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[extremely Law & Order intro voice] In my brain, my dreams are represented by two separate but equally important groups: the weird visual dumps of my subconscious and the real songs that play while they happen. These are their stories 🔨🔨
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I’m lost in a giant school I think I have a class in but no one will tell me what or where it is. I get chased out of one room and led to a dead end. A hunky model has a column in a children’s magazine where he follows amateur kid detectives who seem in over their heads

James McAvoy plays an up and coming singer in a mediocre looking British rom dram that is one of maybe seven similarly mediocre movie options at a vaguely Christian women’s wellness retreat. The only one that exists in real life is Love Actually, which I was considering

I’m trapped in the DVD menu of a Dark Shadows-esque sitcom I don’t want to watch. The only way to turn it off is to die. I try to crawl out of it, but a towering vampire follows me. “It doesn’t matter how you die,” he says as he prepares to kill me. “Only that you do.”

Liz Hurley is a bank teller, & I visit her at work so she can tell me about her whirlwind romance with a rich lothario. She runs me through her demo so she looks busy, but we’re interrupted by students on a field trip, one of whom is trans Robert Pattinson with braces.

My friend sculpts a gourd costume that comes to life like a Claymation musical sequence when she steps inside of it.

Donald Trump is building a house in my mother’s driveway

I’m at a modest party in what looks like a public school classroom, filled with women of various ages in eclectic formalwear. Somebody plays this & everyone screams, waving their arms & singing every word. My sister & our old friend twirl each other at their small table

The most elusive figure in my dreams is a guy I was infatuated with at 14. My subconscious chases sex with him as catharsis. We look for a place to fuck but end up at a picnic table with women playing this. He sings along passionately while I burn with frustrated desire

A British talk show has a “name that tune” segment where actors pantomime the lyrics to a song until someone in the audience guesses what it is. The actors are wearing swimsuits for this one and it takes a while before anyone figures it out.

I’m walking through a nice house that just keeps getting bigger, expanding into a cavernous, warmly lit garage with no seeming end. I’m looking for somewhere to pee and contemplate doing it on a weird spongy floor, but decide against it, not wanting to ruin anything.

The top of my breast has detached from my body; I can see a fleshy mite crawling in its tissue. I scoop it out with a q-tip but the wound is still open. I descend into a salty pool with old friends who don’t notice me anxiously clutching my chest as it fills with water.

I’m supposed to get a reading from a hot goth astrologer but we just end up having a girly hangout sesh instead. My sister and some girls I grew up with join us. My friend puts on Jimi Hendrix and another girl uses a fluffy gray cat to pantomime the big guitar solo.

I’m in a packed van careening down a street, rocking wildly as it speeds. Most of us are laughing, which overrides any potential sense of danger. I keep laughing as the car spits me out onto a yard without slowing down at all. I dust myself off and watch it drive away.

A childhood friend & I are standing by Benicio del Toro, who I say is hot in an unhinged way. My friend says he donated a layer of muscle to charity for a sick woman he loved, that it makes him hotter despite the unsettling fact that we can almost see through his skin.

I’m in a bed with people I grew up with. One is a guy I had a crush on at 13, covered in blood for some reason. A few of us take him to a shower, which is a party with a line. The blood gets us ahead of everyone, & a few get mad when they see us singing, taking our time

My sister gets invited to Jimmy Fallon’s birthday party and is explicitly told not to bring me. Somehow I end up there anyway, sitting in a corner with my headphones in. Jimmy sits next to me and asks me what I’m listening to. I can’t remember the name of the song.

I zoom through the sky in an impossibly massive mall, but staying in the air requires a demand for constant exertion I struggle to keep up with. I push every button I can think of, lose all my health points, and fall over and over again. A woman gives birth to possums.

The CEO from my first real job wants to kill me for reasons I don’t understand. I can feel the butt of his gun pressed against my back as he guides me down a grey hallway and tells me to be cool.

A tall, beautiful artist wants to pay me for sex cuz he thinks I look 12. I’m offended but immediately agree, preemptively undercharging in my own head. The number I come up with when I realize I could ask for more isn’t much better. I consider he may want to hurt me.

Gavin Edwards’ Last Night at the Viper Room inspired me to take a peek at River Phoenix’s absolutely insane birth chart and it’s so horny and intense that it makes me wanna crank Suede, most immediately this

A woman zip lined into a pile of styrofoam marshmallows in front of a rowdy crowd in a black box theater that was lit up with pink neon while this played on the speakers.

I was at an arcade, continually looking at someone I had a crush on, making dumb faces at him when this came on.