Reader, epicurean, idealist, joker. Probably listening to Wilco or Radiohead or Bruce or Fleetwood Mac right now. Or watching a Dodgers game. Hoping to stave off the end of the American experiment.
9 posts
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Welcome to undefined status. I am a progressive and almost always vote blue, but I am tired of politics as if it's the Red Sox versus the Yankees. Too much of our national divide has been caused by team affiliation.
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Yup. End of empire level dumb.
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They come SO CLOSE to understanding!
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"Will you move swiftly to remove" is a nice tangle. This letter is so dumb it hurts.
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This is like a debate between Pete Buttigieg (Treanor) and Ben Shapiro (Martin). One is clearly intellectually superior and the other is an erstaz commentator engaging in unserious dialogue. We live in such a dumb era.
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And how do we know it's a smoke screen? Because they keep saying those same three words, everywhere and all the time. Every talk show, every press conference, every hearing. It is a concerted effort from leadership to get us thinking they are doing something good instead of something very wrong.
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We're the richest country in the history of the world. We can have affordable/free health care and great public education and we can help countries in need. But somehow we're here, screaming at one another while billionaires become mega-billionaires. Such a tragedy.
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