7 posts
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The fools, the profiteers and the yes man. Without them he'd been gone a long time ago
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It's his kink, he likes to be humiliated in front of the whole world
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Did read it for the first time years ago and devoured it countless times since. Good choice
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1 Star: Bad writing or plain boring could not finish
2 Star: Finished but I struggled to do just that
3 Star: Not bad, Not good either Basically they didn't screw up
4 Star: Good book enjoyed reading, would recommend
5 Star: My personal classic books that left a mark. I couldn't put them down
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Dit is beangstigend om zoveel redenen. Het begint met wegneming van hun erkenning en waar eindigd het. Met het wegnemen van hun leven zoals we in het verleden al zo vaak hebben gezien
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I would argue you have the drawbacks of a two party state where both party tow the party lines strictly. It makes the minority impotent when one party has control over both congress and senate. And republican are nothing but good party soldiers