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How can I overcome my one-sided feelings? I still miss him. After two months, I removed him with a heavy heart because he didn’t have time to talk, but I can’t stop missing him.

And while they may forget many things, they won’t forget you. Because guilt lingers, and their conscience will remind them of how they played you.

So you decided to rip the bandage off and let the scar heal on its own. Because.... you know the healing comes after the wound bleeds. And you will heal—after a few drops of blood drip from the wound. And once it heals, they’ll be nothing but a lesson.

the doughnutsss yum the chocolate The chocolate melting in my mouth I WANT CHOCOLATE

Bruh ...Now that I’ve let all the drama out of my head, I feel like trying again and letting the real me show by dropping the fake nonchalant mysterious attitude. But why the heck don’t I have more self-respect? I’m really trying hard not to text him.

Now the question is will he text me?What if he doesn't.. he won't bcz this has happened before. Shall I just leave a msg that I really really wanna keep talking to u despite I'll hate myself for doing this. And the anger that I've buried inside me- if ever triggered I'll explode.SoIwontDoAnything👽

Will bring his ass towards me. anyways the problem is I like him v much platonically. Like he is the best sauce in my flavorless way too much available life. AH LETS SEE HOW LONG i can wait bcz I just want to talk to him and no one else.

Without giving it a second thought I removed him and after one day I added him back lmao. So he's there but we don't talk. Every morning I wake up and after opening that app I close my eyes AND YEARN.. I yearn for his msg silently.. I'm manifesting and I know one day the nature will bring his ass.

Well, I wanted to act like the usual me who turns into an emotional bitch mode and wins every argument but bcz this wasn't the first time it happened so I had to hold back. I forced myself to reply w a msg "that's fine" but this wasn't enough as the bitchy bubbles were coming up to the surface OUFF

The first thing I did for the first time after waking up was send a flirty text to him 😂—anyways he replied w sth that boiled my blood and id be honest I don't even remember what long ass shit he wrote bcz as soon as I read that he can't talk !!! I HAD lost my senses ....

2025 revolution: REMEMBER TO DIE BEFORE TELLING A MAN HOW U FEEL :) AHH PLEASE I MISS HIM I long for him and I wait everyday that he will text me. Wait ✋ ill tell u we talked nonstop for a week and the next week he ignored me and I KEPT INITIATING THE CONVO EVERYTIME anyways then one day he says: 👇🏻

How do I erase my brothers gifted traumatic memory from my head. Its getting on my nerves.

!!! MY LITTLE DUMBASS BROTHER. I was working out like ( vvvlikee👽—I can't tell) and meanwhile somebody called and he had turned the camera towards me the whole time. I had no idea cuz dammit I had earphones plugged in and the moment I saw him from mirror, it was too late.

Watching Snow White and the Huntsman really made me forget about the terrible day I had. It actually made me happy. Lol

I just want to be alone for the time being, undisturbed, doing whatever I want.

My family aah day by day I'm getting sick of the endless drama they create everytime.

I'm so tired of getting scolded by my father 24 by 7. I do whatever he says but the way he tells me to do stuff is heartbreaking. I always end up getting scolded.

The superpower i want is to sleep at that v moment when my brain starts working when I really don't need it.

👽my brain wakes up at midnight. The silence is so loud that I can hear my brain yapping unnecessary shit. Like I'll wake up tomorrow with idgaf attitude

Back to only my girls. Girls are the best.

When u only talk to one dude and he turns out to be certified stubborn idiot. Gyaat I need a break and I hope after this peaceful supposed break I remove him and I wont ever make a man my friend. hats off to my calm beautiful handsome TOXIC choice. And here I go again

Just got triggered by my sister 🙃 and I chose silence to protect my peace.

My 2 frnds are ignoring me. One says chase me properly ..PAUSE!! and the other one haha yeah its my fault but anyways... I'll just make paper stars 🌟

Planning to start working out just one exercise lmao, because why the heck don’t I have Venus dimples👽

In search of deeper and fulfilling connection, I fear I'll loose the ones w whom i used to have this kind of connection with.

The urge to slap him w my hardcore legit emotions but then Lana del rey plays in my head and I switch to a sad girl. Lmao I might delete this later.

Should I follow my inner voice and risk facing disappointment, or hold back and carry the weight of betraying my true self?

How do I grow my nails damn. Its been more than 2 weeks and they are still the same size.

I can describe the person I love in so beautiful words that I even get shocked like the words are so mmmm I love it.

I went to a dentist, and as soon he leaned forward and reached my mouth, I closed my eyes. Then my brain was like: "Wtf are you doing? Open your eyes " The whole session I kept trying not to close them lmao.

Life feels heavy when my painful memories keep circling in my mind.

Money MONEY money money MONEY MONEYYYYY money

I need sleep but my mind is active ah

Me: YOu lazY wIggLy BRain pOwerEd MeatbAg !!! .. now I'm waiting for their response 👄

god i hate my fucking minddddddd. shut upppppppp.

When the world seems to be celebrating so loudly with laughter, screams and fireworks, it makes me feel even sadder because I’m not feeling the same way. I’m overwhelmed and under so much pressure that it’s hard to match the energy around me.

I mean I can understand frnds are busy w life etc etc and I have no prob w that. Its like I'm a problem WHY am I SO AVAILABLE and I reply so fast despite knowing that their reply will come after an eternity. I wish I could change this nature of mine. Aah actually im the problem lol.

Will doughnuts uplift my spirits :<