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P.S. this vid is 30 EPS rendering at 60 FPS v-synced.... compared it with previous vids - this is a lot more palpable to the eyes imho.
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#5 - Of course, everything will hav a side effect. At 30 EPS, scripts run at half the responsiveness - it'll still work, but it may "lag" a whee bit. On top of that, collision detection will require extrapolation or introspection so that bullets don't clip though and go through all the way.
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#4 - So gamers - don't PANIC to see 30 EPS ... coz the FRAMES PER SECOND (FPS) will still be interpolated and is as high as ur machine can handle OR V-synced to ur resolution's refresh rate.
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#3 - Notice render() doesn't have any factor? That's because all the values for rendering is either calculated in renderExecute() OR in the shaders. Hence eliminating the need to half the speeds of everything in the game or not (if it's too slow)
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#2: interpolate the rendering with a lower factor. The game engine in this case has 3 pipelines running concurrently. 1) Execution (EPS) 2) Render-Execution (FPS with factor) 3) Render
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to explain a little more - EPS = Executions Per Second ... it sets a time relative to what if it's done over an FPS rate. From here, the world has a sense of speed. A lower EPS meant that the world runs slower, but because rendering is completely separated from execution, it'll still interpolate ...
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Thank you. It’s a good idea. Though there’s no sensitive spots until the hp drops to 35%. After that the ship is a bullet sponge; only the reactor is vulnerable. :)
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hahha the hangar needs to assign u a ramp to land on for full-stop landings ... otherwise u can just land on the touch n go ramp, reload, repair and carry on. The ramps can be destroyed too. A frigate has abt 12 ramps. But it can store ~36 fighters. So u can land and despawn to make space too!
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#dogfighter #spacegames
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Lol that gamedev is as fun as playing games. Lol
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i want my extended warranty for my car!!!!!!! lol
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#3 and #6!!!
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also lemme get the issue of "can space have fires" out of the way .... incendiary mass drivers work on the idea of oxidation by reacting certain chemicals against certain surfaces, ie, metallic ones. So the "fire" is a byproduct of oxidation, it's not setting things on fire!
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lol the dynamic lighting for the engine should hav been turned off upon death ... opps ...
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urgh brain dead - i meant HEURISTIC data ... not intrinsic ... omg ...
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haha yeah ... good inspirations - though some might say it's a cheesy flick ... but it does hav its charm :)
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just one last note - the wingmen are firing BECAUSE u pressed FIRE - so even if u r in a cool down, they'll still fire as long as they're in formation; thus ATTACK IN FORMATION. That means - this is not AI-controlled, it's YOU controlling the firing/shooting!!
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Thing is not everyone will be into flying into tight spaces. That’s y there’ll be alternatives to how one can breach the reactor from the outside. Though flying into the reactor chamber is cool though. Flying out before it blows up etc.
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Fractured Alliance will eventually hav focus on interior combat too. Coz u can’t chip kill ships by shooting its blind spots. Eventually u’d hav to destroy its reactor. Externally using torpedoes or internally using lighter weapons.
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Oh yes! I used to modify tie fighter missions with an editor to try to reproduce this effect. Hahaha that was way back during 1996/97!
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just a heads up - these were developed early as part of the core gameplay... the graphical assets came later - explosions were also improved over time... coz we needed to determine if this is potentially fun or not ... haha
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This works for ALL weapons & if u lock onto a slow-moving target and ur wingmen are in formation, then ALL of them will fire their projectiles using ur lock-on data INSTANTLY. y not fast-moving targets? coz u'd 100% break formation thus breaking "Attack in Formation" rules.
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Also, if the capital ship moves while u r in the hangar - u won't crash into its walls. So as a fighter, u can literally hitch a hike in ur capital ship.
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also yeah - had i used XML it would hav had the same effect ... so yeah nothing new ... i just dun like to use certain things that's all :) like how i dun like to use 3rd party engines ... so what? it's just me. lol