If I knew you on Facebook before I left, say Hi...
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Coming here after leaving Facebook, I'm sorry that there's no laugh emoji or angry emoji instead of just a heart....
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So you got the information to download right? It's just a lot of data and gibberish... sadly...
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You'll find what's there, open every folder and sub folder... good luck. I don't think any posts are there, or picture folders you had other than profile pictures... it really sucks... I'm thinking about getting a lawyer and suing Facebook, there's already been one class action lawsuit they lost
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The folder that says "your Facebook activity" has profile pictures inside the folders: posts, and media... I have 100s of old profile pictures from over 15 years, so I saved them all to my gallery... there's not much else that you would want, although I haven't gotten to all of them yet myself
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Hey buddy, I'm getting people following me out of nowhere, and I looked at the profiles and many have AI pictures of women who are supposed to be the people following me... lol... the internet has become really creepy... lol...
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You should have a folder in your downloads folder that says Facebook, with the contents showing from: "bigzipfiles.facebook" which is the downloaded files that come into your computer.
Open it to the list of files that need to be extracted, the folder will open with the folders that hold the data.
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Trump increased the debt by $8 Trillion taxpayer dollars, more than all of the previous presidents combined, and the corporate owned republicans are pushing to increase it by another $4 Trillion dollars!!! Not one republican can spell "fiscally responsible", this bullshit is a joke!!!
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I would argue that it would have to be a legally justified reason, not the whim of someone acting out of personal prejudice....
Refugees are covered by the laws of asylum seekers, and the asylum laws have been in place for over 100 years, ratified over time including in 1980...
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I actually believed that all the cowering republicans, from the ones who dropped out of the primaries of 2017 to become Trump bootlickers were being blackmailed by Trump with dirt that he had dug up on them. It doesn't make sense to cower unless he has dirt that would destroy a career...
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You're looking at the runway of the Paris fashion week as anything but a consistently bizarre display of Avant-garde artistic expression??
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"In law, ignorantia juris non excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses not"), or ignorantia legis neminem excusat, is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely by being unaware of its content."
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None of these people have read the refugee act and asylum laws, or the bill of rights, and they can't ignore the laws that are in place...
He's not a king, and ignorance of the law isn't an excuse for violating it, by him or any of the morons he handed power to...
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It's literally nobody's business but the person involved... it's nobody's business when someone makes decisions that involve themselves and nobody else... I don't know when this person realized who they were, and made decisions for themselves, it doesn't affect anyone else...
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Which leads to goods being made that nobody can afford without living wage jobs...
I believe that we're going to have 10s of millions of people become homeless in the next 2-10 years... 10s of millions...
Then what???
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He wants manufacturing back but blocks unions, so he wants the American workers kept in poverty and working for poverty wages till they die... that solves nothing for the American people...
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Trump is responsible for the Russian strikes he knew were coming to Ukraine and held the intel from them...
Now he's upping the stakes in this extortion of the Ukraine people, I hope that Europe is going to hold him accountable for the murder of 1000s of innocent Ukrainian people!!!
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Twitter is the white power social media outlet, literally crawling with millions of uneducated dupes and morons from across the world... meanwhile, there's no platform for the far left to communicate and possibly organize the resistance against global fascism that's gaining growth, especially the US
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Trump hates brown people, and obviously Mexicans, and he thinks that Canada is just white people with many uneducated far right dupes that agree with him and the white supremist views he has... Canada also has a lot of natural resources to hand over to his mega-rich friends and campaign donors...
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These industries are not going to get American workers at poverty wages, including farm workers, food processing plant workers, construction workers, etc. That alone will crush farmers, (which might also be a strategy being used to have the mega-rich buying farm land for pennies in bankruptcy sales)
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It's in the downloads folder, it's a list of zipped folders you need to extract to open, and each of them has folders that hold different data, one that has your profile pictures from the first one you used. Other folders have different information, I found some names of fb friends i made and want.
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If you try to log in to account is disabled, you should see this page. On my phone it gave me a note saying that I couldn't use a mobile device to download it, and to use a laptop. I think that you have a limited time to get it done before this doesn't open.
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Health insurance is socialism. When people chip into a pot that is used to provide services for people is socialism. Shriners and St. Jude's Hospitals, wounded warriors charities, Salvation army, etc. are socialism. Chipping into insurance companies is socialism that has a middle man taking a cut.
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Nobody is asking for the people to own the means of production of all industry, which is one definition of socialism, but we want workers paid living wages, and we want taxpayer's money used to provide for society and not corporate handouts, including universal healthcare, it makes sense to people.
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When you tell workers that believe that they should be paid fairly for the labor they provide, and you explain that that makes them Marxists, because that's literally all Marx was pushing for, they have a hard time understanding that because they were taught lies about what Marx was and wanted...
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The taxpayers are chipping into the foodstamps and welfare programs to feed and house the worker's families of record profit making companies like Walmart and Amazon and McDonald's and others, it's a system of "corporate socialism", along with the $100s of Billions of dollars in corporate subsidies
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I think that many people don't understand what the term socialism and Socialist mean, but when they're told that everything that taxpayer's money is used for is socialism, and that we're mired in socialism now, as corporate subsidies and bailouts and corporate welfare is socialism, they understand
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This is what most of US are terrified about him doing... starting a war with Iran for Netanyahu...
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It's infuriating...
If the DNC leadership team doesn't step aside and allow the people who are going to do what the people need, they're not going to win another election ever
The entire DNC leadership should have been on the steps of the Jefferson memorial on inauguration day committing suicide.
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We're about to have a generation of the kids that were homeschooled by parents who flunked out of high school running everything.... and they flunked out of high school because of the decades and decades of cutting education funding that made half of the American people idiots... we're doomed!!!
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He's a drug addled delusional lunatic narcissistic fascist with a god complex....
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Umm, the right to have an abortion isn't in the constitution... you're calling people stupid when you have no idea what you're talking about. I have a political science degree, I understand how laws are made, the Supreme Court doesn't make laws, the congress does...
You should take a civics class
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I was alive when roe v wade was decided by the Supreme Court in 73, Supreme Court rulings are not the law, and they are subject to being reversed by future Supreme Courts.
The dems had 2 years of holding both chambers and the white house and they didn't codify roe.
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Roe wasn't codified, otherwise the republicans wouldn't have been able to overturn it, it was a supreme court ruling not a law.
Otherwise Biden wouldn't have vowed to codify it, but only if voters showed up to let them keep the house and senate.
They didn't do it
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I stayed home???? I wanted Trump???
Sorry, I've been a Marxist Socialist for over 50 years... Since I was 12 and my dad was a truck driver fighting for a union... best of luck to you, I'm done talking to idiots... it's why I left Facebook
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I believe that Bernie supporters stayed home because the dems did nothing for the people in 5 years, from not codifying roe, not increasing the minimum wage, or expanding the Supreme Court, or lifting a finger to stop years of corporate price gouging, but they funded the genocidal maniac Netanyahu
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I read it but I'm not buying it... Socialists don't vote for fascists, but whatever... I'm not here to argue with anyone about anything...
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These are the delegates and the percentage of votes in those states, you can look at the numbers from whatever sources you want, the numbers are the numbers... Hillary got more delegates in states she lost the popular vote.... I don't need to lie about anything
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J don't believe that a single Bernie supporter voted for Trump... they're literally the extreme polar opposite of eachother...
Over 6 million democrats that voted in 2020 for Biden refused to support the party funding and arming the genocidal maniac Netanyahu as he murdered children and babies.
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Hillary literally had delegates paid off that gave her more points in states she lost, and piled them on when Bernie should have been getting them. we watched as it happened, she didn't win the votes in the states she was given the win. she cheated. and millions of voters stayed home because of it.
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I had to do it on my laptop, there's a limited time to do it... I still have to see exactly what's in it, so far I found all my profile pictures from the last 15+ years... I haven't looked at every folder, I did find some friend's names but not the friend's list... yet, or the pictures folders...
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Hillary gave us Trump, 2x... she owns the DNC... she cheated in the primaries to give herself the nomination when Bernie beat her in every state, and polls had him crushing Trump and her losing...
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Dude, you sound like a republican who ate paste and crayons through elementary school and flunked out of high school, Bernie has more integrity and works for the people more than anyone in the government for the last 60 years...
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He sold a lot of books
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That's moronic
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They didn't do anything for 4 years they had, 2 with both chambers and the white house, they didn't codify roe, increase the minimum wage, expand the Supreme Court, or even end the Trump tax handouts.
Didn't lift a finger to stop the years of corporate price gouging.
But they did fund genocide...
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I'm sorry that the DNC still has a leadership team, and if it's the same team that just lost the most important election in history because they're the most incompetent losers on the planet, they are never going to win another election ever...
I'm personally not voting for these democrats ever again
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Apparently they have been racking up $7 million dollars a week in expenses.... I'd like to know what they're buying, because that sounds like theft to me... who's approving that expense account??? Where's the congress????
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^^^ That's part of the text that I got from the candidate asking me for money, it's not me saying that I gave him money, it's the 3rd of the line of parts of the text he sent, that I had to break up into sections to post on this site due to the character and word limit...