Lover of learning; Can’t resist a good argument. Still takes notes on pen & paper
Co-Host of Elevated Thoughts Podcast
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Did the fix the insane amount of bugs that rendered the game unplayable and unenjoyable?
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I don’t disagree with you on that. His influence on the Oval Office is troubling.
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While I don’t like what he’s doing, it’s hardly relevant to a conversation about what our state department, trade agencies, our foreign policy architects are doing nor what America can and is doing to counter China’s ascendancy
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Serious and disagree with you. Demographics and time are on America’s said. Coupled with our dynamic market economy, it’s explains why it’s the envy of the world, our technological exports highly coveted, and are not experiencing as much population loss as China, Russia, or other developed nations
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And I would be the only one to ever respond to you. Count yourself lucky as it’s the last response I’ll give. I can’t help but take your uninformed bait. China is not on the rise. In 10-15 their one child policy consequences threatens the collapse of their economy.
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According to you, everyone and everything is a declining power. Do you know why no one responds to you? Because no one gives the village idiot the time of day, take care!
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You are nonsensical. Our economy depends on the free flow of oil just because of its consumption but also for the market price. We also have brokered peace agreements and enduring security agreements. ie Israel-Egypt. We are not a declining power. Our economy, tech, military envy of the world
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In many regards yes. But America and most of the world have vested interests in the region. Be it simply for the secure supply of oil or that we have security agreements with specific nations. Chiefly, combatting terrorism and eliminating safe refuge for them.
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Check out the interview and better yet, read ‘s cook book. While we achieved stability in the past, our contemporary ambitions of reshaping and deposing regimes in the Middle East led to the opposite. This is why he advocates for a recalibration of policy in great detail
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Well then thank goodness you're not the leader of any country. Your opinion is not shared by the EU, South America, most of SEA. Perhaps you should unburden yourself of your ignorance around the overproduction cycle China is creating
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Your parents must be so proud of this comment. And your hand must be killing you from all the internet high-fives
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Or better yet, not at all!
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See “Nexus” by Yuval Noah Harari.
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What a terrible tourism campaign. Stop trying to convince me not to go. You had me until the end…
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This further confirms how uninformed you because you listed one book
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The faults of israel are not a secret. However, it would be nice if the Palestinians actually received the aid money and Salafi jihadism didn’t create brain drain to allow them to focus on their civil society. Do you know why gay Palestinians move to America? To protect families from retribution
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I know of the many defensive wars Israel has won and taken the land they have. I am aware of Israeli atrocities. I just also know that if all the Arab nations didn’t use their anti-western and antisemitic motivations to start wars on Palestine’s behalf, Palestine would be in a much better place
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If your upset that Palestinians have suffered from Israeli atrocities, with good reason, then you shouldn’t become the thing which you allegedly hate
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Then you’re a terrible person to not acknowledge raping and beheading teens at peace music festival is barbarism. I have interviewed now Steven Cook but also a regular Israeli civilian on our show who can tell you about what the videos of those events look like. Rape and torture is not defense
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“Defending” themselves for decades has included firing rockets at civilian areas to which has always led to some response by Israel that shrinks Palestine. Perhaps the last 50 years of doing so, extremism for Palestinians isn’t helping
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The Palestinians aren’t defending themselves. Talk about uniformed. Hamas is a proxy of Iran spending Palestinians lives to further their cause of becoming the regional superpower. You should be made at Iran and Hamas for using Palestinians as pawns
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Defend what? They are set to destroy the Jews. This isn’t about just land. They want the Jews gone. The Jews created a nation where Tel Aviv is the gay party capital of Europe and a hotbed for investment and technology. Extremists have taken the 100s of bil in aid to waste on militarization.
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I think you exist but any persons who do not blame Hamas as the chief involvement in instigating the destruction of Palestinians, I do not think they are using all they read to good use. Israel has committed atrocities. Settlements. Encampments. Etc but Palestine was much better of before Oct 7
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Yes and ignores the faults of Palestinians involvement in perpetuating this conflict (plus other Arabic nations). If neither side addresses their atrocities, it will continue. Palestinian land was largely lost in Israeli defensive wars that they won.
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Talk to text loves to add random typos. Thanks for demonstrating your a person who cannot focus on the content of an argument but typos because they don’t know what they’re talking about
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The sheer number of Arabs killed by fellow Arabs, more so.
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An excellent introduction but reductionist and ignores the hand that Palestinian political violence has played in perpetuating this conflict.
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Finkelstein is well spoken but extremely biased. I’ve seen many of his debates and listened to him before. I take what he says in context but it’s not the end all be all
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Cool read or listen to any of the dozens of contemporary experts who offer a less one sided view and more nuanced one
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Still you. Very, very obviously still you.
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Sorry actually they are just a registered nurse. Never mind. Even less so inclined
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Actually, I just don’t feel like wasting my breath. I can’t help willful ignorance. The person you’re supporting in this argument started by saying they know nothing about China’s motivations or history and then preceded to make a false equivalence. Doesn’t matter whether they are Dr or not
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Actually I don’t! But just hate Salafi jihadism and care about the many Arabs who have suffered under it or similar extremism. Now I really have nothing to more say to you.