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Peacebuilder. Currently in Somalia
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a) yes in my world too. I mean more an op-ed in the nyt or an academic discourse. b) exactly: it hasn't rained at all this year and the standby mechanisms that were set up during the 2022/23 crises are being dismantled meaning the response will be slower and more expensive next time
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I feel like someone needs to write about this paradigm shift that is currently taking place in which we move away from the consensus that we should aim to safe every life possible to wherever the hell we are moving now. we are heading towards a humanitarian catastrophe at full speed
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Kompliment für die hervorragende Berichterstattung Fabian.
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Wäre cool, wenn man die Filme in einer Mediathek oder einer Streaming Plattform sehen könnte!
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So wahr, und wie selbstgefällig man in der mühle wird. Jegliche solidarität geht verloren in dem kampf um anerkennung und selbstverwicklichung.
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Adorno would argue it has to be both 🤷‍♂️
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ahhh got it. danke!
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Super Artikel Gabriela, aber glaubst du die Beschreibung der FPO in ihrer jetzigen Fassung als “far-right” ist zutreffend? Ich kenn mehrere der Parlamentarier aus meinen Studienzeiten und würde die zumindest als Rechtsradikal, manche sogar als Rechtsextremistisch bezeichnen.
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thanks for reporting on this Faisal!
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If you want to weaken AS you need a major ramping up of security investment - and a divestment is taking place rn. You wont be able to outbid AS on governance or RoL under the current security architecture for a set of reasons that I think we all know.
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c) the second largest municipality is not under control of the govt. in Mogadishu, d) some of the smaller ones are doing "ok", but that's where it stops. 50% of the population lives in rural areas, many of whom are IDPs with no stable access to services and are subject to weather and insecurity.
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No, I am afraid that is incorrect. a) these "security gains" are not what they seem - there has been no expansion of safe to operate areas in the HSM tenure, b) the biggest city's mandate is still not clear in this constitution and while the city admin is doing fairly well, security is a problem,
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Diese Anschuldigung war immer und bleibt falsch. Der Krieg ist unverhältnismäßig brutal und muss gestoppt werden, die Israelische Regierung beinhaltet extremistische Elemente die ein ethnische Säuberung unterstützen - aber die "physische Destruktion" der Palästinenser in Gaza ist nicht das Ziel
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providing the basic security that indeed now is missing. There are countless efforts to improve governance, RoL etc. but the glass ceiling for most of these is the inability to operate in the majority of districts - not the regionals operational and financial structural focus on hard security.
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claiming that the AU and others should focus on causes not symptoms misses the point that AS has tactical and strategic operational advantages on the ground that make it almost impossible to gain a foothold in AS controlled territories. The FGS wont be able to implement any major reforms without 2/
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there seems to be a misunderstanding of the current security situation in Somalia in this article. The AU needs to provide more, not less, hard security assistance because the main problem towards stabilization remains the lack of territorial control of the SNA and allied clans. 1/
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Somewhat different subject but do you know if anyone has looked into the subject of politics in MMA? Like why the UFC seems to be completely occupied by the republicans?
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Jetzt bin ich aus dem verein ausgestiegen weil eh klar warum und seh den selben toxischen content als sceenshot hier 😂