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Hobbyist artist (in training) I love fantasy books and games. • He/Him • Catalonia, Barcelona • Cat/Esp/Eng
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Lil palico in Blangoga’s armor

Pinterest updated their terms of use and they're going to use all of the content you saved to train their AI. Go to options > your privacy rights > disable GenAI Please do it 🫠


Pagar un pastizal a Adobe perque despres et crashen els seus programes te collons sincerament

Important. 🤐


someone commissioned me to draw Alma but I can't find their email or dm and I can't remember their name...

This isn't even subtle. All it tells us is that the game was sloppily made without any attention to detail. A literal cash grab, with zero passion, direction or effort. If you can't even be bothered to create your own cover art, why should we bother playing what it’s advertising? Gross.

Ja tinc entrades per Peach Pit 🤟🏻


No supero els baby Seikret del MH:Wilds. Son taaaan adorables

시간이 느리게 가게 하는 법 1단계: ㄴ가죽부터 벗어야되는 거임? 좀 빡센데

Poder possarte armadures “femenines” com a home es lo millor que li ha pogut passar a Monster Hunter

Estic rumiant si apuntarme a un dels tallers del Graf (tot i que no he dibuixat un comic mai que recordi)

Quina meravella llevarse del llit, i que dongui el sol a la finestra

Doodle d’en senyor Zelda. Trobava a faltar dibuixar algo que no fos estrictament fonaments del art.

WIP (nose si magrada com esta quedant)

“Fashion?” Kaladin asked. He hadn’t intended to speak, but it came out anyway. “You’re spending the highstorm looking for new clothing?” Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance The princeling and his bridgeboy. #stormlightarchive #fantasyart #procreate

✨superstar cop breakdance🪩 ELECTROCHEMISTRY [𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚂𝚞𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜] - You proceed to bust it down on the dance floor, popping your bussy. ENDURANCE [𝙻𝚎𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚞𝚛𝚎] - You fail to keep busting it down, popping your spine. −2 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗟𝗧𝗛 −1 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗔𝗟𝗘

why is learning arm anatomy so hard for you Jessi?" LOOK. LOOK AT WHAT ARMS DO.

Mare meva queda una setmana pel nou Monster Hunter. Quines ganes 🙌🏻

Tinc ganes del GRAF, m’encanta anar cada any i veure a tants artistes i illustradors en un sol lloc. A mes, ho fan al meu barri 🤟🏻

I'm biased but I genuinely think Hollywood is leaving money on the table not commissioning bespoke illustrated posters. Outside of like Dune these are literally the only posters I remember from the past 5 years and I've only seen one of these

Estic somiant amb rectangles i calaveres

Vivienda libre de turistas y rentistas. El 5 de abril, todes a la calle. Busca tu Sindicato de Inquilines para info para tu ciudad.

M’he possat un protector de pantalla de Paperlike al ipad per dibuixar. Molt recomanable 👌🏻

Hi there! These are some of the cats from my shelter here in Barcelona. We are being evicted because the new owners of the space want it back to make more money. When you stay in an airbnb, when you go to a business all in English, think about what was there before. It might have been a cat shelter.

Es clar que em porten un paquet mentre estic fent una entrevista online, quan sino?

Artwork - Shallan for Brandon Sanderson’s Words of Radiance - Dragonsteel Entertainment #BrandonSanderson

Jo no se perque en el mundillo del disseny nhi ha tanta gent a favor de la gen ai

Mare meva, he vist un ex profesor meu de la uni a Linkedin, publicant uns “concept art” fet amb IA. Es d’un tauró robotic, i vull vomitar

Google Calendar has removed key cultural events from their site including: • Pride Month • Black History Month • Holocaust Remembrance Day • Jewish Heritage • Hispanic Heritage • Indigenous People Month

Using AI to produce writing or art is like asking someone at the gym to lift weights for you. The effort is the point.

I’m seeing a lot of soft takes from industry mutuals at the moment that we shouldn’t be so hard on those who use generative AI because it’s becoming harder and harder to resist. Wrong. Betraying your ethics (and your peers) because ‘everyone else is doing it’ does not suddenly make it acceptable.

Wow m’he endut la llibreta pel viatge i m’he deixat l’estoig amb els llapissos i rotuladors 👏🏻👏🏻

Many thanks again, good people of the internets, for the new follows :) If you don't know my work: I paint for boardgames, book covers, RPGs, minature games, card games... Anything with "game" in its name really

Oh my god?

Es estúpidament difícil dibuixar formes 3D

Good Morning. Super collection of Art Nouveau doors.

saw this on twitter i wanna post it on linkedin so bad

Molt recomanat aquest llibre

spontaneous dread