This account is dedicated to convincing Pete Buttigieg to run for president in 2028.
NOT an official account of former secretary Buttigieg
Twitter: @PeteButtigieg28
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99% of Americans care more about what policies will help them and their families, than about who somebody love.
The only people who wouldn't vote for Pete because he's gay, is the group that is so far right, there's no way they would vote for any democrat.
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Yes, regardless of if he runs for senate or not, we need to make sure he runs for president in 2028.
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I am not Pete Buttigieg. This is an unofficial account trying to convince Pete Buttigieg to run in 2028. is the real Pete.
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We aren't giving the orange clown a victory in Michigan.
I know that Pete Buttigieg is a strong candidate, and many people like yourself are concerned about losing in Michigan. Just remember, there are other candidates, and Pete Buttigieg can still help them get elected, even if he doesn't run! :D
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Then why do you even bother with 2026?
If they can cheat in the presidential election, it is far easier to cheat in statewide elections.
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You said that you heard he was planning on it.
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You know what sounds like a better idea?
Pete Buttigieg for president.
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It's his choice, I trust his judgement. Although, the applications of not getting Pete Buttigieg 2028 are severe, and I want to ensure that he puts serious consideration into it, regardless of his end decision.
I would love to have Pete Buttigieg 2026 and 2028, but that'd be very difficult.
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He is the only choice, which is why we cannot waste his potential on a senate run. He would be a great senator, but if he does not become president in 2028 (becoming senator in 2026 would decrease the chances of him running in 2028), then he might have to wait until 2036 or even 2040 to run.
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He should run for president.
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He isn't.
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Actually, he is likely to win a presidential run. This polling data guessed Harrises margins very accurately, and suggests a Pete Buttigieg victory in all the swing states. Of course, he may not win all of them, but it's highly likely he wins the election.
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No, he isn't. The axios article says somebody familar with his thinking says that he appears to be CONSIDING a run for senate.
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In the days before Pete Buttigieg would announce a Michigan run, I will be against it. With that being said, if Pete Buttigieg runs for Michigan senate (or governor), I will support him.
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This is an even more accurate one. It was even closer to Harris's margins (at least I think), and suggested Pete Buttigieg winning every swing state.
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Americans beyond Michigan need Pete Buttigieg—this is why I want him to run for president, not for senator, or governor.
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(I am not Pete Buttigieg)
Honestly, I think he should run for president.
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Yeah, I always imagine if Pete Buttigieg ran, he would just destroy the competition easily.
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It's all good!
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You're fine. I can see how it would be easy to tag me thinking it's Pete Buttigieg. I hope he does come to bluesky though.
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I'm not Pete Buttigieg
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I'm not Pete Buttigieg
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I'm not Pete Buttigieg
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I'm not Pete Buttigieg
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I'm not Pete Buttigieg
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I'm not Pete Buttigieg
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I'm not Pete Buttigieg
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I'm not Pete Buttigieg, but that would be awesome to have a Pete Buttigieg presidency.