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I think therefore I think therefore I think some more. This is subject to change without notice. (Right now I think we're all in trouble.)
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Lived in Windsor ON for a couple of years during Reagan's presidency Decided something was wrong with the USA & never went back About then an ex-Luftwaffe friend said that the signs of NAZIism/Fascism were 'all there' and w LyinBrian, here too. ppl who'd been through it were giving warning then.
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both have a NAZI haircut.
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Let's say he knows he'll be rejected as a security risk. Proven, the coms would be dreadful & he'd lose the LOO and end his political career. It's strategically better to maintain the ambiguity and try to outrun the issue. He wins, clearance becomes moot. He loses, his career ends anyway.
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There's a somewhat amusing irony in the name The Trump Fighter.
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There's a germ of truth to both. c. 2008 Poilievre was doing a weird cult follower impression of Stephen Harper using Harper's tones, cadences, gestures, etc.
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hm… What's your take of the vid?
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Glad you remembered. Another thing to add to a timeline. I place Doug where I do because of a fragment in an August 2017 NYC gossip column that reported 'the brother of Rob Ford' in a hotel where republicans were meeting. Found by accident and not reported anywhere else so it seemed on the QT.
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Don't remember that altho you can absorb facts and/or nonsense without it registering. Good to know and thx. People seem to have a cognitive blind spot where Captain Potato's concerned. He's in my MAGA black ops file.
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People are always caught off guard when 'they' whichever 'they' is the current incarnation of tyranny, come for them. Has something to do with cognitive filters, I think.
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An observation: Ford was reported as having temporarily stopped his private french lessons due to Covid. A question: Why would Doug be taking French if not to make a bid for CPC leadership?
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I'm not sure now what angle sparked my comment… could be just a foot in mouth impulse… FWIW I take your points as ground zero givens.
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He has unfettered access to Trump. How much of what Trump conveys is beyond 'need to know'?
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Wrong religion. Saw clean, tidy clothing piles, shoes, socks, pants, underpants, empty as they'd been worn placed in odd, traveled locales in London ON some years ago. My first thought was art project My second 'We've been left with the behinds.' Sorry now I didn't check for ID and cell phones
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Doug wants Poilievre's job. He wouldn't help him.
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Agree with 'fake'. Spelling it out. The attack's a contingency to compensate for no time to install Doug as the LOO. The choreographer of this pas de deux is a nimble, brilliant, deadly enemy with an instinct for detail. Too bad Trump has that/those person(s). We need our own but more positive.
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FWIMBW, people continue to reckon without factoring in vote suppression. This election was a brutal exercise in it. Run in February over slack week with too short a lead time bolstered by negative campaign and a province under attack by a foreign dicktato. Attacked students, seniors,disabled etc.
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Didn't know that. With Rus state media present, I'll match and raise with two statements of fealty.
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I do. Sometimes it just gets away from me and I can't catch it before sending.
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martial law.
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Of course that term would come into being. Sitting here, shaking my head and having a quiet, maybe slightly rueful chuckle before going up to tell my wife my new word of the day. cheers
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unseat it. About 13 years ago I had a neighbour who fell prey & I just kept asking 'Who told you that?'and using facts.— Weeks of interaction eventually broke the spell. You'll know this but for the record politics, propaganda, marketing, religion, stage magic and salesmanship share elements.
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I'd think, more like influenced voters. People don't understand that the attack levelled against Justin Trudeau was designed to hack **our** cognitive attack surface and bypass our filters to create an effect. Ppl just absorb it, it becomes unquestionably their own and once settled, just try to
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Which suggests holding protests against Doug, the USA etc. outside Postmedia's doors with video, commentary etc. to The Guardian, NYT, Wapo, Miami newspapers etc., Mother Jones, PBS and so on. More petitions for Canadian ownership might be an avenue.
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His base responds to mawkish platitudes. Which, if you think about how brains wire/rewire, is a quality a brilliant political marketer backed by significant resources and a coherent block of confederates could leverage to rewire them to a more balanced bias.
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A corner of it is in a puddle. Pity there wasn't more puddle.
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It's often the little guy that surprises the big guy by having a lot of fight. A friend's ex was like that. Big guys could knock him down and he'd keep getting up and coming back until his opponent would quit from exhaustion.
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Said right it sounds like cuss more.
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net him CPC leadership and then PM. & FWIW I'd like to be wrong.
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If you dig into Doug's connxns, strategies & QPQ with oligarch linked corps., you may see that we didn't elect a Doug.—We elected a gopMAGA op equiv. that looks and sounds like a Doug. I believe our current pickle is designed, in whole, or in part to showcase him as Captain Maple potato,
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There'd be a cudgel behind the flattery. eg. DJT tried to throw a schoolmate who'd given him some lip out a window so defenestrations would have a certain, personal meaning for him. Anyone ever backtrail his course through life looking for disappearances?
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Try this. DJT's trying to position the Ontario Premier who's publicly declared loyalty to him into position to win leadership of our federal conservative party and then Prime Minister of Canada and do it in a way that gives the most deniability Timing's a problem but can probably be finessed.
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I think 3 successful campaigns suggest an oncoming sandbagging if I'm correct & he's underestimated again. Note the word 'successful'. 'Win' IMO implies no: declared loyalty to a foreign leader, cheating, voter suppression, quid pro quo contracts awarded for access to gopMAGA assets etc.
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During Covid there was brief mention that he's been taking French. There's no reason for him, of all ppl to do that unless his goal's higher office than premier. He does things on the QT ages before the reveal and his potato image tends to fool people long enough that he can sandbag them.
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They've known each other since the Toronto Trump Tower opening Could be wrong but this all looks like theatre to move Ford into CPC leadership. If I'm correct then Trump has a traitor in position for PM. If correct, look for some scandal similar to the Brown putsch to take Poilievre out fast.
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Doug is playing to the crowd for his next career move which is federal & why Poolever's been so desparate for an election. It's to head Doug off. Doug knows Trump. Has met with him on the QT in the past. Has been awarding contracts to gopMAGA/CNP oligarchs' companies. etc.
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Re the election: Everyone paying attention knew the outcome before Doug dropped the writ. Along the way we witnessed serious vote suppression, cognitive decision making exploits and a foreign 'attack' (nudge nudge) combine to make Doug's ……application for CPC leadership successful.
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Mine too. Still here. Pretty good for a burg that has a rep for being very conservative.
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Everything is at stake
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Do you recall which network the doc aired on?
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I've seen people run into doors, coat racks, fall down stairs, slip on ice, drop glasses, mugs, cups, plates and pots—I think that's got it all'—right after saying/doing something mean and/or dishonest. It may be nothing but I've wondered if their actions disrupted their attention/focus.
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So they go about it in a different way by offering policy, strategy, ops and tactical assistance and get it paid for in quid pro quo contracts.