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Philosopher, cognitive scientist, writer Books: Linguistic Bodies: The Continuity between Life and Language (MIT Press); Denken over Liefde (Letterwerk) Participatory sense-making Loving and knowing she/her masking
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More on participatory sense-making and healing:

A fantastic read from Ezequiel di Paolo and on participatory sensemaking

What is Participatory Sensemaking and Why Should We Care? Interview by Beck Todd

"Intentions in interactions: an enactive reply to expressive communication proposals" By Elena C. Cuffari & Nara M. Figueiredo

In this new substack post I interview philosopher and aerial dancer Shay Welch on the first-person experience of borderline personality disorder & using “living to die” as a strategy for managing existential boredom

A nice one to start the year: Learning to play to learn in pediatric physical therapy — Håkstad, Dusing, Girolami, De Jaegher

I just published a new substack post featuring visionary systems thinker & community organizer Greg Watson. Watson is a great story teller and his stories of communities self-organizing out of devastating conditions, dare I say it, kindle a of hope in dark times.

Linguistic relativity from an enactive perspective: the entanglement of language and cognition Ulises Rodríguez Jordá and Ezequiel Di Paolo in Language Sciences

#BIPOC voices are often missing from autistic spaces, so here is a BIPOC starter pack! 😊 #racialequality #antiracism The image of autism as “only white boys” leads to underdiagnosis, discrimination & isolation for many Our autistic community is much more diverse than that! ❤️

Iris Murdoch, Autism, and the Importance of Recognising Otherness By Danika Brown

Brazilian philosophers starter pack!

I found this very moving.

New substack post. I interview entrepreneur & special effects producer Philipp Wolf on his strengths-based approach to neurdivergence, his midlife autism diagnosis, and swyvl, his company designing XR to share the experience of neurodivergent nervous systems:

New study analyzing interpersonal coordination in dance improv by Paige Whitehead Ivana Santana & Stefanie-Blain-Moraes

Here’s the beginnings of a starter pack of philosophers who work on topics in love, intimacy, and relationships. please let me know who else to add!

Angel flight booked! (Angelflights is a volunteer organisation that flies patients who live far from treatment centres out to medical appointments). A little perk of cancer! I'm so grateful. Hope it will be sunny those days, as the Kootenay regions are beauty to behold.

Did you all know that Margaret Boden founded the first School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences in 1987. No? Well, now you do 😌 Btw, listen to this great talk by her. I'll be adding this to the resources from our 1st year students in Intro to AI.

It is my conviction that people who understand, at a fundamental level, what computers can and cannot do, are less susceptible to AI hype.

Nu. Het is nu. Je suis nue. Great art helps. (I have no further comments for now.) (I don't want to not share. I don't want to share. I want all of us, our vulnerabilities, to be able to just be. I want us to be able to care for each other, mightily.)

🧵 This is hugely important work from Haaretz, Israel's paper of record. "Residents, military officials and journalists describe scenes of vast devastation. 'It's like after an atomic bomb,' one of them reported in Haaretz after visiting northern Gaza."

In clinical trials of new treatments, when the treatment is clearly and obviously immediately effective it is sometimes considered unethical to continue to withhold it from the control group. Pretty sure we passed that milestone about a decade ago with basic income experiments.

Based on my feed this morning, it seems that the two most successful things ever discovered are UBI and gender-affirming care. Both shown to be nearly 100% reliable in test after test and survey after survey.

Biggest ever survey of trans Americans finds 94% happier after transition

Wonderstruck will soon be out. There will be a few upcoming events (podcasts, interviews etc), I'm excited! Inevitably I feel a bit worried for the book coming into the world like that, especially since it's my first trade book, but how readers will receive it is now up to them.

I wrote a new substack post on connecting with spared implicit understanding in people with dementia through nonverbal means. I talk about the perspective of philosopher/psychiatrist Thomas Fuch & interview social worker extraordinaire Elaine Book.

Yay! Real life investigations into participatory sense-making getting out there. I look forward a lot to reading more from your newsletter,!

(more can be done to connect communities of scholars here, so here's a shot in the dark/try at this) If you are a scholar, please reply with *one* link to a paper you (co)authored that is close to your heart (not necessarily most prestigious or most cited one) say something about it & RT this post.

First post: a paper on Tourette’s, in which we argue that being open to the first person experiences allows to break open the stalemate of the purely pathological view. And, that it puts the environment in focus of creating some Tourettic problems.