RP account for Alisaie Leveilleur of FFXIV. 🔞
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Hm? Whatever do you mean, Father? 😇
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[She's trying very hard to contain her snickering. And failing.]
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Good, that makes it easier to steal your snacks! 🤭💖 I jest, of course... but we *should* go steal Alphie's snacks.
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... Oh? To some other degree, then? I don't mean to pry, but... I quite enjoy our discussions regarding emotion. [She smiles warmly.]
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I would imagine so! Do you ever think about those sorts of things now..?
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It's a holiday meant to be celebrated with someone you feel, erm... romantically inclined towards. Usually the routine is that one person gives gifts to the person they fancy - flowers, candies, those sorts of things.
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"Don't give into his nonsense!! We're godsdamned adults and he can mind his business."
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I should know by now that you'll always have my back, mother. 😊
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She huffs at Thancred. "Now you've made my brother upset. You should know us well enough to trust us dating your daughter, Thancred. And you should let her make her own choices, besides."
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"Oh my gods you are so gross."
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"And why not? It's not like we go on dates with her at the same time. You're the one making it weird."
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"Oh, come off it, we can date the same girl. She has two hands."
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"FOR NOW. Just you wait! And then I'm going to ask YOU how the weather is down there!!"
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She squints. "You watch yourself - I'm going to be taller than you one of these days..."
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seem to feel that way. Why I can't relax, why I can't sleep, can't stop /thinking/ about it all... I get to live my life now. But I can't figure out how to actually do it."
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furrowed in frustration, unable to find the right words. "... Everything is over now. We're all alive, we saved the world, we helped to maintain peace in Tural. I should be happy." She hugged her arms to her torso and hung her head, looking almost ashamed.
"I just don't understand why I can't +
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She stared Lex down for a long while, trying to find the proper excuse to leave or change the subject... but it was clear that he wasn't going to relent. And so, Alisaie heaved a deep sigh, fiddling awkwardly with her hands.
"Alright, alright... it's just..." Chewing her lip for a minute, her brow+
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// My other muses:
🤠Ilias (WoL):
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Eh, well. It'll just be any other day for me, I'm sure. But that's alright.
I do hope yours goes better than expected, at least.
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Have you tried having better taste? 😏 I jest... mostly.
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Do I need to give someone a thick ear? ✊️
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[Snickering. Snort. She's trying so hard. Aaand... she's fully burst into laughter.]
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I am not!!! 😒
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... [HUFF] Alright, Uncle Shitehead, no need to get sappy... 🥺
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Hmmm... I fully expected something that would make me want to hit you. Consider me pleasantly surprised!
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Well what am I meant to do?!
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If I'm not mistaken, Miqo'te children learn to walk a bit more quickly than Elezen for this very reason! You have built-in balance. 🤭 Or... did...?
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pain subsides. How we handle ourselves when we're at our best. And I don't know what you've been up to, but... you're very important to Takara, so that must mean you're doing something right. And I'm proud of you for rising above everything you've been through."
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a monster at least once a month." She snorts. "But... pain makes us lash out, seek /anything/ to soothe it. I can't imagine the depths of yours. And no matter what you've done, no one deserves that kind of pain."
Finally, she looks up at Zenos with a smile. "What matters is what we do when the +
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Alisaie shakes her head, pulling back and taking one of Zenos's hands, staring down at it. She idly plays with it, examining each finger and line. "You were never a monster," she says, and from the sound of her voice, she means it. "Pain makes us seem monstrous at times. Hells - Alphinaud calls me +
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you've done. Nor will I ever. But... I'm beginning to understand what might have put you in those positions. Why you felt the need to go to the lengths you did. And perhaps... if you'd had more of these, you might've felt safer seeking something besides violence to soothe your pain. So, here."
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"Yes, well," she mumbles, face smushed against Zenos' stomach, "So are you. But I suppose I'm realizing that most everyone has their reasons for why they're strange. Why they do the things they do." She squeezes her a little tighter, almost protectively. "I still don't condone many of the things +
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((yknow what this is a weird one but let's see))
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Now it was her turn to duck her head away, but she had no hat to hide her flustered expression. "Well, I don't see why not," she mumbled, cheeks flushing pink. "Jullus certainly considers you a friend, and I consider him one, so we're at least friends by association. But... I do enjoy your company."
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Alisaie smiles brightly, and one might mistake her look for smugness - but there's a degree of fondness in her eyes, as well. She glances away, trying not to make either of them feel any more awkward. "Allies," she repeats with a soft chuckle, "Or, you know... I like to think we're friends. Maybe."
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Alisaie shoots a coy look back, chuckling softly. "Because it wasn't that long ago that you would have asked for aether in return," she says with a half shrug. "So, at the risk of seeming like I'm fishing for compliments... why did you?"
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"I just wanted to say thank you for protecting me."
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Seven fucking HELLS, you are so DENSE.
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As much as I *really* don't want to spend any time around Asahi, I suppose that's reasonable.
But... yes, I've never doubted that. I suppose it's just... surprising. I had no idea they were, erm... open. So it's just a bit of an adjustment, I suppose. Of course I want them to be happy, though.
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Well, the first three just worry me. They're all dating people we once considered enemies - people that have done a lot of harm. I know people can change, but when I haven't seen that change first-hand, of course it's going to concern me.
As for my parents... that's just... jarring.
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Well... I don't know... Probably.
Ugh. Must you come be logical? 🙄
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I literally do not know how I can be any clearer. You are being invited to come and ask Ryne for a Heavensturn kiss, as well. What about this do you not understand?? You are making things so difficult and complicated, *as per usual.*
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I'm moving to the moon.
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It's just a bit... jarring, that's all.
... Wait. Why are /you/ asking me that. TAKARA.
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You are ever dependable, Tataru! 💞
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Is that offer for adoption still open? ... Can you adopt an adult? 🤔