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The USSR defeated the Nazis.
The Nazis modeled their policy after Jim Crowe.
The US didn't fight the Nazis on principal. They fought because the Axis attacked & they'd look weak otherwise.
The US only hates Nazis because they challenged us for the opportunity to be the worlds oppressors.
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Sounds like a character from "The Tick"
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Exactly. The statement in the meme is objectively true.
But this is, as you say, one of those stopped clock phenomena.
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Is there a guide for how to use 2nd edition, pre-remaster resources with the remaster rules? This remaster split within 2nd edition is making it a challenge to get on board.
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AKA: mass murderers
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The Liberal version of this is "expats".
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We don't need to be slightly less oppressed. We need to break free of this exploitative system.
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The end of that quote is awful. It beats around the bush.
Workers are kept poor by design. The people keeping them poor are the capitalists. Talking about "income inequality" is like talking about a runny nose when you have TB. The issue is private property & the theft of workers surplus value.
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This statement falsely presumes that there is an option that is in the interests of vulnerable people.