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which people do u follow?
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4) btw cell fusion has been used to fertilize an egg while preserving sperm organelles, which leads to surprising non DNA based inheritances with consequences
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Cell fusion has multiple roles in healthy humans, from organogenesis to tissue repair, and can be a advantage for tumors
most cell to cell fusions instances in adulthood are unknown because the topic is unknown hence understudied
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2) because this has permanent consequences (dna integration, organelles inheritance, etc)
Fusion can also be used in the lab to immortalize a cell that produce a given protein. Historically this has only been used for antibodies production, but in theory it could be used to produce any protein
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Cell to cell fusion is distinct from tunnelling nanotube, extracellular vesicles and endocytosis exchanges of material between cells. (I am not familiar with tunnelling nanotube research btw)
Cells do fuse together, the actual rate and relevance is unknown but probably relevant because
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there is also the understudied question of cell to cell fusion
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That's kinda the plot of this horror manga:
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The most potent T cell upregulator is thymalin btw
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global warming empirically shows a deficit in raining globally
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While the beta lactam selectivity in theory should make beta lactams have low eukaryotic cytotoxicity, in practice for unclear reasons that is far from the case. Beta lactams induce significant oxidative stress which is lower in some other classes.
BTW humans have beta lactam proteins but niche role
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The field and translational state of antibiotic research is in a very poor state. It is criminal that nobody is attempting a dumb lipophillic version of fusidic acid in order to considerably improve cure rates AND reduce antibiotic resistance
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2) Also even if the universe is black per se, the total flux of light is 100% in excess of what is predicted
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There are multiple alternative explanations to the olber paradox, the main one being tired light.
BTW the main competing expanding universe cosmology nowadays are rh=ct and coasting expansion
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how do those percentages compare to an equal weight loss induced through mere caloric restriction?
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btw D-ribose is underatted in bioenergetics and even more so is the ultimate discovery of the century: Skq1
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the mitochondria fuel ratio research is a mess.
ALCAR is very interesting but so is its inhibitor: meldonium
wether improving glucose versus lipid oxidation is preferable is far from clear.
specifically for cardioproection meldonium should be better though
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vit d does not lower cardiac mortality but wonder if it does on emergencies
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Vitamin D does not reduce CV mortality but does reduce all cause mortality
moreover those trials are limited by their durations, some effects even if rare, can accumulate over the whole lifespan
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there are countless benefits of vitamin D
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iirc SLGT2i are better here
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the insane cost-benefit of glp1 to society must be compared to alternatives such as
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RCTs are often inferior to observational studies, it is not intuitive but well eplained in the literature
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Extremely interesting, I wonder if this included neurofilament light chain.
BTW you might be interested in this study
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There was a recent study though about cardiac atrophy.
BTW here is one of the most interesting study in cardiology
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Where is the interview?
also take a look at this
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The most underlooked paradigm shift in climatology is that CO2 alter plants evapotranspiration and cloud seeding via terpenoid synthesis upon drought stress. The consequence is the observed reduction in cloud cover worldwide and the increase in water vapour, the biggest GHG
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One also cannot ignore the role of decreased cloud cover and increased water vapor observed over decades
The true cause of those changes require knowledge in phytochemistry and cloud nucleation
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still no community for cosmology?
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It is a mistake to believe that I consider myself as perfect or as all knowing, the notion of erudition and rationality is 100% relative, meaning that instead of being a megalomaniac you should better see me as a misanthrope
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People are simply extremely ignorant of the topic, if you actually read Wuhan lab papers you will find many hints how what actually happened.
The most enlightening fraud is clarified here
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2) we should be able to reduce this lethality without reducing vaccine effectiveness. It probably is quite trivial through e.g. coadministration of antioxidants or checking baseline biomarkers
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If you consider the VAERS data as false you are in reality denial. The objectivity of those people is off topic to such basic findings.
Also yes vaccines can be a leading cause of sudden infant death and still be a net benefit for small children. However through careful pharmacokinetics we should
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3) or through falsifying the data.
However as you can see in this study the researcher does nothing even if he was fraudulent he could not change the conclusions because this scientific study is not a study, it is merely a dumb query on the VAERS database which is public gov data.
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2) For example the most common fraud in medecine is to publish or not publish a result dependently on wether the conclusions are within the interest (only 1/3 of completed clinical trials are published which is insane).
Or one would falsify the study design either through subtle methods or
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What does it tell? Moreover shallow dismissals must need to make sense. One cannot simply output statements without coherence and meaning.
Hence even if we were to assume there is a conflict of interest with the researcher, you'd have to explain how this conflict could affect the conclusions
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With all due respect this opinion is empirically falsified.
Yes most of transmission is genetically based and there is probably low or no transmission of acquired charachteristics in humans.
But it is undeniably proven and reproduced countless time in rodents, plants
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Of course but this cannot happen, people are 1) too ignorant 2) have too short attention spans 3) are not trained at rationalit, cognitive biases and logical fallacies 4) tribes
For example, how confident are you that ivermectin is effective or ineffective for Covid.
Same question for paxlovid.
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Vaccination and sudden death in small children are extremely collocated
> 78.3 % occurred within 7 days post-vaccination, confirming that infant deaths tend to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration.
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So here is the takeway, by attempting at dismissal and censorship of new contra narrative signals, the strategy backfire (streisand effect, etc). Actually engaging with new controversial evidence would ironically reduce the prevalence of distrust in science and complotism.
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Trust in scientists will keep lowering as will their credibility. New empirical evidence about controversial topics is continuously suppressed, through dishonesty, statistical tricks or plain fraud (e.g. fluoride neurotoxicity, ivermectin).
Until we do better the trend will grow.
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3) there is also the underappreciated matter of cell to cell fusion!
regardless, at least in non humans, epigenetic inheritance exist and has many important roles, including e.g. vernalization.
Moreover besides the topic of transmission, dynamic regulation of genes is essential during life
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2) matters. Moreover the foetus is contaminated by foreign mother cells and the mother is contaminated by foetal stem cells, for the rest of their lifetime actually.
Moreover lymphocytes B from the mother enter the foetus and have extreme "epigenetic" ability via the VDJ.
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I did not read the posts fully but I suppose you will actually start to defend the inheritance of acquired charachteristics in the next 3 posts.
Crucially one has to answer how it actually happens, wether the maternal epigenome has partial transfer, wether information contained in maternal organeles
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What would you say are the strongest points for and against the lab leak hypothesis?
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It has to do with gender mostly.
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Male loneliness and affection deficit is a major problem, brushing it off is extreme apathic behaviour
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The FDA should be renamed the Federal Death Agency