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No. There is no moral clarity here. This is fuzzy reasoning. His protest movement helped elect trump. Equating Biden and Trump isn't wisdom, it's stupidity.
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Cornerstone of American? are you serious?
Who mentioned changing the status of citizens?
Who mentioned immigrants?
I'll assume you don't have anything related to my question to say. Rant at someone else.
Damn honey, you're dumb.
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As I mentioned, many countries that were former colonies still have it.
Does that mean it's good to still have today?
I know it's the law, I was weighing the validity of changing the law.
Maybe that should happen, maybe not. But you haven't made any good arguments in favor of keeping it.
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Perhaps, yes. If that is where your parents are citizens.
My kids are not Japanese citizens even though they were born there. They had literally never been to America, and yet they were American citizens with no right to claim Japanese citizenship.
This seems fine to me.
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If your parents are non citizens, and you were just born, you have not been raised anywhere. This is what birthright citizenship is, not about where you were raised.
My kids aren't citizens of Japan even though they were born there. Should they be Japanese citizens also?
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What is the best argument for keeping birthright citizenship?
It seems to me that mostly it's former colonies that have birthright citizenship today. It's not universal.
Why do you think it is an absolute good thing?
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Also called fuel reduction
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I would say this pic could be real and taken from Paul Allen's property (Microsoft co-founder )boardering Zion national park. Or above it near elephant butte/ mail drop.
It looks like it could be correct with eagle crags in the middle of the pic.
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I don't know anything about this. Is there a shortish written source you can recommend as a primer?