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Wildlife Ecology & Conservation I Wildlife Crime I Raptors I PhD I Writes Raptor Persecution UK blog I Founder & Co-Director Wild Justice
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Designed as a spoof by Wild Justice but probably closer to the truth than not! #Ornithology #WildlifeCrime #RaptorResearch

'The Park Authority condemns the illegal killing of raptors in the strongest possible terms. Raptor persecution has no place in 21st century Scotland but sadly incidents such as this are still taking place'. #RaptorResearch #WildlifeCrime #Ornithology

This area of the Cairngorms National Park, dominated by driven grouse moors, has long been a raptor persecution hotspot. NatureScot's shiny new grouse moor licensing scheme is not up to the job. #RaptorResearch #WildlifeCrime #Ornithology #BirdingScotland

Stoats ? Vermin . Crows ? Vermin . Birds of prey ?! Still vermin ! The driven grouse shooting industry's obsession with vermin is just one reason why it should end . Please sign 's petition to ban driven grouse shooting now :

So Pleased that the community here have chosen to raise funds for - Be great to have your support.🙏🏼 of the Scottish Greens is the latest MSP to challenge the Scottish Government on the grouse moor licensing fiasco.

Good news for #rewilding enthusiasts. Like the Iberian lynx, the bone-breaker is coming back from the brink of extinction in Spain. In the 1980s there were 30-40 bearded vultures. Now there are 1000! Source: @FCQorg, @mitecogob on X

Muirburn on the Cromdale Hills today. Photo from near the summit of Cairn Gorm. Destruction so a few people can enjoy killing birds. #muirburn

Beaver releases into wild to be allowed in England for first time in centuries

This coincides with an application to Natural England from grouse shooting lobby for further brood meddling licences. Given the ongoing illegal killing of hen harriers on grouse moors there'll be uproar (& legal challenges) if NE capitulates #RaptorResearch

NEWS: Wild Justice are pleased to announce our first CEO. Bob Elliot ( a wildlife and animal welfare expert, will be joining us this spring. Read more on our blog:

I know Bob Elliot - he is perfect for this job. This is an inspired appointment. Well done, all of you.

Happy days! Welcome, , can't wait for you to start!

It's quite clear the Scottish Govt has no plans to address the significant weakening of the grouse moor licences, even though it acknowledges there are issues. There are other options to address it, it's just more difficult. C'est la vie. #RaptorResearch

A great privilege to speak at the conference at the w/e alongside these outstanding raptor ecologists & conservationists. There are good things happening in NI for raptors (return of breeding Osprey & WTE) but poisoning remains a threat. Pls help:

Pleased to be supporting Operation Owl run by UK National Wildlife Crime Unit, an initiative to raise the awareness of the role the public play in cases of illegal Raptor Crime in the UK. Please share their message far and wide and report anything suspicious to them.👇

Today we delivered a 104,142-signature petition to 10 Downing Street, demanding stronger fox hunting laws and an end to the loopholes that allow illegal hunting to continue. Read more: #TimeForChange

Concerned about the impacts of unregulated release of non-native species ... ... can we talk about pheasants, please?

Wild boar are native to Britian: we wiped them out. They are messy, inconvenient creatures with a massive role in restoring our broken ecosystems. The straight tails strongly correspond with wild-type genetics. I'd like to see why they are described as "Feral pigs".

Are big bad badgers driving hedgehog declines in Britain? Hot off the press.. short answer is no says Very weak -ve relationship between the species but absolutely dwarfed by other factors, esp. road casualties. Read whole paper here: #hedgehogs 🦔

Just a few more days to apply for a PhD with me! Use new technologies to study movement and ecology of serotine bats in UK. Evidence can guide future rabies control strategies, helping bats and people. Click on project 'Understanding transmission..' here: #PhD #bats

Police arrest another 4 suspects of the Cambridgeshire hare coursing mob, making the total now 15. Good work as identification must be difficult.

At the Peace Wall in Belfast, separating Nationalists/Unionists, a lot of the murals now represent other modern conflicts, esp Israel & Palestine. But someone has painted a giant eagle, the only nature-based mural I saw. White-tailed eagles bred in NI last yr, 1st time in 150yrs. Symbol of hope.

“They disappear in the same way political dissidents in authoritarian dictatorships have disappeared”. #RaptorResearch #WildlifeCrime #Ornithology

The most pathetic, but hilarious, example of manufactured outrage for the purpose of political smearing I’ve seen for a while. This is a must read!

The threat of illegal hunting to raptors migrating through Batumi: Read all about it on #theBOUblog by Mitra in both English and Farsi! این بلاگ به زبان فارسی هم در دسترس است ببینید | #ornithology

Are you able to help us survey raptors in Wales? Sign up here: 🦅 #RaptorResearch

Our February issue has arrived! Look out for articles on the campaign to ban lead ammunition, the history of Great Auks in Britain, conservation of the Fisher's Estuarine Moth, and the role of rewilding in climate-change adaptation - for more, see

She is the 2nd hen harrier to 'disappear' in suspicious circumstances in this area & the 134th missing/killed hen harrier in the UK since 2018 (that we know of - there'll be many others, untagged, that have been shot & stamped into the peat). #RaptorResearch

This petition has almost reached its target of 50,000 signatures. Can you help get it over the line? You don't need to be a resident of NI - anyone, anywhere, who cares about protecting birds of prey, can sign it. 🦅🙏

The morons who do this don't care about the consequences, because there aren't any. At least not for them. #Ornithology #AvianFlu

Short-eared #owl = our new study species on #Galapagos. We want to understand how movement, activity and predation patterns change when compared before & after eradication of #invasivespecies on #floreanaisland 📸 @BirdLabFlinders @KLF_UniVienna #birdwatching #researchinprogress

Monitoring Short-Eared Owls on the Galapagos. Here footage from a #Reconyx #trailcamera which turned out to be a reliable tool in the field in recording prey provisioning rates and prey species. Being part of the @BirdLabFlinders & @KLF_UniVienna team #birdwatching #ornithology

Want to do your work experience at BTO? ➡️ We offer a one-week programme for young people studying for their GCSEs or A-levels, aged 12 and up. 😀 If you are interested in a career in #conservation or #ornithology this could be for you. 🐦🌿Application deadline: 2nd March

Starting to hear reports of Avian Influenza hitting Whooper Swans. Please report all sightings of dead birds for possible testing. In 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 & 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 contact DefraGovUK, in N Ireland Daera & in Republic of Ireland Dept of agriculture. Please also report to for monitoring

If you have a minute spare, please nominate us for this special draw. It would make a huge difference! ⬇️🤞

If and when we get some clear, sunny days, February and March provide the best opportunity to record breeding Goshawks as they display over territories - here’s some encouragement from RBBP Secretary #ukbirding #ornithology

Vultures on the Brink of Extirpation: Massive Decline in Plateau State, North-Central Nigeria | | Journal of Raptor Research | #ornithology #RaptorResearch 🪶

This is a common & widespread practice taking place across the UK. More mindless, selfish, illegal behaviour from the gamebird shooting industry who claim to be the 'custodians of the countryside'. #Ornithology

If you want to hear about eagle ecology & conservation from some world class researchers, this is the conference for you! (+ peregrines, National Wildlife Crime Unit, grouse moor licensing). This Saturday, Kellyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen. #RaptorResearch

Male and Female #HenHarrier on #Deemarsh today - keep them safe sign the petition #bandrivengrouseshooting #birds #birdersuk #birdphotography

The SGA claimed the programme caused "unfair reputation [sic] damage". Nope, reputational damage is not being caused by the BBC reporting the evidence, it's being caused by criminal gamekeepers who continue to kill birds of prey. #RaptorResearch

Please watch our team member 's brilliant new documentary ‘Conservation: the Next Generation’, highlighting the enthusiasm, action and struggles the next generation of conservationists are facing. Top work Mya!

The Shropshire Rookeries Survey is a big citizen science project for this year. Please go to to check for sites near where you may be out and about and see if there are any you can update. It would be great to get more of those pins coloured in! #ShropshireBirding

Look what came in the post! After a great deal of writing and even more editing, the “difficult second book” is at final proof stage! Waters of Life - coming this May - more info anon.

Digital trophies: using social media to assess wildlife crime in Lebanon Raine et al. Oryx #RaptorResearch 🪶 #Ornithology

Our new paper, free to read in Bird Study, compares bird counts on solar farms and adjacent farmland. For solar farms with infrequently cut/grazed grass and bounded by hedges/trees, both farmland and woodland birds were more abundant than on adjacent arable land

Today’s teaser: the proposed cover of my newest book. An ecology of the Merlin (bird of prey). Due to be published by Pelagic Publishing in June. 🤞

"Stop guerrilla rewilding, say Scottish gamekeepers after feral pigs released." I'm ever more convinced that it's those who are adamantly *opposed* to rewilding who are most likely to be behind all these totally inept species releases. It's manna from heaven for them.

#WokeAmmo 😱 #Leadfree They’re even madder than we can imagine…