One thing I'm fucken sick of hearing is that people on the poverty line "don't want handouts."
Well, the rich take hand outs. Maybe they're rich bc they were offered handouts. Maybe they're rich bc they take them.
This "shame in receiving free money" for the poor but not the rich makes me SO MAD
Well, the rich take hand outs. Maybe they're rich bc they were offered handouts. Maybe they're rich bc they take them.
This "shame in receiving free money" for the poor but not the rich makes me SO MAD
The best trick the rich ever pulled was making poor people feel personally ashamed for a system that put them exactly where it intended to put them
You can also use this to contact your elected officials if you don't have ownership of a me.
I will say that billionaires and CEOs must pay taxes.
The actuality of work: getting covered in hot grease while wearing a paper hat
Same with religion and the promise that you maybe poor or enslaved but just lie down and take it and heaven will be your reward.
In a way, we kind of already do.
Subsidies to the private sector.
Taxes should be an objective truth for all not only for those who cant afford lawyers.
Based on what I've read, wealth managers are even more sinister.
# DailyFreedomScripts and protesting at #swasticar / #tesla dealerships
We don't want to work ourselves to death for 60 hours a week to make billionaires richer. We don't want to have to juggle 3 jobs so that our children can eat. We don't want
UBI, More EBT, Medicare for all, Housing subsidies (for all renters) and, yeah, STIPENDS TO HAVE FUN WITH. We want EASE and COMFORT and a good living.
As to where to get the money? Well, there are rich people to fucking eat.
I'd love an edit feature like Spoutible.
Rich people can afford private cause they don’t pay for public services (ie taxes)
Others pay for public services (taxes) so can’t afford private.
Yhe rests taxes aren’t enough to swing decent public services.
France 1789 just saying…😉
47 plays this game well.
Trying to google his multiple bankruptcies is hilarious. Even google results differ on how many personal, how many business.
I'd take fash money too, but only if it's lifted off their shattered corpse.
She finally said 'don't ever turn down free money. I'm only going to offer one more time.' I took the money.
We are people NOT servants for the Rich to abuse as & when they like!!
I am really curious about how many of the silent majority democratically elected republican congressmen and senators will benefit from the upcoming tax breaks.
that is how they got so many people
to suffer and die from the shame of asking for help.
On top of writing the tax code according to their tax lawyers dictates.
I think it was Matthew Desmond who calculated we could end poverty by removing the loopholes.
I paid into SSI for over 50 years. Goddamn right, I am ENTITLED to collect that ENTITLEMENT.
This has been a class war dressed up in culture war drag since the 1980s.
It is way over due that we focus return fire where it belongs. We are building the movement through snowballing micro actions.
No quit, no quarter, 24/7.
Then we get people who want to get rid of all taxes, which certainly isn't the answer either...
We must build an unstoppable mass of humanity, overwhelm them & reset. The goal cannot be just removing Krasnov. It is the Trojan Horse.
They are all traitors.
#1st100 #takeaction #calltoaction #Project2025
Solutions Thread:
The rest of what they do is offshoring, which is unethical and at times illegal, and that's extremely hush-hush.
And who lobbies?
Religion poisons everything
Maybe that’s why they’re rich. Being selfish and entitled.
But what is the better use of the money if the rich don’t want to give it, and the poor are made to feel like failures if they take it?
The rich are subsidized because they control businesses as owners and shareholders, while the poor are subsidized because their rich bosses don't pay them enough in benefits or a living wage.
We must do so much better.
Contact your elected officials and protest.
The rich are subsidized because they control businesses as owners and shareholders.
The poor are subsidized because their rich bosses don't pay them enough in benefits or a living wage.
We must do so much better.
Contact your elected officials and protest.
The rich are subsidized because they control businesses as owners and shareholders.
The poor are subsidized because their rich bosses don't pay them enough in benefits or a living wage.
Let's stop this mess. Contact your elected officials.
A victory happened today, 5,000 probationary employees at #usda were rehired at least for the next 40 days. Doubling down and contacting your elected officials is necessary for #foodsafety and more.
Solutions Thread:
Limited taxes for years, little or no interest, file bankruptcy, we pay for it. Make money, they keep and don’t pay taxes.
those stocks became my mom's and she got them at the value they were on his death. all capital gains from decades of investment? untaxed.
that's a huge fucking handout. she took it, because of course you do. still a handout.
Handouts are still our taxes
Yeah, right.
they took me out of the population to help people who want dirty money
Seriously. If Congress is the Peoples' House, why is it filled with rich people?
That is NOT representation.
A victory happened today, 5,000 probationary employees at #usda were rehired at least for the next 40 days. Doubling down and contacting your elected officials is necessary for #foodsafety and more.
I’m fucking sick of that narrative, also!
There's something unusually humanizing about being a business owner in this odd country.
Muskrat has been doing it for decades now, either subsidies, tax breaks, or both even.
Our current world is a bad joke, with no punchline.
Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.
You die. you arrive at the Pearly Gates. Which question do YOU think you are more likely to face based on your theology.
A) Who did you help?
B) How many dollars did you save the government?
If you earned a lot doing good, you are good.
If you earned a little doing good, you are good.
God doesnt care about money only evil satanist billionaires do.
Money is not neutral or good if evil
Currency is a game humans created.
Unfortunately, a lot of people buy into "prosperity gospel." I assume because money is easier to show off to other people than is God's love.
The mystery of charity is a strange one.
Yes just handing poor people money no strings attached for the most part allowed them to make there lives better in the long run
The reason I'm generally ok with paying taxes is that I want that money to go to those most in need and ensure consistent services for everyone.
I hate when it's used to subsidize people/corps that are already wealthy.
I have been exceedingly lucky in life (so far) and I, and my husband are more than fine with paying our share so that there are funds, programs, healthcare etc etc for those that need it!
can I eat those
There is this thing called *compassion* that my parents taught me.
The ones on the poverty line just need a chance to get out of poverty.
We are made to feel like grifters to take a hand up.
I have had to receive help in college. I was down to eating popcorn I popped every night.. without butter.
Other corporations and CEO's, including other billionaires, have gotten handouts in the form of subsidies and tax breaks such that they are not paying ongoing taxes - unlike real people in this country have to do.