I don't like to think of myself as a comma killer. I think deleting them is more humane. Editor for hire. STEM, journalism, nonfiction, memoir, self-help. Opinions are my own. #ACES #AmEditing #파이팅
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They don't have anything. It's nearly impossible to believe someone would support anything like this of their own accord. But there are, and he's one of them.
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I see what you're saying. :-)
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That's not what she means. The "wheels" here are the political norms that Trump is turning into paste each and every day. You don't scream at a head of a sovereign nation, whom you invited to visit—while the press is there—no less and accuse him of starting WWIII if he doesn't give in to Putin.
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They should file a lawsuit, and I'm sure they will, but if they think access is all they need to report the news, they need to take J-101 again. People wanna talk. They just need to find them.
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They'll both go there, say there's no gold, offer no proof, and then blame someone. We'll never know the truth. This is the playbook: manufacture a problem, create solution to the problem that robs more people of their freedoms in some illegal way. It will be challenged in court and then who knows.
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The literal wealthiest man in the world donating hundreds of millions of dollars to a presidential campaign and getting rewarded with a government post where he can award his companies with contracts is the most cartoonish possible rendering of what people warned about after Citizens United.
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Or what? The man is allowed to commit crimes. So, what is this judge prepared to do?
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Our government is filled to the brim with unserious people.
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That's not real ... tell me that's not real.
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Making friends wherever he goes.
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My sister just texted me “There is no law, only Zuul.”
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Here's what I know about Americans and humans. They grow tired of stuff. The more the press covers his evil-doings, the sicker of him they will become. Just keep doing what you're doing.
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We know. But what does "fighting back" look like, Adam? The only power the public has is voting. So the question is, what are YOU going to do or, more accurately, our elected officials? Please be more specific. GOP was ready. We are now behind the eight ball.
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I learned to type circa 1983. Broke the land speed record changing my habit to typing only one space. LOL!
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I think our country is too big and corporations are too massive for mass protests or boycotts to have any legitimate impact. Our government has guardrails designed to protest us, but sometimes they stymie progress. Feels like only subversion will work. Fighting from the inside. But how?
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Someone has to ... 😉
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I am no fan of his, but a lot of tweets linked to him are fake. And it's SO EASILY verifiable. Like, just do the extra step, you know? Fact checking isn't rocket science.
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They count on you being scared to break the rules! More than anything else, they are counting on your decency and respect of procedure to paralyze you from doing the right thing lest you get called to the principal's office.
You have to learn to say fuck it and DO THE RIGHT THING
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Same. If I see a post and there's a video, I will immediately google the top and see if there's something (reputable) that I can read instead.
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We shall never be parted!
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Well, the audience laughed, but I take your point. It's disgusting on every level and mind-blowing that we're even having this conversation. These people are now going to find every opportunity to do it for shits, giggles, and for real.
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He clearly did it as a joke, but, you know, jokes are supposed to be funny.
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I wrote to every one of my representatives—national, state, and local—and told them DO SOMETHING. And complying in advance doesn't count. Everyone in the previous Biden admin is awfully quiet, and I get that, but, like, now's not the time.
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This is so embarrassing.
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He seems nice.
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I would love a list of alternative places to shop. I'm happy to wait for things, but I don't know where else to shop that isn't tainted or owned by some company that's tainted.