Director at Stiftelsen Litteraturhuset / The House of Literature in Oslo. Chair of the board at Drammen Theater. Author of 6 books: on reproductive rights, democracy, inclusive sports, parenting + 2 cookbooks. Love literature, media, politics & great memes
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Tusen takk! Har kost oss sånn med å skrive denne, håper det merkes! 🤗
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«Do not loose the will to resist» ✊🏻 Some of the last words by murdered Russian opposition politician and blogger Alexei Navalny. In his brilliant, humorous and devastating autobiography «Patriot».
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Thanks for sharing! Which are some of your favourites from 2024? One of mine was yours! Thank you! (Btw we love your book at The House of Literature in Oslo and in Norway. Hope to see you here soon 🤗)
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post Startpakkene ligger her 😃 På profilen er det noen faner rett under profilteksten, du finner den ved siden av «media» «likes» «feeds» og så altså ➡️ «starter packs». Håper det kan være til nytte!
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Yes!! «If you don’t like a book don’t read it». Simple as that! 💪🏼 Ironic that it is those who traditionally are most afraid of governement control over the individual who now want control over .. what individuals can read.
#bookbans #freadom
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Enig. Sterk fremtidig Nobelkandidat! Min favoritt i denne så langt er et alldeles nydelig essay om håp. Håper du og vil kose deg med boka i romjula!
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Selvsagt! Leser alltid de alternative budsjettene med stor interesse! Av noen (som her!) blir jeg glad og optimistisk, av andre livredd 😅
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«Have you ever had a Halloween pumpkin? You hollow out the inside and then it gradually starts collapsing, Totalitarian regimes go like that. When the true believers aren’t there any more there are only bureaucrats sustaining the regime just to sustain it.»
Margaret Atwood on the LitHouse podcast🎃
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«The person on who it is focused on, whether Mao or Stalin, will die, and then there will be a power struggle. This shakes the fate in the system.
If there is an uprising the question is: how brutally is that oppressed? And how many enemies do you make in that oppression?»
Margaret Atwood
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🧵All together an insightful and fascinating read. Highly recommend for everyone interested in history, war and the often overlooked perspective of its aftermath.
💙📚 #literature 6/6
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🧵Also interesting to read how we humans find ways of differentiating us vrs them. Due to the large number of internally displaced people, a negativity towards people from other parts of the country grew. Even within the same religion ie how catholic holidays were to be properly celebrated. 5/6 💙📚
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🧵Different cities had different strategies for clearing out the rubble and rebuilding. In Frankfurt chemists found a way to make a useful material -sinterbims- of the rubble, which could then be sold and reused in making concrete. This became essential in rebuilding the Frankfurt economy. 4/6 💙📚
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🧵The country was filled with 500 million cubic meters of ruins and rubles. In some cities nearly everything was destroyed. In Dresden there was 40 cubic meters of rubble for every surviving inhabitant! 3/6
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🧵In Germany in 1945 there were 40 million internally displaced people. Civilians, KZ lager survivors, prisoners of war. Thus in ‘48 a law decided that those who owned homes/fortunes at the time was to give away half (!). This was then redistributed to the invalids and displaced 2/6💙📚
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Har også rapportert kontoen til BlueSky. Hvis flere gjør det regner jeg med den blir slettet.
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Takk for heads up! Den virket først som en statsråd konto for kulturministeren, ser den har endret navn og bilde. Avfølger den!
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Takk som deler Morten!
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And Thursdays event, at 19.15. The event will be broadcast around the worl on BBC World Service. If you want to be in the audience send an email to 👉🏻[email protected] 💙📚
#literature #bbcbooks
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post Agreed. The trend is frightening. Three times as many banned books in the last year. What will happen the next four? 😬
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Dette er så viktig påminner ! Du burde vurdere å poste denne på engelsk og. Snakket akkurat med Isabella Hammad om det på tirsdag som motivasjon for hva amerikanske universiteter og skoleverk kan gjøre for å unngå Trumpifisering av barn og unges utdannelse. Motstand er mulig👊🏻
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Veldig! Mine elsker den nydelige tegnede versjonen av Anne Franks dagbok og👌🏻
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Absolutely love that book! I actually recommend reading On Tyranny for the 3. (!) time at some point because it has been made into an equally brilliant graphic novel by the prize winning illustrator Nora Krug 😍 (also a great way to introduce teens to this book by!)
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🧵10. “For 400 years, people tried in vain to reach the North Pole. By 1900, about 1000 people had attempted, and 751 had died—freezing to death, succumbing to scurvy, drowning, or being attacked by polar bears. Most never made it past 80 degrees latitude, which is about as far as most whalers go”
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🧵9. “When you’re at the North Pole there is no smell.
It smells absolutely nothing because all particles that could carry scent freeze and disappear.”
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🧵8. “Placing the North Pole on a world map has never been done correctly.
Even algorithms and engineers have yet to accurately position the North Pole on a world map.” Erling Kagge