and does it look like it’ll &#% me up for $12

Trooper, the dog who went viral after a video was posted of him tied up along a Florida highway ahead of Hurricane Milton, has been adopted! The 3 year-old pup has found his forever home with Frank and Carla Spina of Parkland, Florida. 💕

Yearly reminder: if you're getting a #Christmas tree buy a LIVE ONE that is locally grown or comes from the shortest distance. Fake #trees have a large carbon footprint, never convert CO2, and are not biodegradable. More info here-… #nature #ClimateAction

There are only two ways to live your life One is as though nothing is a miracle The other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein #writing Art by Leonardo Di Aetherhart

That’s me, mingling with the #trees. #Hawaii #nature

Two stages of writing: 1) This shouldn't take too long 2) Oh no

The universe is made of #stories, not of atoms. MURIEL RUKEYSER #storytelling #writing #reading #bookslover #writers Art by Leonardo Di Aetherhart

You can make anything by writing. C.S. #Lewis #amwriting #writingprocess #writerslife #bookslover #storytelling #Art Leonardo Di Aetherhart

If the house of the world is dark. #Love will find a way to create windows. Rumi #amwriting #writerslife #inspiration #LeonardoDiAetherhart #NFTArt #amwriting Art by Leonardo Di Aetherhart

Over the last year many of my X followers have hinted that they’d love to see me here. That’s an encouraging gesture for someone who has been at this social media stuff since 2009. Connecting to all of you again, for the 1st or 2nd time, feels a bit like searching the stars. #art- M Vandewalle

On which note: "If words fall into disrepair, what will substitute? They are all we have." Tony Judt

Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the heart. Kahlil Gibran #writing Art by Leonardo Di Aetherhart

Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future. ― Ray Bradbury #amreading #amwriting Admont