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“we’re here to support you every step of the way.” … Bollocks! If that was true they would not be killing the best, and forcing everyone to the company favoured tool!
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I had a look at the published data at Stormont entrance, since it was one that you mentioned. Total traffic is down as you say, but so is capacity (1 lane only now) which is carrying just as much peak traffic as it was before. At peak (7-8am) this is as much as that 1 lane can carry.
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What I'm saying is, if the traffic analysis says less cars are travelling down a particular road during the same time, that could be caused by more congestion rather than less people wanting to travel.
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There is a brilliant blog post by @niroads.bsky.social at wesleyjohnston.wordpress.com/2024/12/13/c... . Read down to the section on "Adding other junctions to the mix" and it turns out that once a road reaches capacity, you start to get LESS traffic through. Could this be part of whats happening?
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@thekenmunroshow.bsky.social is this a sign of slowly declining standards in aviation generally?
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There are things in that article that are FAR more worrying than the GPS attacks.
1).Airline industry think it’s acceptable for unvalidated inputs to be “interwoven” into internal systems!
2).Airline industry think it’s going to be OK to fly with only ONE pilot!!
3).Not maintaining beacons!!!
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But have we invested? We didn’t build new bus lanes. We used existing traffic lanes exclusively for bus services, which reduces capacity for everyone who doesn’t live on the bus route, causing more congestion. In some places so much congestion that even the bus can’t get through, apparently?