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Now. I know you don’t care about the racism and sexism. And I know you probably think clean water is not a right. And you probably think that National parks should all be destroyed. So I might as well be talking to a brick wall.
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ok. Have fun while they poison our water, ruin our national parks and, fire every high raking women and Black person.
I don’t want a king, but I guess that’s what you voted for. A white king to rule us all.
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Because of racism, sexism and/or transphobia.
Every single Trump voter voted for hate and they are getting exactly what the voter for.
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Have you called Rufo's follower's NPCs?
Because it tends to piss people off when you call them non-people.
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Yeah, but he’s just a senile old man!!! we can’t take him seriously!! who we really need to attack is those Canadian citizens!!! Those are the real villains, apparently
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No, our president is threatening them. They have every right to be pissed about it.
But they don’t need to do is bend over backwards to make sure the “good Americans” are OK.
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Can someone please explain to me what the difference even is between a “centrist” and a republican?
Because it seems that Trump could literally declare himself king and they would criticize the left for overreacting.
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It’s fine! He’s just trolling. Same when he goes for a 3rd term and (if he’s alive) a 4th term! Just trolling!
Then when Musk somehow becomes an official president for live. Just trolling!!!!!!
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I laughed my ass off the first time I heard it because it was so fucking nerdy.
Like imagine describing exactly what it means to a random coworker without looking like the biggest dork in the office?
A dork and a person who admits they don’t think other people count as people.
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What the fuck?
“desirable” should not be a word used to describe any child for any reason
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He said the same thing before the elections so yes, this is what Trump voters voted for.
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I (stupidly) got into an argument with some dude in YouTube comments who was blaming women for male loneliness (see god forbid we had standards). And it ended with him saying that “I drive my drunk girl friend home drunk and I have beat a women!!!
Like, the bare fucking minimum and he wants a metal
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I really need any Trump voter to explained why they personally hate National Parks and want them destroyed?
Because that is partly what they voted for and they knew it.
So, what? Cut down the trees and get oil? or make it so only the very, very, very rich deserve to see the beauty?
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For some reason, the random MAGA folks online are ignored by people like him. The ones who happily use the N-word or call women slurs and make "your body, my choice" jokes.
I wonder why that is....
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I think he does love it.
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Remember, the President of the United States deserve less criticism then random folks online!!!!
Fuck him, fuck this, fuck ever single person who says "they only voted for fascism because of an annoying post online"
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He is not really talking about elected Dems, He is talking about ever single left-leaning person online who calls out bigotry or doesn't say "hey, be nice to the Nazis!!!!!!!"
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I feel like I am losing my fucking mind. Just because something is not gendered does not mean it's political.
Is "employees" pollical word? Is "boss"? "co-worker"?
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But workforce is not even a political word!!!!
It's a word that has been around forever
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Do you think "workforce" is a made up "woke" word?
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What does "safer" even mean when it is still the safest way to travel, even with the last two plane crashes?
I feel like the Air Traffic Controllers were doing a pretty damn good job .
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Yep, I think at worst these are things that make people roll their eyes and move on with their lives.
But, apparently, they make people SO MAD that they had no choice but to vote for a fascist. At least according to idiots who don't think Trump voters have agency of their own.
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Are we pretending that workforce is some new-fangled "woke" word? and that is replaced manpower?
Those are two different words!!!!!!
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Since I am way too online, I did year the Master Bedroom thing which was pretty much seen as silly by most people on the left and was never a real thing to begin with
But, chestfeeding?? If it's not 100% made up, is probably something someone say on Tumblr that got one heart.
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Every single comment of yours is about how we need trans people to disappear off the planet
Do you have a better word for Nazi for wanting to eradicate an entire group of people?
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ohhhhh!!! “More broadly”. You’re talking about people online.
You want every single person in the world to stop treating trans people like people! Good luck with that shit!!
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Yes, people saying we should accept trans people is just exactly the same as people saying every woman should stay at home and be pregnant and Black people only deserve the lowest paid positions
You are very smart!!
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I think she talked about trans people like two times during her entire camp. But the way these useless assholes act, she was literally going to schools and forcing people with her magical powers to change their gender
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He just thinks that if something isn’t popular it’s not worth fighting for
And then tries to make it seem that he’s just reasonable well completely ignoring the fact that marginalized people get rights by fighting like hell not by shutting up and sitting down.
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You’ve been against civil rights in the 50s. You would’ve been against woman having the right to vote in the 20s.
Do you agree?
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So you would’ve been then against civil rights in the 50s? Because that certainly wasn’t an issue then
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You can block me, but at least answer Chuck.
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It’s OK I know what your answer is. You don’t actually give a shit about anything at all because you personally are going to be fine no matter what and women and Black people and queer people should just shut the fuck up.
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Are you against all surgeries for all prisoners or just for ones who are trans?
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That’s just one thing and we both know you have multiple examples of who should be losing their rights. not just trans people.
So again I ask give me a list of people that the dems should throw under the bus
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What rights would you be willing to lose?
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Can you give me a list of all the rights of the Democrat should not fight for
Obviously, we’re throwing all trans people under the bus!
What about women’s rights? Is that a losing issue they should ignore?
Cops killing Black people? Does that no longer matter?
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A woman said something I don’t like so I became a Nazi.
Yeah, yeah that sounds right about right.
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Gotta love it when white men say that women and Black people should’ve shut the fuck up and known their place and that is why Trump won?
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That’s cute, but are they actually going to do anything?
or are they just gonna shake their head and say “this is bad stuff” and that’s it.
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They want pharmacist to be able to deny healthcare to women because they don’t believe in birth control.
They want companies to put up signs that say “no trans people allowed”
They want anti-choice protesters to block doors to people trying to get a healthcare
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I would love for these assholes to say exactly what they mean when they say “intolerance of faith”
Because no one’s discriminating against any Christian religion
What they want is for companies to be able to discriminate however they want to and pretend us for their faith.
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It is baffling to me.
There are other rich dudes!! there are other billionaires!!
And while I’m sure they all suck in a variety of different ways, I am absolutely sure they are all less annoying than Musk is.
This is the person you want to be tied to for the rest of your life?? him??
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Why should I be required to read or watch anything from the point of view of somebody who despises everyone who is not a white man? Because that is all right wing news is.
So please tell me how I will turn into a better person by watching hours of hate?
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No, I’m gonna go ahead and judge him by the stupid fucking bullshit he is saying right now.
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I would be willing to bet my life savings that they will 100% accept the AP being punished because the media is a bunch of cowardly fucking piece of shit assholes who are 90% the reason why we are in this mess to begin with.
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They want women in kitchens at home aka not getting paid and being 100% depended on a man.
as for non-white men? I guess they want them working the farms and never seen in public?
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These are people that shrug their shoulders when children are gunned down in schools.
They have never cared about kids, that have never cared about anyone but themselves.
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Aka centrist aka conservatives who wants Trump to be slightly less racist and sexist. (but still very transphobic)