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Hardly. Are you saying there’s more Americans that want a Trump America than not ? Had the Dems been better they would have woed those undecided and got them to vote.
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By not holding the Democratic Party to greater account. They ran on a “not Trump” ticket. No real policies, no real identity- choosing to cruise and not take him seriously. Those that didn’t vote are more liable here, but dems didn’t listen to millions and nobody made them and here’s the result.
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Absolutely, but you all facilitated this.
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You stand up to bullies. You wouldn't know about that.
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Utterly compromised.
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Wait you’re blaming Zelensky here ? - he’s dealing with absolute idiots and patience has a threshold. He exposed them for what they are.
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This is on you America - all of you.
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“It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.” Henry Kissinger
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Ideally no, however security comes in various forms and currently the US are blackmailing the EU with the withdrawal of military security. An enhanced CCP economic deal with the EU ‘could’ go some way to blunt that threat.
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Cooperate ? Tell me how much Chinese imports enter EU per annum? Right now the US is certainly showing a distinct turn in direction that won’t distinguish it too much from those established regimes you mention…
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Something I noted a few days ago.
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Do the authors such this, who rightly highlight the rise of the right across the West and champion certain groups within society never stop to think why this is happening? What has happened in wider culture to allow traction for a movement they oppose. Maybe then they’ll understand the push back.
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You forgot cowardly.
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How so ? They voted for this, complicit in everyway as they sleepwalk through the decimation of their country. Cowards all.
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One guy ? This is what America voted for. Trump hasn’t blindsided anyone with this, he was telling anyone who’d listen this would be the direction he’d take, yet here we are.
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But what every European NATO is thinking, even if some of the sound bites are more conciliatory. So many countries answered the call post 9/11 for the US and this is the answer…
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I wonder if any EU states are starting to consider that if the US cannot be relied upon, maybe Beijing can offer something the US can’t….
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It’s not that binary. Dems hugely at fault for not taking Trump et al seriously and for not doing enough to listen to legitimate concerns from voters. They decided to stand for nothing and that ‘not Trump’ was enough. It’s on them.
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You’ve all given up though. Just letting it happen around you. Many, many other countries citizens would be on the streets en masse, not hand wringing on the internet. Complicit through lack of action.
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Can the EU please spend 5% GDP on defence, but not purchase any US equipment. That would be great, thanks.
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For a country that decried a monarchy upon its foundation and continues to do so, it sure seems the principe of deterring absolute power by a single person has failed. Perhaps if Donald was called George the penny would drop…
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Europeans are waiting for the inevitable US implosion more than anything else. That void in influence and presence will be and should be the real concern.
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Frankly that’s a ridiculous take, sorry.
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Again - everybody sleep walking into it. Where’s the demonstrations ? Hand wringing via the internet is why you’re where you are.
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Where’s the direct action ? I see / read a lot of hand wringing etc, but no demos, no groundswell of opinion.
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Then do something about it. Apathy and handwringing is why you / we are in this mess in the first place.
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There seems to be an assumption that the US won’t decline faster and further.
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What is the definition of ' Failed State ' and how does it nor apply to the USA ?
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He won’t last 4 years.
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Would this thread then be categorised as a ‘ pre-emptive strike ‘ ?
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which benefited those looking to split the western powers. Trillions made by US throughout GWOT from NATO countries supporting and needing US arms. Where were the complaints then ?
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The US took advantage of a broken & broke post war Europe.US military complex squashed innovation via politics.Very hard to reestablish Euro military complex under Peace dividend that NATO provided & US benefited from.Status quo acceptable until US domestic politics took diversionary anti NATO turn
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US military complex did quite well out of that ‘free riding’ did it not ? The US aggressively applied political pressure during the 60/70’s to dampen Euro military expansion / innovation and made sure to dictate NATO standard weapons / systems through mass. Can’t have it both ways.
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8 Dock looks bigger than I remember..
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You gonna need the French, Dutch and Spanish again to help you ?
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What sources are used for these figures please ?
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So they moved when the light turned red to green ?
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Did you make this or is it bought ? Awesome idea and installation.
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Hope you kept the receipt..
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Thank you for the additional information.
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It looks awesome ! A very clogged ship pipeline and me still sulking about the delayed 600i rework will stop me from getting it otherwise I absolutely would.
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That being said, it means you've taken personal time to respond, so thank you.
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That's a real shame. So many reasons to not be on X, but CIG continues to put $ before everything else.
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I’d personally place people, their welfare and retention at the top of that list. Without them the rest doesn’t work.
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Which RWS would you recommend for Ares and why ?
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Its great to see - however there's a couple of the more self righteous accounts from the other place setting their store and views out already. That won't last long as they'll realise being contrarian won't make them money and will just be ignored / blocked.
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Looking forward to seeing more of you here, but can understand staying where engagement ( well deserved to add ) is monetised.
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Slight withdrawal symptoms with the lack of updates to my timeline, but hopefully more join and that works itself out..
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Performance is key. I've just logged into the new live patch and my FPS plumets when sitting in pilot seats with the new MFD's. That REALLY needs to be sorted..
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