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It's literally a hollow clone of X lol
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If the exact same thing happened, and the sides were flipped, you guys would go thermonuclear tearing apart each and every one of those cases. This is why independents and normies shifted so HARD to Trump, the people who aren't obsessed took one look and called bullshit.
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No, it's more like we're the only people who can see a kangaroo court when it's infront of us. But go ahead, keep creating more and more Trump voters by denying reality. Every single one of those cases was a total sham and the American people saw right thru it, you LOST.
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Whatever helps you sleep at night.
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B-b-but there aren't any bad Democrats, remember? We're on Bluesky bud, lol, these people are the absolute worst. Quick, make a new echo chamber so we can continue hiding from reality, it's so hard.
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You guys don't care about the law as long as it cheats in your favor. As soon as it backfires you'll never stop whining. You guys have no idea how badly you're losing on every single front, still, do you? Imagine cheering for the Establishment and the man as Democrats.
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So, basically your normal face?
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It's because they approach this in the same way sports fans approach say, a football game, or like they're just watching their favorite TV show. As long as they aren't seeing it first hand and it's not in their backyard, they will continue crusading for their ideology and faux virtue.
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I support you though, keep it up, please. Maybe after losing 2 or 3 more elections you guys will actually do some real soul searching and join the rest of the world here in reality. Even moderate Democrats are pretty fed up with your crap and the dents in the armor are really starting to show.
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Coming from people who obviously hate America, we'll take that as a compliment. It's not like you guys like that word anyway. Patriots don't support letting millions of people run roughshod over their borders, unvetted and openly without any remorse.
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Just one more for good measure because I know what the default lib response is. I could continue...
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Funny how many totally mundane posts from conservatives I've already seen censored for saying things far less disgusting than that.
I have WAY, WAY more, too if you'd like. I am not just cherry picking one story, I literally have an entire bookmark folder.
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So, only women who vote the same way as you have valid feelings and opinions? Sounds awfully patriarchal and misogynistic to me!
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It's wild how fast you guys just abandoned women.
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It's like X only a liberal echo chamber, of course it's great!
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I know, it's just like a barebones copypasta of X lol
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A 30 year old case, with a law passed specifically for her to bring him down, brought on by a verifiable insane person who gushed on social media about how much she was looking forward to or enjoyed "The Apprentice" and then celebrated on Maddow and offered to buy her gifts... nothing fishy at all.
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If I am being setup I am NOT cooperating and Trump's team tried to give them DNA at the last minute under the condition that they had the full DNA report on the dress, which had no semen on it. I wouldn't trust them with the DNA sample either, because they're lying sycophants
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It makes you all look weak and feeble minded, but please, by all means keep running the same plays from the same playbook that caused a Trump landslide.
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Yeah that's what you do when you're innocent and lunatics just start accusing you of everything under the sun. By that same standard I could just start making up shit, too. Also, if you seriously support a platform that censors posts like THAT well, please tell me more about censorship on X.
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You people act like Donald Trump wasn't President of the United States.
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You really think that no President before Trump ever did that, or did anything illegal at all, and that nobody cared until they started looking for reasons to go after him?
Next you're gonna lock people up for jaywalking.
Why didn't Barack Obama go to prison for drone striking Anwar Al-Awlaki?
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And really, you're gonna stay hung up on the classified documents case? The thing that Joe Biden was equally guilty of but Robert Hurr just decided not to pursue because "he's old," get a grip.
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Really? The only way the DOJ can be "misused" is by faking evidence against an innocent person?
Tell me you don't know anything about anything without telling me..
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Lol, they censored THAT? Hahaha, not a shred of a lie was said. Funny how Russell Brand's case just vanished. Trevor Bauer is still recovering from his obscene experience. The list goes on and on and on... They just don't care as long as what's happening jives with their feelings.
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No, I'm saving that for when Matt Gaetz imprisons all of your heroes.
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Not to mention she's a total unhinged lunatic by anyone's measure and she goes on Maddow bragging and celebrating and offering to buy people gifts. Anyone who doesn't raise an eyebrow at any of the cases levied against Trump is totally living in a biased reality and is a huge part of why you LOST.
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Trump's team wanted the full DNA report on the dress first, which makes sense. There was no sperm on the dress, and they hoped they could find even a shred of dead skin on it they'd start trumpeting that they had DNA proof he raped her, and ppl like you would run with it without critically thinking.
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No, it did not go down like that and comments like these even further display the lack of depth of knowledge you actually have regarding the case and I can't lay out the entire thing for you without starting a 25 post thread. They offered up the DNA sample at the last minute at the judge rejected it
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That's called hearsay. You guys aren't very bright. And getting a couple of friends to lie on stage is hardly a worldwide conspiracy. But after seeing what happened in his "fraud" case, I would not put anything past the judicial system in NY because they're all TDS ridden, broken people, too.
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Y'all ever find it curious that you always take the route that keeps your unhinged fantasy afloat? Instead of realizing the media never believed all the "existential threat" crap around Trump and were just milking you for views, you go with "they are just opportunistic sellouts," they lied to you.
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Lol, a "rude" tag - what a joke. It's okay if I direct being rude towards a Trump supporter though, right? As is plainly evidenced by my main feed.
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Sounds like a you problem then, Brian. Maybe you should choose to care about something instead of being a nihilist?
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Yeah, it's almost like being shocked that Kamala Harris lost the election with all that support.
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That's what you guys are best at.
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So do you guys think they're the only channel "spewing propaganda"?
They're just the other side of a very ugly coin.
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Indeed, the left is just as capable of going off the deep as the right.
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People like you are the reason I voted GOP for the first time in my life and you won't be able to hide in echo chambers forever. You, and any honest, sane American should be far more appalled at the misuse of the justice system than the bogeyman, who the media is suddenly pretending is ok, weird.
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Or the fact that Letitia James' team was utterly embarrassed by all 5 members of the appellate court of New York for their obviously stacked case against Trump in which the supposed victim even testified on his behalf? Any sane person who takes the time to read those cases and not just buy BS knows.
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And you find nothing suspicious at all about any of those cases whatsoever?
Like the fact that E Jean Carroll's case was 30 years old, provided ZERO actual evidence, and the state of New York passed a one-time, temporary law to circumvent the far gone statute of limitations on her claims?
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The Central Park Five, Kimberly Long and the Duke Lacrosse team were all convicted felons, too.
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I'm sure when absolutely none of those things actually happen and life goes on we'll have a real, genuine moment of self reflection, right?
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I love how you guys think being on the same side as banks (visa/mastercard) makes you feel like you're winning. Stop it, get some help.
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Can we revisit this in four years when nothing of the sort even remotely happens?