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Multi Media Adventurer - Book Wyrm
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Thank you very much for your answer and your efforts! I appreciate it.
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Is that what they meant? Such an odd way to phrase it, but I guess!
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Then why did they say they can't shoulder the burden of being a non-union actor in their reply above? I'm so so confused.
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Are SAG projects allowed to have a majority, or even entirely, non-Union members working on them? It's so hard to find a clear answer on this. I'm trying to dig through the various contracts, but information is sparse on stuff like Must-Join and such.
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There is a contract. It's the work contract that gives them all of those protections. Contracts work without a Union. They have done so for ages. When SGG is bought up by bad actors and things change, I'll complain. Those bad actors could also stop being a Union shop just as easily.
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Better minimum terms compared to the industry, not SGG. If you want to block me for not being "Unions Always Good", go ahead. I respect your right to do that. You are also free to stop engaging. I didn't force you to talk to me. You came here. I will not blindly support any side.
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Why is that doing right by their workers exactly? Only one worker wants to be part of the Union as far as we have heard. Why is the Union's deal objectively better, without any information? Why does the Union get to demand a waiver? What right do they have to permit the people to work?
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I do not think that becoming a Union shop is an unalloyed good at all times. I do not think that trying to force someone to become won is always right. I think that plenty of non-SAG actors can and should have jobs without the pressure to join or needing the Union's permission to work.
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Not really what I said. I think that companies that use mixed union and non-union workers, especially if they're mostly non-union, and don't wish to become a Union shop... Can support a strike by waiting until it's resolved. SGG is not denying workers AI protections after all.
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I believe the article is misleading? Their response right here in this thread, particularly the statement: "Taxes that are higher as a non-union performer" seems to imply that they are not currently in the Union.
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Well, they could just never replace Athena and not record new lines for her. It'd be a little disappointing, but at least it reduces people being able to complain.
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Are SAG projects allowed to have a majority, or even entirely, non-Union members working on them? It's so hard to find a clear answer on this.
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As opposed to you, arguing insistently on behalf of a much larger, much wealthier business. That I disagree with you doesn't mean I haven't read, haven't paid attention or am somehow a worse person because I don't think all Unions are pristine, perfect and always good.
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Yes, I do. That's still something they can do? SGG has even said, quite clearly and repeatedly, that they'll respect strikers choice to strike, and wait for them. So what's the trouble?
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Not wanting to become a Union shop and have a Union production does not prevent a single worker from joining the Union. Marin is free to join SAG. Everyone there is still free to join, and aren't going to lose their jobs or anything.
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They aren't preventig Unionization of their workers. Where did you get that?
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At the end of the day, becoming a Union shop is a negative for all the non-Union workers who don't want to join SAG for various reasons. And even if I like Unions, and I do, there are reasons. A Union shop needs to have a majority Union cast and needs to give a reason for each non-Union hire.
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Marin is 100% free to leave if they don't want to work there, yes. We have zero evidence that the standards at SGG are bad, or that anyone there is being exploited. Even Marin hasn't tried to claim that. Supergiant not wanting to cause trouble for 99% of their employees is good in my book.
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Honestly? I'd trust the public to keep them accountable much more than relying on another self interested organization.
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Yes, but why? Why would they, who use entirely non-union actors currently, do it? They'd still need to have not a majority of non-union actors, and it adds hurdles for everyone involved. There are ways to make it work, but like... To what benefit? All their VAs aren't Union, only one wishes to be.
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If you're taking about Marin, if you'll go look at their follow up post, you'll see that they were being a bit misleading... They are a non-union actor. They just want to be in the Union, and so were pushing for the game to become Union compliant so they could be eligible. Anyone else?
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Also, I have to apologize, but is there another source? I find that one a little dubious, since it contradicts the other sources. (Who state that it's two jobs, then you're barred from the third. Could be a misunderstanding on their part.) Also a big AI thing in their header. Which concerns me.
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From what I understand, none of them are members right now. And joining the Union creates issues because well... All of their actors aren't SAG union actors.
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The right-to-work stuff is because SAG can't legally enforce it there. And still carries over. I don't see where you're getting the three jobs stuff though. May I ask what your source for that information is? It's not about them being fired, it's about putting them on the Must-Join clock
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You've worked for Netflix, do they not qualify you for Union membership? That seems like it'd be the place to go. Not an indie studio.
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I believe it would be one other job, upon which the third job would be barred from them, if we're looking at the same rules, as highlighted in the article. Which is to say, after they manage to bully SGG into being a Union shop, their next game would trigger that. Seems like a problem to me.
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"Once this grace period expires, however, you become classified as a “must-join”. As the label implies, you now must join the union and pay the initiation fee if you wish to continue to work any SAG-AFTRA jobs going forward." Yeah, you don't have to join. You just lose your job if you don't.
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Oh, no worries! Everyone is allowed a little rhetorical bitch energy here and there. I get what you mean exactly, I was just curious about if the individual voice actors said anything. The statement is absolutely a message from all of them, they're just a tiny company at the end of the day.
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Ooh, are they? Do you have a link to that? I'm curious. Genuinely.
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The workers have a say in negotiating their contract or accepting it. Heck, there might be better contracts with more protections than the Union ones. I don't know. Again, I'm still in favor of Union in general, I see all their upsides. Honestly, I'm a bit sour on SAG for a lot of reasons is all.
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Looking forward to seeing it! Though I will always favor my precious bug stick.
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Oh hey. Very interesting. And very weird.
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Contracts are binding even if they're not union contracts.
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Yeah, I guess people who can't or don't want to pay to join the Union don't deserve to have jobs, right?
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A whole lot of those swarming this thread.
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Pretty creepy way to phrase it, but ok.
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Because I'm on bluesky to not have to talk about politics with random internet morons who think they're entitled to answers.
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I will answer, on the condition that you drop the subject and don't keep asking questions about this topic, because I'm not interested in continuing it. Yes, I support the closure of all torture camps of that sort.
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See, you keep fishing for gotchas. Trying to ask more and more questions until you can point to an answer and be like "haha, genocide." I don't know how much clearer I can make it. This isn't the topic I came here to discuss, and you're not a person I want to be interrogated by.
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Nope! Thanks for asking. Going to keep fishing for gotchas now?
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Was the hint how I told you in the question before you mentioned it that I'm not interested in long and involved answers about unrelated political subjects?
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Yes, that is absolutely what this was. You're so clever. Such a an ickle smarty pants. Well done!
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There we go. I hope that settles you.
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You are 100% right in all the things you said ever! Gold star for you! A+ on everything. You are the smartest, bestest boy ever and everyone is super proud of you for being just the cleverest of them all. You can skip this grade and go right on to the podium for super smarties! Congratulations!
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So rarely will people agree to give you a long, carefully prepared answer with nuance when you randomly barrage them with unrelated questions, it's true. So anyway, let me help -
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That's a rather involved question, with a pretty lengthy answer, and I don't really go into all of that stuff. If you're just looking for a gotcha so you can accuse me of supporting genocide because you don't have points left, I can just agree that you're a smart boy and won the argument instead.
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Sure. I'd be all for a peace agreement that includes releasing people.
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I'm aware you trolled through my timeline, yes. I supported a ceasefire /and/ a hostage release in that post. That's all. I still proudly do? But I guess that's being pro-genocide? I suppose your childish view of the world extends to everything.
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If you want to make up things, maybe you should do it with people who are interested in that? Otherwise it just makes you look ridiculous. Is me not kissing the Union's boots while they move forward with supporting AI that offensive to you?
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I mean I'd prefer you acted like an adult, and didn't throw around random silly accusations, but I suppose that ship has sailed.