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Won’t be much longer before there’s another civil war in the States..
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That’s what I’m saying..
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She appeared in similar fashion though
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Google is your friend
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People just don’t like Kanye. Bianca dressed like that before she even knew him
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Goed geschreven. En volledig mee eens. Docent is het allermooiste beroep dat er is. Elke les kijk ik er weer naar uit mijn studenten te zien. Onlangs berichtte een oud-student me dat hij een boek op mijn aanraden had gelezen en het geweldig vond. Zo’n geluksmoment is onbetaalbaar.
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Yeah. Very unoriginal. The poor man’s Apple choice
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Helaas zijn de meeste mensen niet zo snugger en volgen ze hun gevoel. Dit is een wanhoopspoging om enige verandering te bewerkstelligen, hoe kansloos het ook moge zijn. De Domheid Regeert van Schimmelpenninck is een prachtige uiteenzetting van de gebeurtenissen die zich nu voordoen.
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Mensen verspreiden haat omdat ze ontevreden zijn en merken dat de inflatie veel harder stijgt dan hun inkomen. Net zoals in Nederland wordt er in Amerika een zondebok aangewezen. Donald Trump speelt in op deze onderliggende angsten. Ontslaat dat kiezers van hun verantwoordelijkheid? Absoluut niet.
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I agree
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Even if we were to befriend the entire LGBQT+ community, people will find another group of people to hate. Yes, we should all love everyone, regardless of our individual differences, but realistically, I just don’t see this happening.
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Look, it’s not in our DNA to be friends with everyone all the time, so let’s stop pretending we’re capable of doing so. In-group/out-group favoritism bias is hardwired in our brains, which are severely underdeveloped to cope with today’s society’s demands.
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True, and the people who do that should be punished, but there are people being murdered around the world for trivial reasons. In Europe, the media don’t report anything about murders that take place daily in Mexico, for example. Or kids who die in cobalt mines. Do you care as much about them?
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Way too much attention is given to way too small of a group of people.. it’s completely blown out of proportion. I really don’t care about anyone’s gender or sexual preference, so why do people identify so much with it nowadays?
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I agree with you. There are two sexes. People should pick one and stick with it. If they want to identity as something else, that’s fine, but don’t bother me with it.
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I’m sure Putin sees this and thinks, “You know what? You’re absolutely right. Let’s go home, boys.”
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*sent from iPhone*
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Watching videos is reading. That’s why so many kids don’t know how to read anymore.
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Depends on how you define what’s normal. If normal is what most people do (or in this case, vote for), then the result of the elections are, unfortunately, quite normal, and what we could have expected to happen given the current circumstances.
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Get yourself together. It’s not that bad. Enjoy your life and worry about the things you can control instead of the things you cannot.
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Didn’t know this. Thanks for sharing.
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I’ve been going braless for my entire life.
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You can accept someone’s existence without accepting their ideas. Let’s not get them mixed up.
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Your point? This first house is in Cuba. Second in Detroit.
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Red Rising
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Absolutely not. I need to clean some rooms so that the plasterer tomorrow can do his work. He won’t be happy if I spent my time reading.