He/Him/Ya-Boi, Australian, 1994. Autistic.
a volatile cocktail of overconfidence and chronic anxiety.
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me firing the rocket at my feet because self-destruction is a faster mission reset than opening the menu.
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(also, I'm pretty sure the sister had a romantic thing with the ice cream machine)
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7. A whirling fish swims up inside the younger brother's willy and gets stuck there, but that lets him use his willy as a propeller to win a swimming contest. At the end, he takes flight.
8. Younger brother becomes a masked vigilante who drives off bullies with his rank farts. (shits himself once)
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6. The older brother gets magic lipstick that compels the closest girl to kiss him. That's morally abhorrent enough, and he tries to use it on his teacher in class, but it backfires when it affects his sister instead.
in the original story, he uses it at a fair and gets kissed by a pig.
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5. A river spirit blames the younger brother for the destruction caused by land development, and he's cursed to be attacked by water. when it's all resolved, the spirit helps him win a pissing contest in the boy's toilets where he pees higher than anyone else.
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(I actually read the short story that one was based on, and it's way more fucked up than that. children's books, am I right?)
4. magic gum tree leaves that allow you to transfer injuries to other people if you blow on the leaf. (blowing on gum leaves as a musical instrument is a thing)
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3. the family discovers a cloning machine in a secret room in the lighthouse with a cloning machine. they all mess around with it, but the sister clones herself to cheat at a marathon. A lot happened, then they learn that the cloned items are always unstable, and the sister's clone dissolves.
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1. older brother meets a pretty tree who gets him pregnant. He gives birth to a green baby by burping it up.
2. The siblings meet a boy who, when fed milk and other ingredients, produces soft serve ice cream from his nose. Turns out he was a machine turned into a human. he turns back at the end.
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Each episode has its own absolutely wild plot. Like, actually unhinged.
Most of the plots were adaptations of australian short stories, so sometimes they feel a little hamfisted to put a character in the right position, but let's go over some of the weirder ones I remember.
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Can anyone give me a list of countries that celebrate how they're not British by remembering a huge historical tea party?
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the problem with regional forms is that they're considered the exact same pokemon as the original, even though they're different in every way that matters.
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I think the worst case scenario is that they don't get regional forms, and this is just to give them mega evolutions.
don't get me wrong, I love mega evolutions. I also hate the execution of regional forms.
but I like regional forms.
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I mean, do you think everyone in the whole world looks at their pet and knows exactly how close it is to feinting from physical stress? No.
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You could even interpret the UI, with all the data about your pokemons' stats and moves, as your character's ability to perceive and analyze these things on an intuitive level.
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Your pokemon gain experience faster because you're good at training them, and no one else aside from high level trainers is using six pokemon because managing that is difficult, but you don't actually need to do that.
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(SV is the spongebob "THEN WHY DID YOU ASK FOR IT!?" meme. pretty much every issue came from them trying to cater toward what players had been begging for for years.)
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XY is the last pokemon game I can't point out any big issues with.
there were issues, but they were small things, and that's just something you need to accept is going to happen with any large game.
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I don't need to explain what's wrong with SV. In fact, I'd actually defend it, and I don't feel like jumping in on that.
I liked the story and characters, and it was challenging at points, but there were issues.
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SS did manage to drag me back in for various reasons, but it just doesn't treat you like the protagonist for 90% of the game. most of the plot happens behind your back, then you show up for the finale.
and game balance was just off. It never felt like a challenge.
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Pokemon SM was experimental with the format, but the pacing ended up being way off. At some point I just stopped wanting to turn it on.
I'd already decided not to play the next generation if it didn't show something to impress me because SM just wasn't fun.
(And I hated z moves as a mechanic)
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reset my save data.
gonna pick the same starter though, because only one of them has a cool final evolution.
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Also, Luminose was a very fashion forward city in the first mainline Pokemon game to have proper character customisation, so this game better go hard into that.
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Something insane would be to make each pokemon's secondary type the starter type they were originally weak to.
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actually, while I'm thinking about it, emboar is a really good example of a fire starter unnecessarily evolving into a fighting type, so I'm looking forward to see what type changing they give it.
nothing about its design overtly says fighting, so I don't think they could get away with pure fire.
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watch as they all become dragon types.
hell yeah, let's go.
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But there's no obvious type to associate a fluer de lis with aside from grass, so I could see them taking the lazy option and arbitrarily making it psychic of fairy just because it's pretty.
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The fluer de lis is associated with france so I could see meganium having that as a motif. change the petals around its neck so there's three big curled ones on the back and three smaller ones on the front.
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You're on thin ice!
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You're really teasing us by putting us in a flashback within a flashback, you know that?