Local ghost on the internet. I dj, sometimes produce music but mainly shitpost and love my gf
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When the movie ended and the end credits rolled I was left so confused until I saw in the comments of the movie that the server we where on had the wrong movie and I was so upset 😂. Moral of the story is dont watch this movie and always make sure 3rd party websites have the right one on the server
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The entire time im watching it im thinking how the actual FUCK are they going to tie this into the saw franchise while it also just being such an awful horror movie. The pacing was bad, the "dramatic" buildups to try and eek any form of fear out of you where awful and the ending was ass.
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This happened to me and jesse last night trying to watch the ninth saw movie on a 3rd party website and instead of the server having the actual ninth saw movie it had quite possibly a top 5 worst movie of all time that was ALSO named spiral.
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the que system has and always will be horrible. I dont go to events anymore really but the old system of just spam joining and hoping to get in was infinitely better than sitting and staring at the que system knowing full well you aren't getting in until the events over
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project m is the best version of smash that will ever exist. Its what got me into competitive smash. Its a damn shame we live in the timeline where nintendo are the bad guys :(
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my old s4 survived multiple cross country trips with no case, MULTIPLE beers and drinks spilled on it and it was a tank. I now have an s8 and its even tankier.
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yousuke just has that aura though
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bro just HAD to respond months later LOL
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understandable have a good day ( i want it as well but that shit is like 100 cad LOL)
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have you ever heard of a pirate ship?
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yeah it fucking sucked man :(
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golden rule my dad taught me and how i try and live my life
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wheres the hate for lyoko then? wheres the hate for that crew who just had her play a new years event????????????????????????????????????
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I definitely had my fair share of contributing to the overall stupid state of vrchat drama which was partially because of how hostaged I was while living with iron and also because of how easy it is to look at things through a one way window
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(but its a classic case of people taking one thing and blowing it up way the fuck up for no reason other than drama) instead of just talking to the person involved and being adults and either working together to solve the issue or just agree to disagree on move on
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The crashing shit was something taken way out of context because I showed up to concrete in a hella very poor avatar with shitty shader effects while way to drunk to be at an event while in a very bad mental state.I reached out to everyone involved with that and apologized for the behavior later on.
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with them which just also happened to involve the SA stuff.
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also the fact that they never really said anything else besides what was originally posted to twitter when it all happened was another reason i never said anything. It isnt my place to speak for them and Im mainly speaking about my experience with iron as a whole during the time period that i lived
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Its a very incredibly shitty situation overall. I would have come forth way sooner with my story if i wasnt so mentally fucked up by the entire thing. I also wasnt more than associates/roomate who didnt talk alot with one of the victims so it wasnt ever my place to act for them.
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there are plenty of reports and studies done on SA and how rare it is for someone to actually be arrested and charged with the crime.
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Its never the place of someone who isnt the victim to act on behalf of the victims themselves. R*pe is the most under reported crime in the states. I do not live in the states anymore and was no longer in contact with either of the victims after the 3rd of February 2022.
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this shit haunted me for fucking YEARS AND STILL FUCKS ME UP. But no OFC someone had to use it to attack someone else besides the actual fucking person at fault.
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this is another reason i never said anything because i doubt this will change anything at all which is fucking sad.
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typical vrchat drama instead of it being taken seriously. But no vrchat players do what vrchat players do the best and take anything they can use for their own hate campaign against people they dont like instead of being adults and taking actions against serious crimes and actions
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i said this to you in private but im going to respond to you publicly. I dont want something of the level of decree as to what i went through and the actual r*pe victims to be used and twisted into fucking drama. This isnt drama this is someone SEXUALLY assaulting someone and it being turned into
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Move useless (but pretty) pieces of geometry like trees and rocks to areas where they make sense not in an area where i accidentally run into them behind me because im trying to focus on the enemies running me down and not looking behind me to see if random rock or tree number 90 is there
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like ive yet to make it to one of the actual bosses due to how brutally difficult even the normal enemies are and how hard it is to get actually half decent gear to stand a chance. They need to make medkits usable at level 1 and make parrying do something worthwhile
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iron biscuit sexually assaulted/harassed her co-workers irl, fired from her job, and then garnered donations while playing the victim
unrealjourneys harassed/creeped on multiple women irl in the jp scene while they were visiting Japan
kone labie is a sex pest who stalks/sexually harasses people
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No one deserves to be sexually abused/harrassed irl or vr and I feel way better coming clean with it. Iron doesnt deserve what they currently have in life but they have obtained it by manipulation, lying and using anyone they can to propel themselves further in life and its disgusting
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Im not the best person either and have made my fair share of mistakes (including making someone uncomfortable by being overly touchy while with them irl while we where both in vr) but ive lived and learned from my mistakes but the stuff with iron has hanged over my head for way to long now
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I was however the person who spread the information privately to a friend to do as they wish as I couldnt really do anything publicly due to living with them/being constantly manipulated by them
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I lived with iron during this time period and can confirm the stuff about iron. Im tired of staying quiet about it and feeling hostaged in the situation. If people want a more in depth explanation feel free to dm me and I can tell the whole story including why I never said anything about it publicly