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He/him | Uninvited settler on stolen Quw’utsun Territory | Nurse | #HarmReduction
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Canada does not have anywhere close to as big of “a drug problem” as the United States and there’s absolutely no evidence Canada supplies a significant amount of fentanyl to the US. Americans drive both fentanyl supply and fentanyl demand in the US, and this admin has avoided addressing those things

BOOOO urns

aaaand there goes samhsa (the substance abuse & mental health service administration) fucking bleak

We will never forget this, SAMHSA. Fascists cannot be trusted, least of all with the lives of vulnerable people.

One thing I'm fucken sick of hearing is that people on the poverty line "don't want handouts." Well, the rich take hand outs. Maybe they're rich bc they were offered handouts. Maybe they're rich bc they take them. This "shame in receiving free money" for the poor but not the rich makes me SO MAD


SCOOP Premier Smith's former chief of staff Marshall Smith, Deputy Premier Mike Ellis, CPS Chief Neufeld & others implicated in cover-up of serious injuries inflicted by Calgary Police on protesters at UCalgary on May 9, 2024. reports:

For me, fighting fascism has nothing to do with thinking I’ll win. I don’t fight because there’s an inevitable outcome, I fight because I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do something.

so even though everyone gets that it's not about fentanyl, we're keeping the fentanyl czar and doing drug war theatre and never having a serious discussion about drug policy, right? and we're going to blame drug users for economic impacts of tariffs, right? yeah

The provncially-funded supervised consumption site in my neighborhood just closed down two days ago. The Ford government shut them down. Last year, they revserved close to 800 overdoses. As a result, we'll see hundreds of overdoses taking place in public over the next year.

You can tell antivaxxers don’t actually care about children because a child died and these sickos are using it as an excuse to share juice recipes and promote their supplements. There’s more aluminum in a cup of carrot juice than in the two-dose MMR series. And carrot juice doesn’t prevent measles.

Edmonton has returned to near-record EMS dispatches for opioid poisoning. It's an unmitigated massacre of unhoused people. Police allied w/ "downtown business recovery" & developers in the most vulnerable neighbourhoods, plus proponents of Alberta Model bear responsibility. Again: it's a massacre.

Powerful and unequivocal statement from Canadian Public Health Association on Alberta's proposed involuntary treatment / forced abstinence legislation.

Are you or your group working on campaigns or strategies to interrupt criminalization, policing, and state violence, and want thought partnership or support? Reach out to our Resisting Criminalization Help Desk, staffed by our co-founder

Nurses deserve safe workplaces. Patients deserve dignity. How can we achieve both? This article explores harm reduction strategies like ventilated rooms, safe use spaces, and evidence-based education. Read more: #HarmReduction #NurseLife

Excellent breakdown by on how people who stand to profit professionally, monetarily and politically are pushing for involuntary treatment in Alberta and BC. Involuntary treatment is a distraction for gov's failure to address poverty, homelessness.

"This analysis will shed light on the risks for nurses associated with fentanyl exposure, the harms of perpetuating exposure misinformation, and viable solutions that promote the safety of everyone, including people who use drugs."

📣‼️New study ⤵️ and great writeup! "We believe that evidence must drive policy, not fear and misinformation. We believe that both worker safety & upholding the rights and dignity of people who use drugs are achievable without resorting to punitive policymaking."

"When moral panic leads to reactive policy-making, we must use evidence and expertise to fight back." #bcpoli

“We believe that both worker safety and upholding the rights and dignity of people who use drugs are achievable without resorting to punitive policymaking. We support inhalation overdose prevention services in all hospital settings.”

“There are plenty of observable, ongoing safety risks that should be focused on, including staffing shortages, mandatory overtime, and high turnover rates; shifting focus from drug use to these working conditions is what will create real solutions and improve working conditions for nurses.” #bcpoli

‼️ New ‼️ Evaluating the risk for nurses of fentanyl exposure and the harms of perpetuating exposure misinformation. From Serena Eagland, and me!

CBC had the choice of kissing one ass cheek or the other and opted to go right down the middle

There’s no evidence to support the idea that fentanyl is being intentionally marketed to kids. False warnings often create unnecessary fear and stigma. Come on! Police warn about fentanyl-laced tablets that could appeal to kids

“One of the purposeful consequences of overwhelm is that we see ourselves as the people politics *happens to* as opposed to being active participants in *doing politics* or shaping our political reality.“

“It feels like moral panic,” Streukens said. “There’s this stigmatizing focus on people who use drugs as if they’re inherently untrustworthy. Stigma fuels isolation and harm, and I worry when we build stigma into policy, it will not reduce harm.”

Legacy media you are failing us big time These actions are all illegal and you need to label them as such

Nothing says “everything is fine” like stopping by your local grocery store to buy a sandwich and having to respond to two separate medical emergencies (overdose + hypoglycemic episode). Really feels like we are just living in a mass casualty situation.

remember during the last Ontario election campaign when The Bravest Bee in Canadian Histing flew into Doug Ford's mouth and down his throat causing Ford to choke and cry that was awesome bring that energy Ontario be that bee

“There was a total of 49,105 apparent opioid toxicity deaths reported between January 2016 and June 2024” We have well surpassed 50,000 drug poisoning deaths in Canada since 2016.

NDP Leader Naheed Nenshi calls out Premier Smith's gaslighting. #ableg #abpoli

👏 + 👏 “While they preach the values of treatment and rehabilitation for drug users, they abandon those seeking help—leaving them with long wait times, unregulated facilities, and predatory private operators eager to cash in.”

“These examples show that creating support for attitudes and behaviors based on science requires more than just presenting facts. It requires creating meaningful dialogue between skeptical groups and scientific messengers.”

The UCP's forced abstinence legislation (Compassionate Intervention Act) is intended to be modeled after Alberta's forced abstinence legislation for youth (PChAD Act). They didn't mention a statistic that should give everyone serious pause: 41% of youth forced through PChAD are Indigenous. 1/

>90% of unvaccinated individuals who come into contact with a measles-infected person will contract measles. The recommended 2-dose MMR vaccine is 99% effective in preventing measles infection.

get this what if we did gulags but for people who use drugs

The other scandal is that for-profit surgical delivery does not reduce wait times over the long-term, increase system capacity or provide cost-efficient care It simply diverts the fixed pool of specialized personnel into investor-owned facilities, increases waits, all at ++cost to taxpayers #ableg

the other day said that at least 600 people are sleeping outside every night in Vancouver. $5M would top-up the $500/mth shelter portion of social assistance to market rent for each person for the rest of the year

Because Marshall Smith is named in the AHS procurement allegations, any investigation must extend to hundreds of millions in questionable expenditures at Mental Health & Addiction. This scandal could be government-wide.

The gap between First Nations and non-First Nations life expectancy in Alberta is 19 years, and wider now than any other point on record. This is a provincial and national emergency. #ableg