PhDing @UvA_ASCoR • #NegCampaign • #AffectivePolarization • #Populism • #CSS • baord @FANofAlpbach of @forumalpbach • #Capoeirista🤸 🟥
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Congratulations 🎉
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2) More anti-immigrant positions do not weaken the radical right
Our research shows that when established parties move to the right on immigration this does not weaken the radical right but if anything strengthens them. It contributes to their normalization and legitimation
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I would love to be added 🙏
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#takeaways (2/2):
➡️ harsh campaign effects vary across contexts and voters.
➡️ using third-party attackers or targeting harsh campaigns may reduce backlash.
➡️ classical PolSci models can help us understand the effects of contemporary campaigning tactics.
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#takeaways (1/2):
➡️ having better alternatives shapes how voters assess and react to negative or uncivil campaigns.
➡️ harsh campaigns may mobilize core supporters, but risk alienating swing voters with viable alternatives.
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5️⃣ This effect is especially emphasized among respondents that follow the election campaigns more closely.
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4️⃣ Voters lend less political support to parties leading harsher campaigns when they have an at least equally attractive alternative to choose from!
Parties lose any “negativity bonus” among voters that are ideologically at least equally close to their competition.
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3️⃣ The campaigning party's ideological proximity to other competing parties also has little impact (no significant interaction).
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2️⃣ These differences are not due to the differing number of parties available to voters across contexts (no sig. interaction).
Note: Previously negative baseline effects render positive after inclusion of covariates such as parties' euroskepticism.
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1️⃣ Parties with harsher campaigns (expert-judged) receive lower political support (PTV) on average, but this relationship varies by context.
Note: Model contains fixed effect + random slopes without other covariates.
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Do the effects of harsher campaigns on voters' political support depend on:
➡️ the number of competing parties in an election?
➡️ a party's ideological distance to the next closest competitor?
➡️ the presence of a viable alternative for a voter?
📊 Key findings 👇
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To test this, we combine expert's campaign ratings with voter's political support for parties (propensity to vote, PTV) for 28 cntr & >270 parties surrounding the 2019 🇪🇺 European Parliament elections 🗳️.
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💡Context shapes reactions to harsh campaigns!
Voters weigh policy preferences against disapproval of campaign styles. Viable alternatives ease this trade-off.
When voters have other options, they can step away from harsher campaigning parties without compromising values.
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Recent elections in EU & US show politicians often attack opponents or break civility norms without major backlash at the polls—yet research 📚 suggests voters generally disapprove of harsher campaigns.
How can we explain the gap? 🤔
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Die ist mittlerweile wsl. schon ein alter Hut nach neueren fivethirtyeight Visualisierungen und zumal die ein paar Jahre alt ist aber vielleicht dennoch eine nice Art um deinen Studis deine Forschung näher zu bringen. (2/2)
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Gratuliere zum outreach eurer Studie 🎉!
Ich musste beim drüberfliegen grad an eine Folge vom podcast zu uncertainty visualisation denken; (1/2)