Spiritual with faith. I love men, music, art, bohemianism, beer, claret, champagne, Indian food, sea food , soccer, mornings, animals, English chocolate, being alone, leather, crystals & gems, books, & wearing sheepskin. Moody Cancerian.
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Hamas did look scary as they transferred the hostages. Spanking new clean uniforms, balaclavas & weapons didn’t give the impression of rough neck rebels but a well put together military.
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You couldn’t pay me.
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And another reason why I believe the Felon & adjudicated sex offender & all round criminal gave the order to set the fires in the Palisades & Altadena. The palisades are primarily Jewish families & Altadena black Baptist. Make no mistake about the Felons intentions he’s the devil incarnate.
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More like American corruption & criminality at work. Trump admitted Musk tampered with votes for the win. Musk is nothing more than a hacker with money.
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Didn’t the same play out in Hawaii?
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The sex offending felon says what? Not taking anything seriously regarding the 🤡 again.
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The absurdity that a sex offender & Felon is going to be sworn in after all his lies & attempt coup tells me nothing in this Nation can be taken ever again.
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In a nut shell lack of critical thinking skills. Londoners during WWII came up with rhyming slang for American service men & it isn’t nice but even back then they knew critical thinking wasn’t their forte. Short planks, meaning as thick as two.
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Exactly it’s just more insulting of folks intelligence.
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The criminal party with a Felon at the helm.
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How terrible. Persecuting Transgenders & using the SCOTUS & law to do it is akin to the Taliban. I loath Trump & his criminal Republican colleagues. What they’re doing isn’t politics it’s a hate crime.
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The etchings on the bullets are a red herring. Someone paid a lot of money to have him removed from his CEO position.
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The 🍕💩 never fails to be a 🍕💩. A sex offender & Felon has zero shame about any of his crimes. No shame for raping a 13 year old girl, no shame for pilfering from a children’s cancer charity, no shame for bilking students, no shame for cheating on his 3 wife’s & certainly no shame lying 24/7. 🍕💩
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Again. Absolutely disgraceful.
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He’s out for bankruptcy. This picture tells the tale of San Bernardino, CA, 12 years after bankruptcy because of corrupt con men like Trump.
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Musk bought himself a Presidency. Not being born in the USA he saw his way in by buying votes for Trump & tampering with swing states using the bullet vote method. He knows Trump is a fake & buffoon. He also knows gormless is rife among the masses & that no one in DC has the gumption to stop him.
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Yawn, yawn, yawn. Trump won because of the gormless. Do a story on how pathetic & ignorant one has to be to have voted for that.
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What did anyone expect? Trump isn’t an intellectual nor a genius. He’s a fake who likes to mime fellatio on a mic stand. Circus clown is his forte.
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I’m British. If you have a hard time understanding English in plain English that’s not my problem. I’ve known & said for years The British & Americans may speak the same language but we interpret it differently.
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Let me explain to you the reality of the times. Capitalism is in its last hoorah. The industrial World has to slow down to save the environment & Capitalist’s are scared 💩less about it. You can live in a cool aid bubble all you like but don’t insult my prerogative & intelligence not to.
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Come on. They’re in cahoots. Both parties are Capitalist. The election a farce. The 2 parties came to an agreement to let Trump win & take the heat for Ukraine handed to Russia & Gaza obliterated entirely. They figure Trumps cult won’t care & the libs will be so exasperated they will give up.
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It’s only until the sex offending 🍕💩 felon is sworn in then the war of all wars will commence. The other 🍕💩Netanyahu is waiting to finish the job with Trumps full support & blessing.
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The Nation has gone to hell in a hand basket. Why we’re allowing the sex offending Felon & lying con anywhere near the White House again is INSANE & an embarrassment. The 🍕💩 was mimicking fellatio on a mic while fantasizing over Arnold Palmer‘s manhood ffs. It’s all sick.
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It’s what happens when a half wit many times bankrupt thinks he’s a genius.
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A stall not a ceasefire. Netanyahu is cooling his jets until Trump is sworn in. Trump will then urge Netanyahu to finish the job.
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The war criminal Netanyahu just doesn’t give a toss about anything but killing.
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And that’s why the British refer to Independence Day as Thanksgiving 😅.
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Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I’m not a billionaire but I appreciate that you think I am. 👍 I’m a British Californian educated in Britain. You’re up against British intelligence. I hear your delusion also your passion but I also feel pity for your naïveté. Go in good faith & good luck to you.
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Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. We know how Trumps willfully ignorant think. Clueless to the end. Just go about your day now sweetie whistling Dixie in the wind. Buh bye.
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Cupcake America has lost its standing in the eyes of the World. Trump as the leader, a lying con & felon, is the first step into the gutter what follows is the abyss of the sewer. Trump is the leader of the under educated scrubber class who anointed him. They’ll be the first group he’ll flush.
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Scoff all you like but you’re clueless to the reality of what your willful ignorance will reap. Good luck to you.
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Let me explain to you what you won. You won a long known lying con man & felon representing the US. You lost the respect of the free World. You’re yet to see the repercussions of your willful ignorance but it’s coming this I can guarantee.
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I’m a Californian Brit. I have no interest in what you & your ilk think or say because it’s always based on willful ignorance. Play games with yourself because you’ve already lost.
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The reason America HAS failed is because of willful ignorance & disregard for the truth. Did you not see with your own eyes Trump mime giving fellatio to a micro phone at one of his last rallies. He is a degenerate 🍕💩 & he’s picking a cabinet of like minded creeps.
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Surrounding himself with the mentally unstable could cost him. Remember Dan White?
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Good. If we want to get serious about climate change then people need to stop traipsing the world on the cheap. Tourism brings in money but it also contributes to global warming.
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Sad to hear we lost a decent man & intellect. May he rest in eternal peace.
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Anything but go after the guns. The second amendment is a curse on this Nation. It’s also another reason why we have a sex offending Felon about to be sworn in.
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Trump is in mental decline & by the looks so is Musk. Musk paid millions of $ to IT hackers to rig the votes. The adrenaline rush for both is what’s fueling their bizarre behavior. Trump picking unqualified flunkies is part of it.
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There’s an international warrant out for Netanyahu for being a killer himself. He should man up & turn himself in.
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Willfully ignorant, covert racists, dregs not decent this is how the World perceives American’s now because of a 🍕💩 felon.
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He’s a 🍕💩 sex offending felon. This guy showed up not to grovel but to access his mental state of mind. Other Nations need to be ahead of the sickness in America offered through a mad man.
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Sex offending Felon vs. a 🍕💩 is what he is to me.
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Again more gaslighting that all’s well and it’s business as usual. Anyone close to the Sex offending Felon has said his mental state is in decline, his recent cabinet picks validate that. A mad man & criminal at the helm isn’t just Irans dilemma it’s everybody’s.