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I’m not sure what any of this means. Can you please put it in other words?
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Yeah but I couldn’t trust myself so I couldn’t say that confidently
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Heck yeah! Body positivity! Love this
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Yeah I just tell my kid that Santa isn’t real and I feel like I let her down enough after that.
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Yeah dolphinately
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Yeah for sure. Don’t trust white people. I don’t even trust myself! The police pulled me over and asked if had anything to drink I said no but then I remembered that can’t trust myself so I told the officer that I could have been drinking but wasn’t sure. I was arrested. #blm
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Wait he got a 5x increase to his penis! That’s wild
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👆👆👆The most vulnerable person I know is my elderly cat and i think about him all the time when I vote. If I don’t protect him and his rights no one will. This hits home for me.
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Honestly as a person with a micro penis I was born with this is offensive. I thought we were supposed to be different than x. Ugh so annoying. Leave the toxicity just to find more.. great
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Yeah what other possible reason could they not have voted for her. All those people excuses like the economy, jobs, migration, woke culture, cancel culture, media capture and government capture… I don’t believe that was the reason. It’s really they don’t want a woman. That has to be it. Liars
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Yeah for sure! Don’t they know we’ve been monitoring the climate for 200 years? How long has the earth been around, like 1000 or something? Obviously we can model it based off 200 years of research and predict our impact on the planet. Those people are idiots!
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In Florida you can’t say gay so if you use a VPN from there they limit the gay stuff. The more you know!
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We are ok with body shaming now?
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Saying women slept to get to the top in very misogynistic. Please choose your words carefully. We don’t want to be like them
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I can see Doge News Network being a thing if Elon buys it haha
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Yeah absolutely. If he goes after the cartels we should all call out congress people to push for impeachment. He should think before he acts but we know he won’t
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Me neither. I’d rather the cartel just keep doing their thing than risk that. They just want a better life like all of us.
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For sure! I feel like we just need to leave the cartel alone. They are just trying to have a better life like we all are.
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Yeah for sure. Most of the Cartel members are just trying to create a good life. We should have sympathy for them! Wild that some people want to attack them like that and put everyone in danger. Just leave them alone.
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I apologize for assuming that person being kicked is a girl. I assumed based off the pink clothes but I shouldn’t have as that just reaffirms gender stereotypes. I know I need to think before I speak and reevaluate my privilege next time. Sorry all.
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Yeah maybe he did
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I think you been had sir. Checkmate
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Wait to me? Why? So if we can’t trust the media to tell us was disinformation is and we can’t trust the government to trust what it is either, then how could we say confidently that it’s disinformation as you did when you said it’s all over X. Which I agree with. On what basis can you claim that?
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Yeah that’s what I say to them too! Fricken trump bootlickers.
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Yeah for sure. I’m just glad we have each other. And we all watch and read the real media who never lie and have our best interest at heart. And we trust the government while they are insurrectionists and fascists. The government wouldn’t lie to us under Biden. But it will under Trump for sure.
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I’m so sick of the disinformation on Twitter. Last I saw they said that Covid started in a lab, and that Joe Biden is senile. I tried to report it but they didn’t do anything. Then I saw that people were saying Trump didn’t collude with Russia! What the hell? I reported and nothing happened. So dumb
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Just because I can’t find anyone who would have sex with me doesn’t mean I’m an incel. That’s a slur. Let’s not be like them
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My daddy left to the cigarette store when I was 5. Said he would come back. But he never did. And not Trump is president. And I always wonder if Trump could be my real dad.
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Please do not advocate for violence against women or girls. Thank you.
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While I appreciate your sentiment, I would just say it’s insensitive to marginalize people with a daddy kink. Please be kind. We don’t want to be like them.
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Totally agree. They have X and Elon and now the government. All we have is academia, Hollywood, newspapers, mainstream media, big pharma, Facebook, celebrities, and big tech oligarchs. How can they possibly claim they are oppressed. Go back where you came from nazis!
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I can’t stand slavery. In this house we don’t believe in slavery. I know that’s not a popular thing nowadays but I’m here to set the record straight. We are truth tellers and that’s why they hate us. But I’ll say it to anyone. Even in public. Slavery is not good. There I said it.
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Please please please block me. I need to be blocked by a big blocker
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Please block me. I wanna be blocked so bad. Block me real good
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Here sir!
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We are here for you Melis. Don’t listen to him. He doesn’t get how unsafe we all are now that the fascists run the country. Imagine having your beliefs challenged! It’s truly unamerican. I stand with you. Love blue sky.
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Guess who motha effa!
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My ovulation is none of your business. I am a straight white male so I have little to offer on this subject.
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So offensive. Blocked for condescending language. Please think about the safety of others and even for yourself. Educate yourself. Wear a mask and if you feel so inclined a helmet as I do and always have. That’s the way.
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Why do conservatives even get their own network! So unfair. It’s not like there are networks dedicated to left wing ideas. Not a single one. Why do they have to be so objective and only Fox News can lean right. Seriously? I’m just so glad we have this place to be safe from any of those ideas.
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I was so tired of having my opinions challenged and my deepest held beliefs criticized. Mike gets it! People like us are all around, this is our safe space Megan. Take your fascist rhetoric somewhere else.
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Reported for using unsafe instigative language. Take that garbage back to where you came from.
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For sure! I was so scared of what X had become. Imagine having your deepest held views challenged constantly. It’s just un-american. The fascists can just keep X for all I care. At least we are safe here.
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As long as we can all feel safe, there’s nothing that can stop us
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Wait. How do we know the henchmen had BO tho?
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You saying that you feel unsafe is causing me to feel unsafe because I’m realizing that I’m unsafe not only to the safety of others but to the safety of myself. They say safety first, but what If my safety is a threat to others being safe? I think we can safely say that safety is not always safe