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Unless you're a new buyer of a $1,500,000 hovel (700 sqft in San Jose for instance). Admittedly $20k/yr compares OK to NJ for instance, but it's still kind of steep. I paid $24k/yr in taxes and insurance alone (bought in 2014), not including earthquake insurance (could not afford it).
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All of it, skyline. All of it.
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Clearly we need to give the sex change surgery to people's pets and eat the immigrants instead.
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I prefer to use 10-second charts, myself.
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That's "cash", which will get eaten by inflation. There is on One Weird Trick. Sorry.
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Note that Trump LIKES crazy. The one thing he is actually good at is playing dominance games. His brain has deteriorated significantly in the last couple of years but he's still fairly good at the dominance thing: he's trying to cow the Rs in Senate and House by pushing them just over their lines.
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HR Secret: "Exceeds expectations" is what they EXPECT. If you "meet expectations" they're considering firing you. It's (wait for it) ... expectations inflation!
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Once Bird Flu kills off all the chickens, Trump will institute price controls and all the nonexistent eggs will be under $2/dozen! It will be so wonderful, won't it?
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Employer: "Here, we gave you a just-barely-keeping-up-with-inflation raise! That's the thanks you get for all your hard work and for taking on new responsibilities!" Employee: "Thank you sir, may I have more spankings?"
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“Everyone says he is crazy – which maybe he is – but the scarier thing about him is that he is stupid. You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.” –Fran Lebowitz
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You are correct. The "plan" (in what passes for their brains) is to use the concentration camp people as unpaid labor to do that, but it's not going to work because harvesting is actually SKILLED labor. They'll probably try to classify the deportation camp people, but this too will fail.
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Correct. And you know what the solution to *that* problem is, I suspect.
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Same way he's better on the economy, he's a Tory er I mean Republican, they're always automatically better on those issues, didn't you know? In the exact same way, Satan-R is a much more moral and upright person than Jesus-D.
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Exactly! My income and wealth have only tripled, while cost of living has gone up 40%! I'm suffering SO MUCH!
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What kind of dressing goes with word salad?
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And in the meantime, the beatings will ESCALATE until morale improves!
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I had a moment of panic, then I realised you did NOT say "go Boeing".
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Funding (money-spending bills) comes from the House of Representatives. Who controls that again? Speaker Mike from ... what state was that? [note: rare sincere comment]
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But Dr Krugman, don't you see that the economy is so bad, and the market so terrible, that I can barely afford the $275,000 per month on my ninth home! That's why I need tax cuts!
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Also it's TOTALLY UNFAIR THAT I GET OLD! I only vote for someone who promises I'll be young and beautiful forever!
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He will stare at it. Er, I mean "look strongly". Like he did at the eclipse.
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Trump doesn't eat your fancy-dancy $6/lb bacon. He eats the Common Man's $250/lb bacon, like any common man!
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It's been Too Expensive For Me To Buy A House since before and after I bought a house. In fact the only time it wasn't "too expensive [for people] to buy a house" was during the crazy run-up with nutty loans that led to the 2008 crash, which turns out to have been when it really WAS too expensive.
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The Tories occupy the same News Space in the UK that Republicans occupy here: "they're good on the economy" (even though they're not). News Space should be viewed as a liminal space, even though it's not.
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Well, to be fair, whenever Trump visits any location, its crime rate goes up by 34 felonies.
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Proof of huge inflation is no further away than looking at Trump's legal costs. Right? Right??!?
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They're $1.50 at Safeway here. (Those are sold out though, the $3 ones are in stock, either way that's substantially less than half what you're quoting.) Heck, you can get 60 for $12.39, if you can use 60 eggs.
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I rather wish that the Fed would set their sights on "anywhere from 2 to maybe 4 percent" for smoothed inflation targets. Somewhere around 2.5 to 3% feels more like the sweet spot, than does 2%, to me. But I have no justification for this, just gut feelings...
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On a more serious note: we've had this sort of thing before, back when it was "Japan will eat our economic lunch" for instance. But China has a big demographic advantage, so perhaps This Time It's Different. I guess time will tell.
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We demand full-cruelty killed-animal meat! Vat-grown cruelty-free substitutes don't have the proper bitter flavor!
Also I'm still waiting for those cruelty-enhanced egg prices...
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The economy is great, but my personal finances are awful! ... Wait. Strike that. Reverse it.
Also, crime has gotten really bad. I mean, I leave my car unlocked and nobody takes anything! Those crimers, they're just bad at their criming!
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I look forward to seeing the price of "cruelty-enhanced eggs"!
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It's all those people driving their $80k trucks around now that they only cost $120 to fill the tanks (vs $300 a few years ago). They're finally seeing all the homeless people that have been on the streets since 2020. Voila, "economy must be awful!"
That and the $7 million dollar Faberge eggs...
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Nothing at all. Those bare supermarket shelves you remember? Those never happened!
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What do you mean, no inflation? Haven't you noticed that an egg costs $7 million now?
Oh wait, that's a Faberge Egg...
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I remember getting them for twenty-five cents! I tied an onion to my belt, as was the fashion at the time...
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This is true, but it's also a really bad idea. Moving – "voting with your feet" – from depressed places like Misery to less-depressed places like the current rust belt makes a huge difference. Of course 20 years ago the rust belt was the place to escape, and yes, people do get trapped.
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Serious answer (for once): switch jobs. Other employers are paying. Go to Cincinnatti or some other rust-belt city that's booming. Thompson is paying $35/hr.
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Jeez, it keeps getting harder and harder to parody these things... or am I running into Poe's Law? twitter.com/SeanTrende/s...
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Actual serious post for once: of course rates factor into construction, but the #1 issue here is (local) zoning regulations, over which FedGov has little to no power. It's up to states and localities to fix this. USA needs ~30 million new housing units.
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"My situation is awful, I can only afford 10 mansions and three yachts!" (pss psss) "Er, 11 mansions."
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You should hold out for $.50/lb, 1920s prices. Why pay more than 100 years ago?
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Good lord, where are you getting your butter? Local Safeway has the store brand for $4. Land-o-Lakes brand (no particularly good reason to buy that one) is $7.49.
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Maybe I should claim that extraterrestrials are the cause of the inflation...
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A round square? What will they invent next? :)
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Sure, except, most of micro's "advances" have been wrong. Meanwhile the macro folks are, as the old joke goes, arguing about whether it rained yesterday.
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My local anecdata is that the complainers here (WA-state, near the Canada border) say that "out of control" housing costs, $5 gasoline, and high grocery prices prove that the economy is terrible. They're only correct on the housing front, but that doesn't stop them.
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Trump is shaking his hand in the same way that the head of Apple Corp is Tim Apple.